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New in WOV need advice

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Hello to everybody,




I am new in Wings over Vietnam. I got it a week ago.




Initially I had installed the game as I had gotten it and later I had patched it up to the patch v08.30.06




Then searching around in the internet I found the update of October 2008.




I promptly uninstalled everything and reinstalled the pure WOV followed by the update of October 2008




For ease of reference I will call this installation “updated” while the previous one I will call “patched”




Things I noticed are:






The MIGs that I have to encounter now are far less than it used to be with the patched installation. I do not know if that is correct or it is only in my mind.






With the patched installation I could not see what was around me (I was using the map and when noticing nearby red MIGs I was using the CTRL+T to locate the one closest to me; then I was trying to get that down unable to see what was going on around me).




Now, with the updated installation I can see everything that exists for thousands of miles around including AAA, other friendly flights and so on (which is distracting while I am trying to figure out which MIGs are nearby and moving towards me). Something like if I had LABELS ON.




And I do not know how to switch LABELS OFF. Could someone help me with that please?






The warnings I hear for SAM missiles are too late (the missile is usually past me until I find out which site fired it and then try to locate it from its smoke), or I am too late to react. Although to my amazement nothing has hit me so far, could someone please direct me to the correct procedure to locate quickly an incoming missile so that I can avoid it myself and not through luck.






I still have problems turning and following a MIG with an F-4. My speed bleeds off very rapidly while I am following it. There are times I find myself “hanging” almost vertically with full afterburners and speed at 170. It’s frustrating and embarrassing but I have to practice more I guess or change the way I dogfight them.




Any advice on that as well would be appreciated




That is all for the moment.







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I can only answer nr 4. You cant outmanouver a MIG in a turning fight with a phantom. The MIG has a way better turning radiouse. What you should do is go vertical and make the MIG bleed speed. Use the enourmese power of the F4 to your advantage :) Hope that helps.

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In answer to question 4 I have 3 rules with dogfighting in an F-4...


Rule 1 Dont Dogfight shoot them from long range...


Rule 2 Dont go anywhere near a Mig 17


Rule 3 See rules 1 and 2...


As to the SAM question best idea is to keep a good look out and as soon as you hear any Sam call dont look for it do a Break with around 5g... for me thats the best thing to do... as even if the SAM's on its way up there's a good chance it will break lock...


as to the others is this WOV 1 or 2 ???

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To turn off labels switch to Normal difficulty in game play options.

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Welcome to WOV!


Like everyone else said, don't try turning tight with MIGs. Either LAG pursuit or go vertical if you have to mix it up.


When you get comfortable with the sim start here...http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=10281 for a whole new experience and a whole new sim!

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I would like to thank all of you for your advices. Definitely I try to shoot the MIGs way out before I reach near them. However sometimes it is inevitable to merge with them. There I believe your advice will be useful. Go vertical ! I will try to do it. If I remember it early enough when I have enough energy to climb up high.




For the SAM warnings if the SAM site is away like say 20 miles out, I think that it’s difficult to shoot me down. However breaking abruptly sounds good idea.




Slartibartfast I do not know if it is version 1 or 2. Is there really a WOV 2. Most probably is version 1 since a 2 is not mentioned. How can I find out?




Lt. James Cater, thank you for the directions. It looks awesome. Is there a Part 2?


And how do I handle that?


Do I install it directly after the WOV or I patch it /update it first and then I run the WOV Expansion GOLD?


Somewhere it says that it works with Wings Over Vietnam 2006/2008.


What is that? Is that the version 2 that Slartibartfast mentioned before?


Or is it the original somehow patched/updated ?







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Go to the Downloads section and you'll see it in user made Campaigns.


It comes in three parts and is really worth it. It is a different sim after you get through applying the mods!

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James, is that usable in SF2:V?


And on a related note... is there a breakdown of the SF2:V campaign missions? So far in single mission play I have yet to see a carrier, which is a disappointment, just curious if they are used in the campaigns.


Regarding F4 vs MiG 17, I just had a very frustrating, and enjoyable DF this afternoon at lunch, using the F-4B with gun pod. I spun it 3 times, and it reacted like the pilots described in the Dogfights episode (always nice when it corresponds to what the people who actually flew it claimed - despite all the trouble with anecdotal evidence). I did manage to get 2 kills, 1 guns, 1 Sidewinder (first ever with a sidewinder).


As mentioned above several times - stay fast, and stay above them, make them bleed of their energy if you can, then hit them with a Sparrow or guns.


Personally, I find it difficult to get the MiGs to bleed energy, AND to keep fuel in the tank. On full burner it feels like I just opened up the back half of the plane and dumped the fuel out. lol


F-8 is a good fight against the 17s too. Just remember to bring as much fuel with you as you possibly can. lol

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I really don't know if it's available for SF2:V since i'm limited by my hardware to version one and so i never look at what's availabe for the newer version.

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And on a related note... is there a breakdown of the SF2:V campaign missions? So far in single mission play I have yet to see a carrier, which is a disappointment, just curious if they are used in the campaigns.



Usually they will show up in Campaigns, as a "Carrier Station" (and if setup as one too) and if you're flying a squadron from the deck, it'll appear. For some reason TK hasn't ever included carriers in single player missions as yes, it's just plain odd that a game that features a Vietnam setting and you're taking off of land bases but that's how it goes. Maybe in 2 weeks...

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Thank you James. I am downloading all Parts right now.


I do not know though how to apply. I mean on which version (patched/updated) of WOV.

Can you tell me what exactly (WOV and then what? patches, mods etc.) you have installed.


If it is awesome for you it could be for me too if I do exactly the same.



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There is a version of that mod in the Strike Fighters 2 downloads section. It is absolutely amazing. Simply stunning- I cannot recommend it highly enough.



WoV2 means Strike Fighters 2: Wings over Vietnam. It will say on the opening screen either Strike Fighters 1 or Strike Fighters 2. It is important to note which version you have when seeking help as they're a bit different.

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Toonces, I see 2 different ones there, one appears to be a single download of around 140MB, and another one with "gold" in the title and appears to be about 5 parts.


What's the difference between them, and which do you recommend?

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I believe the 5-part Gold version is the most up to date. That is the one I am using.


I don't actually know what the difference between the two is.

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Right, the Gold (4 parts) plus the Tiles Update is v2.0 and the most current one - hey, and the package is just plain COOL!!!


The one with the 134MB is the older v1.0, and there is a whole lot contents added from v1.0 to v2.0...


Just go for the Gold and enjoy BIG TIME!

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Right, the Gold (4 parts) plus the Tiles Update is v2.0 and the most current one - hey, and the package is just plain COOL!!!


The one with the 134MB is the older v1.0, and there is a whole lot contents added from v1.0 to v2.0...


Just go for the Gold and enjoy BIG TIME!


Stingray77 where can I find the 4 parts (of Gold) and the Tiles Update v2.0 ?


I went to Downloads and then to Missions/Campaigns (see http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showcat=339&sort_by=DESC&sort_key=file_submitted&num=10&st=0). However I found only 3 parts.


Again I do not have neither SF1 nor SF2. I do have the one simply labeled WOV (Wings Over Vietnam). Do you think the Gold PAck will work over my pure installation of that?



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Eventually I have cleared things out.


What I got as a present for the Christmas is ...... Wings Over Vietnam (of 2004). This is the one I am talking about. And it plays on Vista (at least on my Vista).


Do you think that the Gold Pack would apply on that? Or what other patch should I apply on that?

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Eventually I have cleared things out.


What I got as a present for the Christmas is ...... Wings Over Vietnam (of 2004). This is the one I am talking about. And it plays on Vista (at least on my Vista).


Do you think that the Gold Pack would apply on that? Or what other patch should I apply on that?


Nico, the one Stingray and Toonces were referring to is for Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam (what some mistakenly call WOV2). The link earlier in the thread was for Wings over Vietnam, the 2004 one, the one that you have. There are enough differences between the 2 titles that I'm sure it would not work to put the SF2:V expansion pack over WOV. You might be able to manually work it in, that part I'm not sure about, but looking at all the content, it seems it would be a lot of work. lol

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Just some advice the rough range of a SA-2 in WOV is around 16 miles so a site taking a shot at you from 20 miles dont really worry too much about it...


If you want to mix it with the Migs try out a F-8 Crusader or my usual jet the A-4e 3 Pylons for bombs etc and 2 for sidewinders and you get 2 guns okay its not as sexy as a Supersonic but it is a good little dogfighter I can quite happily take out Mig's in it from the 17 to the 21 and still fly home... But remember its an Attack Jet not a dedicated fighter so no Radar guided missiles no Air to Air Radar best advice is to try everything out and see what suits...

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Just to clear up any confusion, there are two versions of the Expansion Pack -- one for SF2V, one for WOV 2006/2008:


For Wov (3 parts):



For SF2V (4 parts + Tiles Update):



Please do not try to install the WoV version on SF2V or vice-versa.


Also, before installing either one, please go through the ReadMe included in the version you download -- just might save you some time and hassle down the road.


Eric Howes

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I've read something about the December patch and the Expansion Pack for SF2:V.


I've also read something about SF2:V being released in December of 2009 as well.


So.... is that patch applicable/necessary for the SF2:V I just bought after Christmas? (some of the patch fixes/upgrades I've read about appear to already be in my install)


And... will it interfere with the application of the Expansion Pack 2.0 for SF2:V?

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I just bought it a few days ago. It says in the bottom right hand corner "December 2009".


I presume that is telling you to what level the game has been patched. It has been my experience that when you buy any of TK's sims, they are sold patched to the most recent level.


So, I think you're fully patched up, but you can check by looking at the corner.

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If you bought after Christmas, then the version you downloaded and installed has the Dec 2009 patch already incorporated.


As for the Expansion Pack, it will work with your version of SF2V, however, there are some glitches that I will be fixing with a Dec 2009 compatibility pack to be released soon.


Eric Howes

Edited by eburger68

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Thanks for the info on that guys, have been wondering for a while now.


Eric, I've downloaded the 4 parts plus tile file, installed 7zip and extracted the .7z files into a temp directory, and followed the instructions to drop the "mod folder" content into my mods folder.


Now, I come to the A-6 step and it says -

f) Download the FOTI A-6A from here:




Copy the "cockpit" folder from the .RAR file and drop it into the following sub-directories of the \Aircraft directory in your SF2Vietnam Mod Folder (objects/aircraft):







I had already downloaded the FOTI A-6, but my mods Object\Aircraft directory does not contain the A-6B, nor either EA-6's. What should I do?


Regarding the optional install parts, what does the MiG-17 stuff provide? I was looking at getting this - http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=9577


Is that what your MiG 17 optional install is, or is it updated to that, different from that, if so, how, etc?



Also, unrelated to the patch, the FOIT cockpit is very tinted, like it has limo tint on it. Is there anyway to use regular glass in that?



Thanks. drinks.gif

Edited by UnknownPilot

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If you don't have an A-6B or either of the EA-6s in your Mod Folder's Objects\Aircraft dir, then you haven't installed the mod correctly. All three aircraft are included in the third RAR file. I suggest you go back and review your installation steps because something (or a lot of things) didn't get dropped where they were supposed to get dropped.


Eric Howes

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