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Is Somebody Building an AP-2H Neptune?

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Are Pappy, Tracker, and Champions working on this.


I've been flying the snot out of thier P2V-7 with a modified data ini for the weapon load and having a grand time if I don't get bounced by MIGs. The bird definatly needs the twin 20mm in the tail and the 40mm grenade launcher in the bay.

:assassin: CL

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Oh, I hope so.


I'd alos like to see the earlier versions for Korean era.


I have the "Warpaint" on the Neptune of pdf if anyone wants it (skinners and other modders and such)



kevin stein

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Yes please Kevin..

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ok, then, I'll get it zipped up and posted to my site.


I'll put the link in this thread, probably later tonight or tommorrow. Got GREAT profiles and pictures of ALL users of the Neptune


I even have this really crappy, really old!! Hangar Screen I made for a long time ago....



kevin stein

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A P2V-7 with mad stinger and guppy radome was used to develop the AP-2H. On that note I tweeked the data and avionics on "my" P2V-7 so it has ECM, terrain avoidance radar, and more weapons choices. for the pylons I didn't mess with the load weight. Still no 2 X 20 Mike Mike in the tail or the grenade launcher in the bay. I haven't installed any AN/ALE-29A chaff and flare dispensers. Perhaps Wrench can give us good locations for some. These files are what I go feet dry in my Neptune with:


At least you can make the napalm / snakeye bomb salad now. I'm still dreaming about these accessories:




:ninja: CL

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This is what I have now.

I scrapped in the 2 X 20MM tail gun from Capun and Russo's B-47, cut and pasted in 2 X 40mm grenade launchers as internal guns, deleted the bombay group so I could have more weapon groups but that was where they put the grenade launchers anyway. It still needs LLTV, Flares, Chaff and a visual model that matches the armament. The muzzle flash from the tail gun doesn't come anywhere out of the MAD stinger or even the airplane. Still tho, give this new ini a try. Mount your SUU-11s on the inboard wing racks, group 6, season the other wing racks to taste with CBUs, Nape, Snakeyes or even a Bullpup or Walleye. Rolling in on a truck coloumn in the dead of night with the 2(or more)miniguns and grenade launchers barking is like nothing else I've done in WOV.Its pretty wicked on radar sights too.


:assassin: CL

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