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Black Hawk Down

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Last night I saw this dvd for the first time. What a story was that there in Somalia.

What a nigthmare for those who have been there. Helo's down, people get killed. I remember the pictures of the dead soldiers on tv about this incident. After this dvd I know now what a hell it was for the soldiers. The U.N. get in that land to give, hope, peace and food. And now? It is still a civilian war. The Somalians learnt after all those years nothing about it.




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It is truly an amazing story for the U.S. troops. Going into it soem more peaked my fascination when I read about Mike Durant, the other Blackhawk pilot that was shot down but survived to be captured. On another note, I wish I could get Vicki to understand what it means to be a Soldier/Sailor/Airman/Marine and serve your country. When we watched the movie, she kept asking about the two Delta snipers, "Why don't they get out of there, the guy's dead anyway?" She, like soooo many others doesn't understand, and I'm having a hard time getting her to. She, like the others out there (not all) cannot corrilate the pride of serving one's country with honor, defending it, and helping your teammates come home alive. I wish there was a button I could press tp change that. We might have more people actually supporting the troops then just saying it.


/Sorry, needed to vent a little. Semper Fi all! S~

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I was fortunate enough to read the book before seeing the movie. There are noticeable differences between the two. You get SO much more background info from Mark Bowden's rendition. Wow.... :blink:


I recommend the book to anyone who is at all interested in this chronicle.

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I was fortunate enough to read the book before seeing the movie.  There are noticeable differences between the two.  You get SO much more background info from Mark Bowden's rendition.  Wow....  :blink:


I recommend the book to anyone who is at all interested in this chronicle.

I agree! I also read the book before I saw the movie and it goes into a lot more detail.

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Thanks for the tip guys. :P I shall buy the book.

I know you can read more about things than seeing in a movie.




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