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Canopy Opening and Closing

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It's been awhile since I've been able to play the sim again. I can tell you all after not playing for a long time, I really missed it. My question has to do with flying the Lightning in WoE. When I'm taking off the canopy is shut, but when I accelerate the canopy opens. Is there a setting that I need to edit in order to change it from opening and staying open when I'm taking off and flying?





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the Knowledge Base is your best friend, the 'search' function your second best!

But here's a solution, go to the data file and change the description of the

Canopy entry:


Delete these commands:




Replace with:





Shift-1 now opens or closes canopy.

Edited by Muesli

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How about just adding this line in the *Data.ini file:




ReverseModelOrientation=TRUE <---------



It should now still work automatic, but now in the right direction. It worked for me with a couple of birds...


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Most modder has pretty much settled on Shift/0 for canopy control. It don't matter WHAT the animationID= is, since you're controllilng with the the keystroke.


The old pre-06 auto-speed is pretty much down the drain.


the correct data.ini statement, for manual control looks like this:








you just have to find the ID number; and you can change the time to make them open or close faster, depending if it's elctric, electro/hydralic or hand cranked.



kevin stein

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Thank you all, I'm still trying to get back into the swing of things. I'll make sure I do my homework first and check out the forums. I'm looking forward to getting back in the game and checking out all of the mods.


Thanks again to everyone for helping me out.



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