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Adjustable Turbulence

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Can anyone tell me if it's possible to adjust the turbulence level in the cockpits? I've noticed in some cockpits that the turbulence is pretty 'frisky' and I thought that would be a great thing to have, especially in some of the fast low level strike aircraft grin.gif



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Can anyone tell me if it's possible to adjust the turbulence level in the cockpits? I've noticed in some cockpits that the turbulence is pretty 'frisky' and I thought that would be a great thing to have, especially in some of the fast low level strike aircraft grin.gif


That's not turbulence that's modeled. It's either transonic buffet, or stall buffet. The duration of the transonic buffet, is determined by the aircraft's acceleration in that particular region. Stall buffet is determined by stall values (in degrees of alpha), wing-loading, and airspeed.

Edited by Fubar512

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That's not turbulence that's modeled. It's either transonic buffet, or stall buffet. The duration of the transonic buffet, is determined by the aircraft's acceleration in that particular region. Stall buffet is determined by stall values (in degrees of alpha), wing-loading, and airspeed.



Can it be adjusted?

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Can it be adjusted?


I thought that I'd just explained just that. Where are you experiencing the buffet?

Edited by Fubar512

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Maybe I didn't explain my query properly. I'm on about the 'shaking' effect in (for example) Paladrin's add-on MiG-21MF cockpit. It's pretty noticable in that cockpit and I was wondering if it was possible to apply the same to other cockpits, including stock ones by maybe making changes to an INI file.


BTW, you probably did explain it properly, it's just that technical avation lingo isn't one of my strong points. no.gif

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The only way to "adjust it", is to change values in the flight model....and doing so properly, without rendering the flight model unrealistic or unstable, is somewhat beyond the scope of a simple post-reply. :yikes:


FastCargo is working on a modder's database or wiki to that end.


I will go as far as stating that ThirdWire's MiG-21 series FM is fairly good. The '21MF should have a MaxSpeedSL value of about 390.0-405.0. You could try editing that one value, but it will still buffet as it approaches Mach .92 or so. Notice that the buffeting goes away when the model exceeds Mach 1.

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Thanks for the info, bud. Much appreciated Salute.gif

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