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Aiming circle

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I bought a new computer partly to play this game. I've installed the v1.32 Super patch then the v1.32g mini patch. On my old computer I had an yellow aiming circle and dot (for aiming when in single player) when I turned off the cockpit view. With my new install, on the new computer, the aiming circle and dot is gone. I've gone through my downloads and can't find (or remember) how I got that aiming circle installed.


I realize using the off cockpit view and the aiming circle is pretty lame when realism is one of the perks of this game -- but once in a while I just want to have fun without sweating so much!


Can anybody help me get this aiming circle back on my new install?




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Crokett, I did a search but couldn't find the Gunsight

Would make sense that it's in Controls/Display or View Commands but I didn't find anything

In-game I hit F3 to toggle the Virtual Cockpit and I had no gunsight either so it's not your set-up

Maybe someone else knows the details

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i think jarhead's right.....F3 toggles the virtual cockpit on and off...F5 toggles the overlay of instruments, info box, and the aiming reticle.

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Why not fly it like a fighter pilot - with a fighter around you?

Harder, of course, but much more simulating the real thing.

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"Why not fly it like a fighter pilot - with a fighter around you?

Harder, of course, but much more simulating the real thing."


Because I must not be a very good pilot -- I can't make it through a mission without getting killed. Makes me appreciate the actual WW I pilots a whole lot more! Most of them faced certain death -- and they knew it!



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So true, Crockett12.

I just thought to encourage you to get the full immersion.

You can make a lot of settings easy in "Workshop", and use the "pause" key to regain

an overview. It IS surely very hard to "remain hooked" to an opponent.

Do you use TrackIR?

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"Why not fly it like a fighter pilot - with a fighter around you?

Harder, of course, but much more simulating the real thing."


Because I must not be a very good pilot -- I can't make it through a mission without getting killed. Makes me appreciate the actual WW I pilots a whole lot more! Most of them faced certain death -- and they knew it!



I think we've all been there at 1 point or another

Here's a few tips:

1. Always clear your tail before attacking (TAC and/or visually)

2. Stay high in the fight

3. If your opponent dives, let him go (esp. in a tight dogfight)

4. Gain tactical advantage before attacking (height & numbers)

5. If you get damaged, turn & go home

6. Protect your wingmen (the more of them around, the less pressure on you)

7. You can be more aggressive on your side of the lines, but when crossing into enemy territory, be more conservative


Best method is to attack the highest opponent, drive him down

...then hit the next highest guy, etc.

The victories will come, best not to worriy about them til the OFF Manager rejects your claim grin.gif


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"Dicta Duce" is good advice!

Especially over enemy terrain don't take ANY risks at all - cause even then, there still is Flak.

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"Dicta Duce" is good advice!

Hmmm Dicta Duce ...maybe I'll name my next pilot Oswald ...Oswald Blucher

But not too soon I hope

secret.gif Shhhhh! I'm quietly sneaking up on my 2nd best pilot in BH&H so far

Reseting both OFF & cfs3 has really helped

This bloke has only been hit by friendly Ack-Ack only once ...and he survived

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That wouldn't be the brother of Frau Blucher would it ? rofl.gif

More like the whole flippin family!

After getting hit repeatedly by frienly AcK-Ack, I decided it was just butchery ...hence the name Blucher

Johann, Franz, Gerhard, they all got blasted outta the sky


Say wouldn't this make a great face to model Olham's moving AI heads on? grin.gif


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Evening Gentlemen,


Regarding this "little circle" (which until now I have always called a gun sight):


I wanted to change it, as one could, say for example, in Red Baron. (Essentially I would like a cross hair, because flying Albatrosses you don't get that nice central cross, and the "iron sight" view in F6 gives me a view "jump" which is hard to get used to. (Yes, you get the view jump changing to and from F3 (cockpit toggle) too, but at least you can quickly see the enemy.)


I found the reticle_xx.dds files and the reticule.dds files in the OFF ...\aircraft\shared folder, and it appears that the little one (reticule.dds) is the one which is used in the single player game.


I fiddled a bit with it using CorelPaint, dutifully copied it back in to its original folder and .... nothing had changed!


Then, I tried it in Multiplayer, and my little cross was there!!!!


Is there a way of altering the gunsight in the single player game?


Regards and thanks,





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