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Modelling porn.

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Good thing I stopped my model building hobby years ago. Compared to those superhuman masterpieces, my efforts were a disgrace to the entire human species.


Those models are probably more detailed than the real planes. :grin:

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Wha? How the f.....? EVERYTHING is spotless!! The PERFECT crime!


He took me outside to see lawn outside, covered in soot.






Good job putting out the chimney fire, BTW. Those things can be a total pain. Salute.gif

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Good job putting out the chimney fire, BTW. Those things can be a total pain. Salute.gif



My neighbour had such a fire a couple years ago. Fortunately the chimney was made of strong stuff and didn't break or anything, and the fire stayed safely behind the thick brick wall. It sure did clean the chimney of decades of old soot though.

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My neighbour had such a fire a couple years ago. Fortunately the chimney was made of strong stuff and didn't break or anything, and the fire stayed safely behind the thick brick wall. It sure did clean the chimney of decades of old soot though.


Speaking as a fire fighter, chimney fires can be far from harmless. The draft up the flue spews flaming embers into the air, where they land on your roof or even a neighbors. While these might not be much threat depending on what your roof's covered with, this time of year most people have big piles of leaves and pine needles in the valleys and eaves troughs. If these catch fire, then the house can burn regardless of the type of roof covering. And the longer the chimney is on fire, the hotter it gets, so you can actually ignite the wood adjoining the chimney.

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Just had a chance to read through this thread and look at those works of art. Truly amazing! And BH, excellent work on that dart point, in particular given the fact that you were working with such an unforgiving material as obsidian.



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And BH, excellent work on that dart point, in particular given the fact that you were working with such an unforgiving material as obsidian.


Thanks, but I really shouldn't have posted it. It was a "look what I can do" thing that our parents were supposed to have beaten out of us long since. And even though it's my best work so far, it's still not as good in the field of rock-bashing as these airplanes are in model-making.


BTW, obsidian is pretty forgiving. It was a very popular material amongst Stone Age folks all over the world, because it flakes SO easily straight out of the ground (no heat-treating requied) that if you screw something up (in the early going, at least), you can fix is very easily (as compared to flint). Plus, it makes THE sharpest edge Man has every produced for practical applications, and it looks extremely Wicked no matter what color it is. The problem with obsidian is that the ease of flaking can get out of control as you approach the finished product. At this stage, it's rather easier to ruin than flint.

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That's what I imagined BH, as you get near where you want to finish it would be a bit like trying to true up a glass marble with a hammer.


...tap...tap...tap, tap, CRACK! "SCHYT!"


As to being proud of your accomplishments and wanting to blow your own horn about it, well we all want to do that from time to time, despite the best intentions and beatings by our parents to break us of the desire. I know I've had, and continue to have, my share of "Look at me!" moments, (and I still instinctively duck each time to avoid the back of my father's ghost hand aiming for the side of my head).




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...tap...tap...tap, tap, CRACK! "SCHYT!"


Yes, the underbrush surrounding Hangover Hall is liberally strewn with busted points hurled there in frustration. One of my fondest hopes is that centuries from now, these fragments will cause great consternation amongst future archaeologists. My little bit of vengeance from the grave grin.gif

Edited by Bullethead

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Thread: Modeling Porn


Besides quite amazing models we have... chimney fires, arrowheads and child hood destruction stories. Never a boring moment on this forum. :grin:



And.. I still haven't seen any pornographic models.. what tha.. how about this:





Contain your selves, boys!

Edited by rabu

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Ooo la la, rabu!



And BH, you have a skewed sense of humor that I can truly appreciate. One of my little projects involves a 12" disc of .090 stainless steel that I want the local water jet shop to cut text into in concentric circles. Text that is a completely made up bunch of symbols on my part but that actually will decipher to the following exchange:



"Come over here, Rand McNally, and I'll explain this thing to you. Now look, this is a map and diagram of the whole Cocoanut section. Now, here is a little peninsula, and, eh, here is a viaduct leading over to the mainland."


"Why a duck?"


"I'm alright, how are you? I say, here is a little peninsula, and here is a viaduct leading over to the mainland."


"Alright, why a duck?"


"I'm not playing Ask Me Another, I say that's a viaduct."


"Alright! Why a duck? Why that...why a duck? Why a no chicken?"


"Well, I don't know why a no chicken; I'm a stranger here myself. All I know is that it's a viaduct. You try to cross over there a chicken and you'll find out why a duck."


"When I go someplace I just..."


"It's...It's deep water, that's why a duck. It's deep water."


"That's why a duck?"


"Look...look, suppose you were out horseback riding and you came to that stream

and you wanted to ford over...You couldn't make it, it's too deep!"


"Well, why do you want with a Ford if you gotta horse?"


"Well, I'm sorry the matter ever came up. All I know is that it's a viaduct."


"Now look, alright, I catch ona why a horse, why a chicken, why a this, why a that...I no catch ona why a duck."


"I was only fooling...I was only fooling. They're gonna build a tunnel there in the morning. Now is that clear to you?"


"Yes, everything excepta why a duck."


I only wish I could be around when they dig it up in the next millenium and try to sort what the hell it is. biggrin.gif



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Ooo la la, rabu!



"Why a duck?"






Well.. Mata doesn't look hairy either. :heat:



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Contain your selves, boys!


I'll try, but it's difficult. I mean, she might be a bit lacking in cup size, but I think that's more than compensated for by her apparent lack of inhibitions. I'll have to look her up on my next leave cool.gif.


I only wish I could be around when they dig it up in the next millenium and try to sort what the hell it is. biggrin.gif


Dammit, even my attempts to muddy the waters after I'm gone have been outdone. I'm really feeling inadequate now suicide2.gif


But man, that is a GREAT scheme. Lou, I sincerely wish you an afterlife where you can knowingly watch, and take pride in, your grand jest as it unfolds. drinks_drunk.gif

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Well.. Mata doesn't look hairy either. heat.gif


And I thought that was just a fashion of Gen-X women cool.gif

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from planes to woman!!!!!!!


i love the company i keep on this forum.



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Obsidian was by no means restricted only to Stone Age use - in fact some of the sharpest modern surgical instruments are obsidian, making them VERY sharp. And in some surgical operations, particularly those made with the help of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), you can't use steel blades because of the magnetism.

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From super models > model destruction > chimney fires > obsidian darts > Super model Mata Hari (not "hairy" !)

> viaducts > chickens > Fords > tunnels > Gen-X > surgery > Magnet Resonance Imaging -


all in just 40 posts - that's OFF Forum at it's best!


Good one. Lou - if they'd send your metal plate with that text into outer space, aliens would learn a lot about

how we human beings are thinking, talking and understanding in our everyday life!



Edited by Olham

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Obsidian was by no means restricted only to Stone Age use - in fact some of the sharpest modern surgical instruments are obsidian, making them VERY sharp. And in some surgical operations, particularly those made with the help of MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), you can't use steel blades because of the magnetism.



Ahh.. but there be nothing sharper then a woman's tongue, yea, a hairy woman me thinks.

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Speaking as a fire fighter, chimney fires can be far from harmless. The draft up the flue spews flaming embers into the air, where they land on your roof or even a neighbors. While these might not be much threat depending on what your roof's covered with, this time of year most people have big piles of leaves and pine needles in the valleys and eaves troughs. If these catch fire, then the house can burn regardless of the type of roof covering. And the longer the chimney is on fire, the hotter it gets, so you can actually ignite the wood adjoining the chimney.


Amen to that...


A chimney fire can reach temperatures in excess of 1800 deg centigrade. (Glass and steel both melt at around1400 give or take). It can easily crack ceramic flue liners, and fight it's way out of the flue and into the roof space. Depending what fuel you burn, it's not just soot up your chimney, but often a tar-like creosote which will burn like crazy once it gets going.



As Bullethead says, a chimney fire can get very serious very quickly. I was a lucky, and learned my lesson without burning the house down.


Take advice from a stonemason, get your chimney swept annually, and even twice annually if you use it a lot. If you've had a chimney fire, get the flue checked out properly. Block off the chimney pot and seal up the fireplace then put a smoke pellet in the grate. If smoke leaks out easily or escapes into an adjoining flue, the flue you're testing clearly isn't air tight and you could have a problem. If smoke can escape, so can heat and toxic vapours.

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