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Now THIS is a Bomber Escort

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A +1 to that!


Not too shabby at all, for an ol' Vark driver...




EB-52 MegaFortress anyone?


That was the 1st thing that popped into my noggin when I saw the V-tail. Not enough engines

so I went into WTF mode...

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Just saw an episode of Great Planes on demand last night on the B-52.


Impressive. I've never been one for 18-wheelers of the skies (of any flavor), but there is definitely something imposing and impressive about that one. Especially the fact that it just won't die. Gotta love that! good.gif


They mentioned speeds of all the bombers leading up to it, it, and a few after. Turns out it's a few mph faster than the B-2. Clocking in around 610 or something like that. Like a few have said here, definitely not what one would call "slow".

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Just saw an episode of Great Planes on demand last night on the B-52.


Impressive. I've never been one for 18-wheelers of the skies (of any flavor), but there is definitely something imposing and impressive about that one. Especially the fact that it just won't die. Gotta love that! good.gif


They mentioned speeds of all the bombers leading up to it, it, and a few after. Turns out it's a few mph faster than the B-2. Clocking in around 610 or something like that. Like a few have said here, definitely not what one would call "slow".


I saw the last B-52G leave Wurtsmith AFB, MI in 1993 or was it 1992. Anyway it was flown over the town of Oscoda where the base was and the final time over the town the A/C flew it at about 1000ft and had the throttles firewalled. First it was loud, second, it was hauling ass, I mean dear god I didn't think a plane that big could fly that fast. The crowd that gathered went nuts. We watched fly out of site then I think that is when it sunk in that the base was done. It was so cool to see and it was also one of the saddest days of my life. I grew up on that base, (well one of many bases) I met my future wife at that base. It's where my in-laws live now. Now history.


There are many loves of my life, my wife, my kids, and a B-52G. drinks.gif

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slow Slow SLOW


I know its hard to admit, given what we have left, everything faster Horse.gif having been Sandied, Kruscheved, or Mcnamara'd like the two seat Thunderbird.


Granted, slow can pack a beastly big punch. :bb:

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Its not supersonic but its still f***ing fast.

Performance: Maximum speed 636 mph at 20,800 feet, 570 mph at 46,000 feet. Cruising speed 523 mph.


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Hell yeah! That stealth tail Bone is sweet. I swear, more and more, that with smart weapons we are seeing the development of the "aircastle" or the megafortress as someone put it earlier. Cranking out amraams from low vis swing wing heavy was practically unheard of a few years back. Now, it seems a logical progression. And yes the BUFF was fast. Transonic, not super, but that damn wing was swept for something. Looking forward to this!

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Hell yeah! That stealth tail Bone is sweet. I swear, more and more, that with smart weapons we are seeing the development of the "aircastle" or the megafortress as someone put it earlier. Cranking out amraams from low vis swing wing heavy was practically unheard of a few years back. Now, it seems a logical progression. And yes the BUFF was fast. Transonic, not super, but that damn wing was swept for something. Looking forward to this!








hehe, just coudln't resist when you talked about air castles, it was the first thing that popped into my mind. :)

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Yes, you've got it! That's completely crazy and right on the money. rofl.gif I picture the box seat view, loitering in your bone with 20,000 lbs of JDAMs and a pack of amraams and a cup of coffee. Pickle-ing off bombs when the FAC says "See my smoke?"


"Yes!" WEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeee ...... BOOM!

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