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Is possible to erase the antennas of the MF Neshers in order to have French Mirage 5?? As you can see, those ones don't carry antennas near the cockpit








Will be great to have them removed if possible.




Also, anyone know where to get a good template for WOI Neshers? The one available is pretty poor.

Thanks a lot

Edited by Stratos

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And there's something wrong with TMFs BAF Mirage 5????



kevin stein

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Kevin the nose is different in both models, I prefer the Nesher needle one. Will be possible to erase the antennas trough ini edit??

Christian, I will like to use SF2 Mirage5D, but I will need a good template for those ones. If anyone know one

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Stratos: absolutely! using the Bpao Remove Component Edit Technique (patent pending) ™


provided, of course, we can find the mesh name, a simple text edit.

I can't seem to find my TMF Nesher, but on the BAF M.5, there's a listing in the OUT for vhf. Probably safe to assume that might be the blade antenna



kevin stein

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Now I only need to know where to find those tutorials about ini edition, so I can erase the antennas myself, or hire a good mooder to do it for me :)

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Well, I fiddlized with it for about an hour last night, and all the obivous items (antena_ru, tacan -which is listed twice) didn't do anything. Every time I went in game after the edit, that cursed upper blade antena was sitting there, giving me the finger!


Next would be the "un-obvious" things, like those named "objet". Do 'em one at a time and see when it disappers


May have to wait and see if Sony weighs in with more info



kevin stein

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Apreciatte the effort Kevin, unfortunately I have no idea about this kind of modding so I will need to wait until an expert appears. Again, thanks a lot for your efforts

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front blade is Objet03

rear blade is tacan


My setup is (SF1 series)...it seems some meshes need the "_ok" and this tacan is one of them (but not Objet03). Confusing? I always add the _ok.

























haha Wrench I've been plugging away at a new 6-MMmap (10-MMmap hopefully) and I got this from C5 to help out here. Figure I do some "normal" contributing for a change. For the last 15 minutes, rushing around trying to find these blades, every time I closed the Nesher OUT and DATA files, I click the icon for...


...TERRAIN EDITOR banghead.gifWhine.gif




hey Wrench your right 2 x tacans wozop with that? Anyways this takes out both blades for me.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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But what an 'odd' thing to have to add. Does adding _ok tell them game engine it's "OK" to remove this??? :rofl: (sorry, I just had to do that!!)



kevin stein

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Excuse my ignorance, but in order to erase the antennas, I need to change the entries in the DATA.ini by those new ones posted by Lexx??

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no, you need to ADD them to the data ini, in the [AircraftData] section, as below:






































With the visual result as seen in the attached screenie.


This is nothing harder than the simplest text edit; a copy/paste. Just use the data I've highlighted, and all will be well.

Now, the next question is, after all is said and done, will these various and sundry mods you've been working on be released to The Community? Be nice to see these available to everyone!



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Thanks to both of you guys, really apreciatted!! Dhimar!! Here we go!!

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That thread should be re-localized to the KB, it's a pure gem. ohmy.gif


Lexx_Luthor, you are terrific!

Edited by FrankD

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bpao is terrific. :salute:


btw...notice the mesh of concern is named "Objet" and not (presumably) "Object" so beware that even among the hardcore 3D modding set, misspellings are made, from time to time. Oddities like that you always keep in mind when examining the OUT or LOD files.




Wrench_ok :stars::frantic:


Yea that _ok thing is an odd one. But it seems to *always* make things work.

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