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was on the way back from a succesfull strike when we got word of some enemy near of flight path. They turned out to be IL-28s and so i sent my wingman home and attacked.


Took multiple hits and exploded.


Too bad, i was growing rather fond of David. Ended his career with 26 kills. 24 in a Mirage, 2 in the F-100.


I'll have new info later and will start a new pilot tommorrow.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Sorry for your pilot Lt. Salute.gif


It seems that the IL-28 gunners had at least 2 DiD pilots on their hunting table.

Edited by Cliff11

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Already flew a mission with my new pilot. Will give details when i get back from work.


With this one, i know that i'm going to go all the way! :cool:


Just have to keep from doing stupid things!

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I was about to join DiDs with a campaign in 1968, with Maine ANG "MAINEiacs" Voodoos, but when chasing a Blinder i was so mad when i missed all four Falcons that i rammed it, so i´m out of this by now. I don´t recommend you to ram anything in DiD.

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Ok, my last pilot just crashed because i was so busy trying to take care of my wingmwn instead of just running for safety. I'm not even going to bother declaring him because even on the first mission it was apparent that it would be a sick joke in the end


So i decided that if i'm going into harms way, i'm going to do it on my own.


Thomas Simmons












PS-Glad to see you Macelena. Pick a pilot, plane, campaign and go for it!

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Okay here's my next Pilot... Ooorah...


Yup Marines


2nd Lt Jon "Kipper" Murphy


VMA-542 Tigers Buldern Highway Strip


First Sortie to kill a fuel tank.


4 Ship loadout mixed bomb's and clusters guns and a pair of winder's


Take of from the road was interesting and soon we checked in with Sentry 11 and headed to target with not a lot going on near us heard some fighting further south but near us nothing went into bomb and blew the living be jesus out of a Scud launcher park and headed home when we got a vectored to intercept a 4 ship of Su-22's and they didn't last long I can tell you... and thne it was dodging some Mig-21's and home...

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Looks like things have kicked off and so we are in business!


The first mission took me and my back seater Timmy the Comp, on our way to Czechoslovakia. Ivan picked the right waether to lauch an offensive because it is truly lousy weather to fly in. Rain, clouds and zero visibility in some areas.


We took off and made our way towards Neuburg at 20,000ft. We knew this would probaly entail lots of low level flying so we also carried a 600gallon tank in addition to he usual wing tanks. Once past the nav point we veered south east and began the long flight to the IP climing to 25,000 to get a little more fuel endurance just in case. By now we had hear reports from action going on over the central area of the front. Seems that the Soviets were up in force and came for a fight!


For Timmy and me, it was a matter of keeping watch on the RWR and our fuel gauges. The closer we got to the IP the more we noticed a indication that certainly meant a early warning radar had us and certainly were letting someone know where we were going along with all kinds of info about us as well.


About 35 miles from the IP we noticed that the RWR flickered a few times as if something out there was trying to lock us at long range.


It was getting rather persistent, so 20 miles from the IP we went on down.


When we hit the IP and turned towards the target area i noted with dismay that a radar still had us. To us, that indicated that something was at altitude with a look down capability.


Hoping against my worst fears we flew on. No matter what, we could not escape the tracking and all we could hope was that there were no SAMs in the area.


At 15 miles out the worst became reality. It came out of the clouds ahead of us at 11 0'clock and we got a perfect view as it flew past us.




Damn if we didn't run into the best thing Ivan had to get us!


At least we had the satisfaction of knowing he would take him a bit to turn on our 6 so we got straight and level at 1,0000ft and hit full burners. By now we realized that there were no sams but lots of guns se we lit up the ECM and pumped out chaff as we overflew the target and took our photos.


Now the trip home was going to be interesting!


Full bore and back on our route. Sure enough the MIG was right on us. Timmy could see him when i was jinking and dodging trying to keep him from getting a lock on us for a missle shot. Damn was he fast! I always wished they could have made made a photo version of a F-105. I've always heard the Vietnam guys tell me that there was nothing faster ever made for low level work and now i really wanted to be in one badly.


The weather and terrain both helped and hindered. The German/Czech border is pretty hilly and so was made for low level flyers. The problem was sometimes not seeing a bit of dirst and trusting to the instruments and the terrain aviodance feature on our radar.


When the MIG fired the first missle, i knew we would have to do something more desperate.


Rolling left, i pulled for all we were worth and broke all the way into the bastard. Bet he wasn't expecting that! Pulled hard again, back onto course and full burners to get the speed up.


This went on a few more times, i almost killed us when i broke into a missle that was coming and when past the Mig, i rolled us onto oue backs intending to immelman and dive to get more speed. What i didn't anticipate was getting disorientated.



Forget about it, i lost all track of up down the ground, our course, the MIG,...EVERYTHING!


By chance saw a pactch of ground and figured it all out. Timmy was in as bad a shape as i was and to make it worse, we had more company. The RWR showed that two more were out there on us.


Oh well, if we are going to be a victory marker on some plane, let's make the pilot work for it.


Every few seconds i would check our fuel and we seemed to have plenty, but how long before we had to make a straight line run and be predictable?


Finally we got a real break.


Pulling hard once again i began what was to be a horizontal figure 8 pattern and sure enough the MIG went on by us. I saw a large flash and thought it was a missle shot but lo and behold!




We were so happy!


Back onto course and a few manuvers later we learned that our new pursuers were Mig-23s.


Now i felt really confident about getting away, now way is that Russkie hunk of junk catching us now. and sure enough, they broke off soon after.


So back to Neuburg at low level we went. Zooming over the base at about 100 ft i then pulled the stick back and full burneres to the heavens.


It was nice to see the sun again!



Our second mission was a bit easier. Our flight path actually took us BEHIND a large mass of enemy fighters and so we got in and out with no problems.


The only hassle was heading home. We were flying at 30,000 heading parallel to the front lines, a MIG-23 came up from our 9 and tried to set up on us.


Yeah right!


We broke into him and played chicken then split S'ed back onto our original flight path on full burners. He got the hint and decided to go home. You better be riding something better than that to catch us!

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I should be able to start a new DiD campaign soon.

I had one going as an F-15 pilot but he died so soon, I didn't even bother to post about it. Stupid mid-air collision with another F-15...:suicide2: :mad:


Next one will be an A-10A in NF4+. Haven't tried a pure A2G sqn yet so I'll see how it goes.

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For some reason i was on a roll with this guy and didn't want to jinx him so i was avoiding details until his tenth mission.


Well, got distracted by concern for my fellow pilots in in a hazardous situation and was a sitting duck for a MIG-19.


I got a new guy by the name of Paul Peterson. He should be flying Thuds in WOV Gold but don't quote me on that. I'll post his missions as they happen.



I should be flying again tommorrow.

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This is the 10th mission of my current pilot, my best till then.



10th mission


2Lt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 11.06 – Landing : 13.05


Target : Parchim, CAP


1 MiG-19


Hammer 11 : 2Lt Sean Rosewood


Hammer 12 : 2Lt Gerald Day


Hammer 13 : Capt Rolland Kullman


Hammer 14 : 2Lt Jerry Watson


Report :


We performed a combat air patrol over Parchim.


As promised, Jerry Watson was on duty for this mission, my number 2 was Gerald and Capt Kullman was number 3, a very good team! I decided to fly lower than the flight plan required to avoid difficult situation if we were targeted by SAMs. We needed the protection of the ground, so 5000ft was high enough.


Reaching way point 4, tactical control called to warn us about bandit on our 11. We headed for an interception course and I locked on them. Exactly when we had the “engage” call, I launched my AIM-26B at one of them and took him out. We were closing to the remaining bandit when I realize he was on a landing pattern, it was a MiG-19. He was slow and low and I overtook him twice without being able to have a good lock launching my AIM-4Gs without success. Gerald got a lock and launched his SuperFalcon, but the missile missed the MiG and hit the runway. The MiG has landed and the triple A was becoming dense, so I called for my wingies and we turned back home.


During the debriefing, I was disappointed when Kullman and Jerry told me they didn’t have a single opportunity to shoot at that lucky MiG-19.



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Just managed to do a mission in my A-10 campaign. I'm flying with the 92nd T.F.S (Skulls).

Against the odds, Mark Swain survived the mission & received the Silver Star.








The first was a C.A.S mission which seemed fairly standard until our F-15 escorts bugged out when there was still a couple of MIG-23s left, which then attempted to engage my flight.

I don't think I've ever managed to turn an A-10 so quickly. :blink: It's hardly an F- series dog-fighter but the AIM-9s worked well enough. Score 2 MIGs!

Very happy with that mission, just got to hope others are ok to.

Edited by Josh543

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Just dropped by to give a quick report on Peterson.


He's flying a CF-5 for the RCAF in 1979 WOE and had a semi succesful first mission doing CAS over the Fulda gap. Got two MIG 21 gun kills after missing with the AIM-9s.


Lost his wingman (who bailed out fine) and vows revenge!


Screenshots and specific info next post.

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So this is my new campaign.


The first was a rather cut and dried mission. I'm still peeved at my wingman getting outmanuvered and shot down.


The mission on the 19th was a doozy! :grin:


Took off on a Recce mission with Pilot Officer Clive Spence. The weather was beautiful and we plotted the course with hunting for the enemy before turning for home. The Recce run was no big deal, we flew low and noted some Soviet AAA in the area that was no threat to us. What was enticing was a big fight about 50 miles away due west of the target area and a bogie that was not too far away from us and headed north west from the same place were were going.


As soon after we turned to follow the bogie, the action started. First off, it was a major surprise when a flash of light behind me got my attention. Apparently, Spence, who was behind me after the turn was hit and exploded. At first i thought we flew over a gun position we didn't see but when i pulled the plane into a tight turn i could see a pair of MIG-21s.


Tanks punched and into the enemy i go.


After a few turns i noted two things. One-the MIGs split and it was one on one. Two- The one i was fighting was defensive and manuvered well to deny me a good sight picture. After a bursts i realized that it would be a waste of ammo with this guy and decided to see what would happen if i gave him an out. I broke and dove west as if i was running for home and he took the bait.


He went off at high speed east as i whipped the plane around and selected a Sidewinder. I closed on him slowly but he had too big a head start and i was woried that if i went too far he would lead me to some SAM sites somewhere. So at 3.9 miles i got a good tone and let fly.


I was hoping my speed would give the missle a boost and that's what most likely occured, it tracked the Mig down and got him.


I was satisfied with that alone and so turned back west. By this time i knew that survivors from the brawl we were monitering on the radio would be coming this way and that's what happened.


Got a number of choices and picked out a lone MIG-27. The fist gun run damaged him, couldn't get the angle on the second and so decided to dispatch him with a missle. I had to be a bit patient with him seeing as he was doing all he could to avoid being an easy target. At one point, he was in a slight climb and wings level so i fired and the missle tracked true.


The next two kills were rather spectacular.


Turing after the missle kill, a pair of Mig-27s went streaking by me at high speed. Pulling on their six at about mile and a half, i went full burner and dropped the nose to get more speed. Closing in, i fired a few short burst at the element leader and got him as i closed to within 400 meters. Furiously kicking the rudder, i put the sights on the wingman, fired and had to pull up hard to avoid the sudden disintergration of his aircraft.


Reapeating the process with another 27, i ran out of ammo just as i got to the perfect range.


Oh well,so back onto the planned course and back home.


I didn't see weather Spence got out or not so they've listed him as MIA. Provided he did bail out and was ok, he was in a decent place to E and E.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Two of us make an unopposed low level run on the target and miss with 5 SnakeEyes each!


Gunned down two MIG- 21s as we were forming up to head home but still, we failed in our primary mission.


Looks like dive bombing from now on.

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Been really busy here at the front so i haven't been able to keep things up to date.


The Grossenhain mission was really a disapointment because we did some good damage to the base and got away from the area before some Migs could succesfully engage us. However, my wingman flew too uncautiously and was killed by a SAM a few miles from safety.


The kills have been coming on nice. I love dogfighting MIG-23s. They don't manuver as well as 21s and make a larger target as well.

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One hell of a big brawl!


A really big Soviet force of Mig23s and 27s were engaged by German F-4s, US F-15 and our CF-5s.


Being supplied with the American Aim 9s is really making a difference. It has radically incresed the amount of kills we are getting. If it wasn't for the crappy weather we probaly could have gotten a few more.


The only sticking points were SQN LDR Bourke crashing during the fight and PLT OFF Simes getting shot down by a MIG23 just before we could go to his rescue.


I hope he makes it back soon.

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Just a little update...


I've flown a number of missions since the last post but still haven't done the AARs. I'll make sure to get them and a summary tommorrow. The front seems to have stabilized and the Sovs aren't making any offensive moves.


This campaign is somewhat of a drag also.


As a matter of fact, i started another campaign flying a Marine A-6 and was bored to death before i even reached the target. Going Downtown would be much better but my comp can't handle it so i'm probaly getting a new one in a few months.


In the meantime, i'll do what i can to get back to flying a Spad. That plane and WOV GOLD got the hooks in me and i really miss the action and uncertainty.

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At last, back in the cockpit! yess.gif



11th mission


1Lt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 12.06 – Landing : 13.17


Target : Milowice, Escort Ford flight (4 F-4D)


1 MiG-17


Lion 11 : 1Lt Sean Rosewood


Lion 12 : 2Lt Billy Pickett


Lion 13 : Capt Rolland Kullman


Lion 14 : 1Lt Edward Thomas


Report :


Today is the memorial day of the end of WWI, 50 years.


We’re going over Czechoslovakia, escorting a F-4 flight.


We took off and I decided to fly slower and lower than the flight plan, to save fuel and to protect from SAM launches. Of course we were late but Ford flight never reached their target ; they just RTBed before they attacked. We didn’t know that and while over Praha we engaged a MiG-17 which was marauding near a pair of SEAD F-4. I fired an AIM-4F but the missile didn’t climb enough to hit the MIG.


I started a dogfight with that MiG-17 (how silly!) and asked Billy to help me. I stalled several times but I refused to give up. I was thinking how bad was the situation when the MiG reached my six o’clock and fired at me. I decided to break up but I stalled once again and after recovering I called to form up and leave the area. The MiG was still there but I was behind him. I launched an AIM-4G and the MiG turned to avoid it. I launched a second AIM-4F that shot him down.


Lion 13 and 14 were engaging another MiG, but they stopped their fight and each opponent turned back.


Where is Billy?


Capt Kullman and Ed Thomas didn’t saw anything. On the way back, we met another MiG but we stayed each on his side, for I didn’t want to run out of fuel.


We landed and it was obvious that 2Lt Billy Pickett had been shot down over Praha. Later in the evening, we had good news : Billy had been rescued, wounded but still with us!


I got promoted to Captain grade, I was 1Lt for only 5 days. I didn’t even change my rank in my previous reports…

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I have to finish that :)



12th mission


Capt Sean Rosewood


87th FIS, Wiesbaden-Erbenheim – F-106A Delta Dart




Take off : 13.06 – Landing : 13.50


Target : Osnabrück, Sweep


1 MiG-19, 2 IL-28


Ford 11 : Capt Sean Rosewood


Ford 12 : 2Lt Norman Howerton


Ford 13 : Capt Rolland Kullman


Ford 14 : 1Lt Edward Thomas


Report :


I was nervous for this one. I don’t know why, maybe a bad feeling or something.


Sweep over Osnabrück, we must protect the area from enemy strikes.


The flight was rather short and we were right on time. The problem was I didn’t know which spot on the scope was the most important target to deal with. I chose the furthest and a tactical controller radioed me to engage the closest. As a matter of fact we were in range to launch the weaponry!


I launched my SuperFalcon and made a 180 turn to shot the bandit from the rear. I thought that my wingmen didn’t have the time to place themselves in his 6 and there was no probability for a friendly fire, so I fired an AIM-4G and the bandit exploded. It was an IL-28 and I saw one of the crew who did eject successfully floating under his chute.


I made another wide 180 turn to go back to the fight and I locked on another bandit. We were coming head to head so I didn’t try to launch a missile and after another turn I was behind the other IL-28. He was low and was trying to escape. My second AIM-4G went to the ground, but the last AIM-4F did the job.


I called for my wingmen to rejoin, one of them had increased his score.


Back to Wiesbaden, there were 8 F-100s in there landing pattern, so we had to be a little patient. Norman overtook me and landed first and I touched the ground a bit too close to the edge of the runway on the right side to avoid a mishap with Kullman. I can’t believe it! I didn’t reported the incident because my own approach was terrible but there were loud words during the debrief. Maybe some of us need some days off.


Anyway, Capt Kullman took out a MiG-19 and with my two IL-28s, I had a citation for the DFC.



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Late Sept/Early OCT79


It's been such a pain in the @#$ in the real world that having to deal with the gallery feature filled me with a form of dread.


Very few losses to MIGs. SAM is the main threat and by now we can only deploy two flights. We've been doing a number of strike missions lately. That's nice since we have learned to stick around the target area for a while and engage MIGs as they are vectored to our area. Another tactic is come in a little later than other flights heading into the area, drop bombs on the target and engage MIGs that scarely have any idea that we are there since the American F-15s usually have them on the defensive.


Have had two pilots make ace with a few more that have kills. I'll post their names next time. If only the squadron could be more agressive!

Edited by Lt. James Cater

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Was shot down by a MIG-23 after my flight went tard.


Will post screenshot later. Am taking a break due to burnout and the real world intruding.

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