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A good Dr.1 video

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Just waiting for that upper wing to shred offblink.gif

Edited by quack74

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Amazing! Was this kind of flying possible in the original?

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After reading reports like that of Voss's last fight with 56 Squadron I would imagine it could do even more.



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Wow! That is very cool. Until you see it, you cant really understand what that thing could do! Man could that climb like a homesick angel!

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Did you catch the "belly flop" around 50 sec. into the video? I wonder if he did that on purpose.

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Did you catch the "belly flop" around 50 sec. into the video? I wonder if he did that on purpose.



Just my opinion, but I don't think so. I believe he misjudged his entry speed going into that maneuver. Just before, you can see him put the nose down to build up speed for entry, but I don't think he had enough, and stalled at the tail end of the maneuver. He recovered nicely, though.

Edited by Heck

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I agree, Heck. You can see the stall and you can see him push the nose down quickly to recover.

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Yes, I spotted that 'flick roll' gone-bad right away and had to re-run the video to get a better look. Honestly, on first viewing I felt my stomach wobble in a most sickening fashion; it was such a surprise in what I perceived to be a very controlled event up to that time. I doubt very much it was intentional and bet that gave him a start as well, though judging from his other stunting he is an old hand on that crate.


But you know, it is truly amazing how easily he (and the airplane!) recovered from the stall in so little altitude. Amazing. Very nice video, thanks for sharing. :cool:


Got Hell's Angles on NetFlix a while back and while not an expert on the history of that film at all, I read Hughes used authentic "vintage" aircraft in the stunts (though they wouldn't have been called vintage back then...). Those DVII's were maneuvering with such speed and agility in ways I thought not possible for WWI technology.


In this respect I believe Peter01's FM's are closer to the truth (if such a thing can be achieved) than 'other' WWI sims. I truly get a 'feel' for my bus/crate in FE that I just don't with OFF (not to start a fight here, and not that there is anything wrong with that, that sim excels in other ways...).


Just a few cents...

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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In this respect I believe Peter01's FM's are closer to the truth (if such a thing can be achieved) than 'other' WWI sims. I truly get a 'feel' for my bus/crate in FE that I just don't with OFF (not to start a fight here, and not that there is anything wrong with that, that sim excels in other ways...).


Just a few cents...


Gotta agree with that... :salute:

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I agree about the feel of the FMs. However the video seems to point out one thing lacking in them and that is how quickly you could get into a stall. In game you never get that "Oops! I didn't meant to do that." situation. About the only time I ever stall in game is when I try to climb too quickly without enough airspeed or I hold a turn way too long. You always know its coming.

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In game you never get that "Oops! I didn't meant to do that." situation. ... You always know its coming.


I seem to stall all too often, but maybe some fly closer to edge than others :poke: I asssume you have a FF joystick? It makes a HUGE difference to the way I fly.


Yeah, the stall sound and FF joystick shake give too much warning, that is a very good point (and why I push too far sometimes perhaps...) so maybe that margin of error can be reduced? i.e. start the stick shake and shudder sound a bit closer to stall onset. That'd do the trick! :blink:

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I just splattered a Spad the other night doing just exactly that...After getting three Albies :grin:

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I seem to stall all too often, but maybe some fly closer to edge than others :poke: I asssume you have a FF joystick? It makes a HUGE difference to the way I fly.


Yeah, the stall sound and FF joystick shake give too much warning, that is a very good point (and why I push too far sometimes perhaps...) so maybe that margin of error can be reduced? i.e. start the stick shake and shudder sound a bit closer to stall onset. That'd do the trick! :blink:


No FF. Flying close to the edge is what its all about. Its just the edge doesn't seem too well defined. Maybe that type of behaviour is accurate for the Fokker DVII which reportedly didn't have any nasty habits but others were surely more abrupt and prone to spin. Even then, with the exception of the SPAD XIII and Camel, stalls and spins were fairly straight forward in recovery. I don't know. Perhaps stall speeds are a little too low? :dntknw:

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... I don't know. Perhaps stall speeds are a little too low? :dntknw:


In the Osprey series book on 'Camel vs. Dr1', there is a quote from an advanced training instructor who was watching a newbie Camel jockey get his bus into a spin after a flat turn went bad. He over compensated on the recovery and put it into a spin in the other direction, then over compensated all over again and put it into a spin in the other direction before he managed to get the nose down and recover. So I think 3 spins in total if I remember correctly.


While this is perhaps no big surprise to us (we all know about the Camel's character), BUT the remarkable thing is that he mentioned this all happened within a 1000 feet! Just FYI, and I'll transcribe it to post later.


Raising the stall speed would be interesting, but how it would affect Peter01's carefully tooled and tweaked FM's AND the AI is another story. An experiment worthy of conducting, but I suspect a Pandora's box in the making! Better back up the AC folder :grin:


PS: No FF stick Tailspin??? Next thing you'll be telling us is that you fly with the keyboard!

Gotta try a force feedback stick, it is worth saving up for, maybe Christmas? That's how I justified to the wife all my sim peripherals...

Edited by B Bandy RFC

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