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A Picture Says It All...

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This picture may be doctored, but I still like it anyway. Says a lot.


Navy Chief

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LOL.... :lol: :lol:

lets say that the french need to have there hands a little bit dirtier

in order for them to speak the way they do

the russians are in bad shape (look at there nuclear ships and subs)

lets not talk about the germans :|

Edited by Nesher

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The Russians are broke, and what the hell do they have to do with anyone anyway, keep the commies in their country, and all will be well :rolleyes:


Once we declare a world war against conventional forces, the Germans will come onboard.... out little wars just arent big enough for them.


And the French, C'mon Chief, you know what I think we should do with the French.

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Hey Snapple,


Oh yes, I do recall your having some rather "choice" comments on them.



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I don't think the French troops are the problem..I was lucky enough to have served with them in Beruit and they were very professional and had great MREs which they traded with us(until they tried ours,then no more trading :D ).It's governments that dictate policy and unfortuately this time the French and now the Spanish have very weak minded governments.If you ask the French or Spanish soldiers what they think..they'd love to help,thats what soldiers do.The Russia army is made up of alot of conscript soldiers and they currently can't afford to deploy them,with their economic state...just my opinion.

So I can't say anything bad against their militaries...just their governments.

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I agree with you, Dagger. It is the governments of those countries who are the problem.


I definitely do not hold any grudges against the soldiers themselves.



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Agreed. In WW2, it wasnt the soldiers will to fight in France that lost them the fight. They were betrayed by their own leaders lack of will. The later resistance movement in France proved the ability of its people to fight. Been reading a lot about the WW2 resistance movement lately. The Danes and lower countries, Norway, France, Poland all had a very strong resistance against Germany. Fascinating reading.

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