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Guest British_eh

Rocket/Bombs View

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Guest British_eh

Hello Gentlemen:


It would seem the easiest is to ask. How do you get the Rocket/Bomb View?






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immediatly after you hit realease,,,hit f9.....


but is not a "camera view" as you might expect,,,its pretty much the same type of view if you target,,and scroll thru the f4...


but its still pretty neat



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The rockets were that slow? Or was it just that you had to be so close to your target to hit anything with them?

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Ok, so you're using the CFS3 rockets because you're stuck with them? I can vouch for them, I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn from 20 ft. with those things, much less another aircraft... And obviously WWII rockets would be better than WWI rockets, so there you go.


That's one reason I bought the sim, to realize in some limited way just what it was that these guys were up against. Too many in America take 'way too much for granted.


I've since become jaded, but I remember my first "kill" in CFS2. I'd sidled my Corsair up close to a zero and let him have a burst as he passed in front of me - and the durn thing just exploded. And I don't play violent games of any sort, and I was just stunned. I mean, sure it had to be done, but at the end of the day, he'd just wanted to go home and live in peace, as did I - if it were real, of course...

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"I mean, sure it had to be done, but at the end of the day, he'd just wanted to go home and live in peace, as did I - if it were real, of course..."


I"m sure the guy in the Zeke would have done the same to you, given the chance, regardless.



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