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Vasco's Volunteers v Mick Mannock and 40 Sqn RFC

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I had FRAPS running during the furball during the second mission yesterday - enjoy!




Well done everybody!


Vasco :pilotfly:

Edited by Vasco

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Sunday was a fantastic team effort by everyone!good.gif


Fantastic use of wingmen and tactics from what I saw.


Aside from Von Baurs internet problems I thought the session went smooth!


Beers all around!drinks.gif

Edited by Axgrinder

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Well, I'd probably have enjoyed it more but for a couple of issues. First, my FPS is absolutely s**te, and rarely gets above 10 FPS in MP, and secondly, planes just seem to be bouncing around and appearing and disappearing like nobody's business. Oh, and when I inevitably got shot down by the sniper AI, I respawned near Cambrai, which as far as I could tell was miles and miles away from the action. Ho hum. Oh, and when I did respawn the cockpit of that poxy DV didn't resemble a cockpit, more a plumber's shed, and even deliberately crashing and respawning again didn't change this, although all external views were bob on.


Are my gripes unique?

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Your frame rate issues are normally caused by internet problems or your graphics set to high for your computer to run. The bouncing aircraft seems to be an inherent in-game problem unfortunately. BUT, with the latest patches alot of people have had the problem disappear completely or almost completely. It seems to pop up when planes in great number are flying close together but smooths itself out for most people after a couple of seconds. It's not near as bad as it was.


As far as spawning into a strange looking plane this is what has happened. There are no more player aircraft with cockpits available to fly so the game puts you into an aircraft that is an AI plane without a cockpit. You can still fly it in external or gunsight view. Also if there are no aircraft left in your flight you will spawn in another flight that might be in another location on the map. When that happens you can look on the map to get an idea of where you ended up and fly catch-up or do what i do, Fly around and look for targets of opportunity and have some fun! You've already been shot down so your kills or death won't count anymore anyhow.


No, your gripes are quite common. It's a mystery why some people can have the game run flawlessly while others can't. All we can do is address each issue best we can and hope we can solve them. Here are some of my suggestions.


1. Test your internet speed with an app that you can download online. (maybe someone can suggest a link)

2. Re-install OFF but don't reside it in your Program folder

3. Try different settings in your graphics settings. Maybe run on 3 or 4 and not 5. Clouds are pretty much the same at 2 and 5.

4. Take CFS3 WW2 of your computer. Unless you fly it, you don't need it to run OFF.

5. Post your computer specs so our PC gurus can see if there is something you can fix or change.



Post your PC problems in the General Help forum. You may get more suggestions there.

I hope you get fixed soon Simon!

Edited by Axgrinder

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Hi Ax,


Thank you for that very illuminating and friendly answer. I must confess, on Sunday night when Vasco called it a day after the second mission (which was the only one I participated in), I breathed a sigh of relief, because I simply couldn't take any more of the problems that had been gathering prior to that. I'll try your suggestions, in the order of least severity first. I suspect that my internet link - via wireless - is a problem, and I seem to remember reading somewhere how to increase the strength of a wireless link (it's only to about 20 feet away upstairs, FFS), so I might look for those as well. I'll definitely be ditching CFS3 WWII - I didn't know you could do that - and I'll post my specs up here soon. I think it's quite likely that they're borderline for MP, but, hey ho, I needed a reason to build a new rig...




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I ended both missions yesterday by collision. I need to learn to give the enemy thier personal space. yikes.gifno.gif

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mac first 2 weeks in the spad camp o lost both my aces to collision it happens in here and in real life

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SPAD camp? Now that sounds interesting...what is it?

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SPAD camp? Now that sounds interesting...what is it?



in vascos vouluntters we do campain multi player strictly the month of sept was flying spas for the 94th aero the top piolt ofr that month burning beard was awarded a custome one of a kind teeshirt reflecting that phots willbe forth comeing, currently we are doign a 3 month jasta 4 campaing ending in dec, i belive with the start fo the new year we willbe turing over to fly frech esc for a bit usienghte new adon ac that are forth comeing if they are ready by then and we have tested themm troughly for mp usaeage, we are always askign for moe and more ppl to join us in mp on sundays usally a big turn out, we defintly push the limit on mp on # of ppl that can join in a single mission

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I see... thanks Stumpjumper. As soon as I get stuff downloaded and find a decent headset, I'm there.

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I had FRAPS running during the furball during the second mission yesterday - enjoy!





Well done everybody!


Vasco pilotfly.gif



Excellent video Vasco. I'm jealous of yáll because I've been grounded with mechanical difficulties!


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but not any more


Welcome home Dutch!


Vasco :pilotfly:

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