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Someone can tell me where can I find some skins about the Mil 24 pilots?Thanks!


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Personally I use the pilot that's included with the Marcfighters Mi-8 for all my Russian helos.

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Marc pilot depicts an english pilot wearing an alpha helmet,or better it seems a swedish pilot with ffv helmet,personally I suggest the IL-2 pilot,during Afghan war and in normal duty flights more pilots are depicted wearing only the GSH-3 leather inner helmet!

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Someone have some pics of choppers deploying troops, and no, it wasn't for YAP, IIRC it was a Mi-24, but can't remember If that mod was ever released...

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Where can I find the IL-2 pilot or others types?Thanks!



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X RAY,try to visit this link:http://images.google.it/imgres?imgurl=http://www.gauntletinternational.com/helmets/ZSh-5helo.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.gauntletinternational.com/helmets/PilotPics.htm&usg=__plReIuosOG-E_9m8i_EAxc_9RDY=&h=436&w=360&sz=117&hl=it&start=11&um=1&tbnid=V44gBwXFsgbBSM:&tbnh=126&tbnw=104&prev=/images%3Fq%3DRussian%2Bhelo%2Bpilots%26hl%3Dit%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1



The Marcfighters' Mi-8 pilot wears a helmet similar to that worn by the pilot of the last photo.

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