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Mp Monday 1-4 7ish edt

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Was hopeing to try some navigating by map tonight, but get the feeling the terrain in the game is just random, and not accurate enough.


So in lieu of that, anyone wanting to do some flying, will be on teamspeak around 7ish edt.

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I should be there. Most likely closer to 7:30 though. butcher.gif

Edited by Axgrinder

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It's Monday morning here and I just flew with Vasco to check out my install and teamspeak settings. All went well so I'll try and join you later today.Salute.gif

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I have those maps....am online now...about 10 'till.

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seem to have had the best luck with this one....




but,,still got lost.....


well,,not so much lost,,,but when checked my ingame map, was way more north than what i thout i was...



7pm,,am getting on teamspeack now....

Edited by sitting_duck

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