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Haiti Earthquake (am I being Cynical?)

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Nobody with a clear head will claim that the USA are unwilling to help. It is one of the most outstanding behaviors of that nation, that if somewhere in the world is a urgent need of help after natural disasters, the USA will send men, food and equipment. It does not depend on the government of the USA, it not depend on the president. Obama send help now to Haiti, Bush did the same after the Tsunami 5 or 6 years ago.

And the other "western" contries are helping too, ouf course not with the big effort the USA is able to do. Perhaps the term western countries is wrong selected, perhaps the term "the old and the new world" is better. The help comes from the communist Cuba, South American States,over Russia, EU States, CANADA to the USA. A very wide range of countries.

Help is enough, but it is difficult to bring them into a "failed" country. That the infrastructure is destroyed is terrible, but the most horrible thing for the people is that in Haiti is no working government, no really police, no military, no civil protection service ...

Edited by Gepard

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As to exactly who is doing what I fear we live in ignorance and speak in generalities. We are informed by the media we pay attention to and we are never told the whole story.


Some, even in the U.S. want to see the U.S. brought down a peg or two. I should think that many countries and their people should want the U.S. to remain strong and in the position to aid and comfort in times of crisis. Who will defend the rights of others when they are invaded and/or persecuted? The U.S.ofA..


We are not saints. But let it be understood that the common man/woman in the U.S. wants the best for all people and believe in life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

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I have mixed thoughts, It's a terrible tragedy. A family from the town I live has a daughter missing still 6 days into this. Her name is Britney Gengel a 19 year old Lynn (FL) University student was there only 1 day when this hit. The news channels with their sat trucks all over the center of town and their front yard. They were told she was found about 4 days ago, but when they got off the plane in FL they were told they got bad news it wasn't their daughter they found. There is 6 Lynn U people missing still at the Hotel


Lynn u mia.jpg

Edited by MAKO69

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Here is were I get upset. As a father, I would never let my daughter travel to the poorest nation on this side of our mud ball.

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Here is were I get upset. As a father, I would never let my daughter travel to the poorest nation on this side of our mud ball.


Yeah, well...there's danger lurking everywhere in one form or another, though as a parent myself, I can relate to you on that one.

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Really want a cynical view on things?


Considering Chavez's statement of a US occupation in Haiti as well as the various strains of public bitching you can find in the media of various countries, if it were up to me ALL US military and civilian personel would be on their way home within 72 hours.


If you want to be more specific...As soon as two other countries have any citizens on the ground and operating, get out, get out, get out as fast as possible and go home.

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As of the arab countries, i remember that one of our rescue teams were escorted by Jordan blue helmets. I wonder why didn´t our own do it.


Btw, we are sending a Galicia Class LPD, eventually there will be more hospitals on sea that inland

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