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Weasel Keeper

Schweeet!!! Got Mine!

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Found out about a 1 day sale at Amazon last weekend and I jumped all over it! I picked up FS2004 for $29.00 with a $20.00 rebate and free shipping. On top of the $10.00 upgrade rebate included in the box for having 2002 Pro...M$ owes me a penny! :D Before I could tell everyone about it, the sale was over the very next morning. Funny thing, they have free shipping for anything over $25 but said it would take longer to receive the package...and you could pay shipping to get it quicker. I sent out my order Friday night (for free shipping, I could wait) and it came in the mail Monday afternoon. Doh!


This sim is great! Although the real weather lately has been sucky (lots of fog around here), the scenery is outstanding and the planes are awesome so far. I've only been flying it a couple times (trying out a few of the new planes) but I love the DC-3.

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great!! this sim is fun...look at the different links I thik we had a thread on that!

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I predict you will be hooked on FS9 very quickly.


It is an awesome sim!




Oh yeah, you will be amazed at the amount of freeware available for FS2004.

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Rgrt! I already own FS2K, 2002 Pro, and now 2004...and got hooked on FS98 on an uncle's computer way back in the day. ;) I've wanted to get 2004 since it came out but couldn't see paying $54 + for it and have seen a lot of sweet add ons.


Now if I only had the patience to fly that Wright Flyer long enough to gain some altitude. I flew it for about three minutes but could only manage about 20ft altitude and had to squeek over the houses...hehe. :lol:


I'll probably mess around with it for a little while before adding anything on for now since I'm still in awe of what's already included and want to try them all. :)


BTW, are folks still flying at the BioHaz server on any set dates?

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Happy you got this one, I try to use BioHaz's server but it get's lonely when you are the only one flying. Let me know when you can fly and I'll try to meet up with you.

Check flightsim.com for some really good addons. I went ahead and bought a membership, for the price it was worth it as I can access the site any time.


Chief, I'll be flying a lot in the next week, first vacatiion in three years, woohoo!!!

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What's the normal type flying situation in the servers? Do you guys do airline/cargo stuff, or just fun kicking around the skies stuff? I suppose I could go either way, but fun is more my speed. *If I can figure out these controls* :)

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for me it's just for fun, somtimes I'll do a hop list and others I file a flight plan and try to keep to it. But for the most part I just try to crash.. err.. land at the end of my journey. B)

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