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mp question

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I just reinstalled my BHAH and also purchased the new addon.


I installed the official superpatch and minipatch from the off web site.


Then tonite, I read about having to install a diff superpatch to be able to fly mp?


I'm confused, as to whether I've installed the correct patches.


I'm also wondering if the addon will affect the mp?


thx in adv



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tb, in addition to what you have, there is the madmat installer, which you can get here...http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=33784


The sunday campaign group flies with additional files that you will need to fly with them.


If you give a date/time that you want to try out some flying online, post whats good for you, and someone will be glad to get you sorted...


at this time, teamspeak is pretty much a diffinate needme...its so much easier to be able to walk someone thru things when you can talk to them.


most the info you need is here..http://forum.combatace.com/topic/38466-sitting-ducks-multiplayer-tutorial-please-read/

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tb, in addition to what you have, there is the madmat installer, which you can get here...http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=33784


The sunday campaign group flies with additional files that you will need to fly with them.


If you give a date/time that you want to try out some flying online, post whats good for you, and someone will be glad to get you sorted...


at this time, teamspeak is pretty much a diffinate needme...its so much easier to be able to walk someone thru things when you can talk to them.


most the info you need is here..http://forum.combatace.com/topic/38466-sitting-ducks-multiplayer-tutorial-please-read/

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Thx for the reply s-d, I'm used to TS, so no problem I'll just need the ts config info and reinstall that.


I'm in Eastern Stad Time, and Saturday morning 9-12 would be perfect for me, but I can be available anytime on Sat.


Yes, I would appreciate assist to get mp sorted out, for sure!




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great,,im in edt too.. (boston)...


have a delivery route sat,,and some other things to catch up on,,,but will post when i might be able to get on when i get back. doubt it will be anytime before 3ish thouh


am suppose to catch up with axe this evening around 730,,,,if your free,,,join in

Edited by sitting_duck

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Tonight would be a good night to test your MP game and get it squared away! Looks like Duck might have a new mission for us to try out. I have a couple surprised up my sleeve too if everything works OK.drinks.gif

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Tonight would be a good night to test your MP game and get it squared away! Looks like Duck might have a new mission for us to try out. I have a couple surprised up my sleeve too if everything works OK.drinks.gif



lol...hey,,dont be spreading rumors.....the only thing i have is pds new mission...which i played last nite and hadda ball.


TB, if you plan on joining,,,all the teamspeak info and other links are here http://forum.combatace.com/topic/38466-sitting-ducks-multiplayer-tutorial-please-read/

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dang I just saw your messages and I gotta go crash now.


Oh well, tomorrow's Friday, maybe tomorrow evening would work out?

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Hi SD and TB if you guys don't mind I would like to join you. I am free from 6:00 EDT to about 9:00 EDT maybe later then that to, depending if my brother is going to kick me off the computer or not. If thos times work for you I will join. If not then there is always Sunday. By the way SD why don't you ever join Vascos missions? I see that you have a plane but never do I see you.

Edited by Av8er

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Also could you get me squared away for a personal skin? I have 6 kills now...yess.gif

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Hi Gents!


I'd like to join in too.

I have "Hat in the Ring" installed, but it's been almost a month since I've joined an OFF MP session, and I need to verify my files and config.

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Hi Gents!


I'd like to join in too.

I have "Hat in the Ring" installed, but it's been almost a month since I've joined an OFF MP session, and I need to verify my files and config.



so do i

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I will try and be around at 7:30 pm. No guarantees. I might be wrangled into last minute x-mas shopping by the wife. A couple of the younger kids are going to be gone and it's easier to slip stuff past em when they're not home!

Edited by Axgrinder

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will be on around 7ish edt...will be on teamspeak, and will check forum for anyonw who has a problem with teamspeak......

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It's 7:30 edt and I am TS right now. Time to get in here and fly boys!drinks.gif

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It is now 8:30 edt. I am no longer on TS. I waited 30 minutes and no one got on TS. Maybe later or next time.meeting.gif

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been out xmas shopping will be aroudn tommorw tho im off and no where to be havent flown in like 3 weeks so please guys


been out xmas shopping will be aroudn tommorw tho im off and no where to be havent flown in like 3 weeks so please guys

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