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OT Avatar the Movie

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First time I have watched a 3d Movie!...wow!...incredible!...Can't wait for Games to be made in 3d

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Yes, it does have spectacular effects. You really can't see it from the characters that they are computer-generated.


Now imagine a real 3D OFF - though maybe it would be a bit too realistic and exciting for old people. :grin:

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First time I have watched a 3d Movie!...wow!...incredible!...Can't wait for Games to be made in 3d

Haven't seen Avatar yet but it looks great

There are 3D Glasses available that'll plug into your USB

Works with OFF

I remember someone here using them a while back

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Haven't seen Avatar yet but it looks great

There are 3D Glasses available that'll plug into your USB

Works with OFF

I remember someone here using them a while back


It is a tool made by Nvidia 3D

I'm going to visit this movie with my 2 sons, the youngest is 8years old, I hope It is not to scary for him!!!! Yes 3d is the future in both games and movies.

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It is a tool made by Nvidia 3D

I'm going to visit this movie with my 2 sons, the youngest is 8years old, I hope It is not to scary for him!!!! Yes 3d is the future in both games and movies.


It's not that scary, but it does have violence. But nothing compared to what you can see in some other movies or video games.

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Or the Language used in some video games, or the Lyrics of RAP Songs


What always pissed-me-off was the video game, full of four letter words and graphic violence, yet rated Mature, and made for the PS2. And targetted at Kids


Then we all act shocked, 15 or 20 years later, when he grows into a violent foul-mouthed Gorilla. Or a Lieing Politician clapping.gifclapping.gifclapping.gif


Think that boils down more to parental control, than video game content.

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Think that boils down more to parental control, than video game content.


Are you guys kidding me?? Violence in games???


Have any of you watched any of those CSI Cop shows on TV lately? Wow... talk about free language, brutality and violence. All that is missing is nudity and you'd have minimum NC-17 rating on the shows.


Sad what TV has become... don't even talk about MTv anymore.... jeeze... that's in the junk pile for sure.



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Are you guys kidding me?? Violence in games???






I was about to say the same - We're flying into battle in the middle of WW1. - Probably the most brutal and violent part of modern history.


It's not violence that's the problem, but the gratuitous way in which it's so often presented. (Not by OFF I hasten to add....)



BTW, Avatar looks superb. I haven't seen it yet, but the trailer alone is a work of art.

Edited by Flyby PC

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Are you guys kidding me?? Violence in games???


Have any of you watched any of those CSI Cop shows on TV lately? Wow... talk about free language, brutality and violence. All that is missing is nudity and you'd have minimum NC-17 rating on the shows.


Sad what TV has become... don't even talk about MTv anymore.... jeeze... that's in the junk pile for sure.




Well, I don't think it is whether a game or film is violent or not...what I meant to say was, it is a parents responsibility to ensure games/films/websites are age appropriate to their kids.


I like Violent video games...and really enjoy watching my victims in OFF plummet to the ground in flames, and with no parachute...but that doesn't mean I am going to let an 8 yr old watch Saving Private Ryan...it's about responsibility towards young people...if they are fed a diet of violence...is it any wonder they grow up to be immune to the suffering of others?

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First...OVS is absolutely right. They keep thinking of new ways to terrorize, maim, torture and kill people and put it on TV. The only commercial TV I watch anymore is CBS on Monday from 8 to 10..all comedies. The rest is either PBS or my own DVD's and videos. When I'm not devoting time to OFF, that is.


Second ... Parental Control is a nice concept..like Utopia. I raised 3 kids and you can exercise control all you want, but remember, you only have control over school age kids for maybe 2 or 3 hours of the day...the rest of the time, they're not with you unless you can afford to watch them 24/7. Meanwhile, they're under the influence of TV, radio, friends, 'music' and the propaganda machine we call the public school system.


Third...I saw Avatar and was very impressed by it. It will definitely be added to my collection. Great special effects, interesting story, decent acting. It does have a lot of liberal influence attributed to the director or produce (I don't remember which) but the messages are there if you look for them, but they're not bad. They're mostly anti war, anti corporate greed, pro environment, anti conquest, etc. You can take it as a commentary on the U.S. but they can apply to just about any country and any era, they're not overt, and they don't detract from the film. It's obvious to the most casual of observers that what the bad guys are doing is wrong. I strongly recommend the movie.

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I just booked two tickets for next Wednesday week's session in the biggest IMAX theatre in the world.


This is going to be epic!

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80% of the parents are soo busy trying to keep food on the table for the kid to eat, a roof over his head, clothes on his butt, and pay all the taxes to support those who won't work, there just isin't any time. To provide the needed level of supervision. The only people with the time, are the self employed, government employees, and those who won't or can't work.


Your Childrens, Childrens, Children will be in debt, paying for what is owed TODAY. How long can this method of solveing problems continue ?


My advise to some, is take your head out of the sand, and smell the coffee before it's too late to do anything except be outraged . . .RANT OVER


Well...you can only do your best I guess... :drinks:

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