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The Day After Tomorrow II

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No, not the movie, the real world... sort of... So, first we had earthquakes, now rain, lightning & thunder, and a tornado! All in "sunny" Southern California.

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Guest rscsjsuso5

i agree with all of u the weather sucks,climate is changing extremely. i live in sfbayarea up north of west of u guys its crazy u get rain in the morning then sun comes out then cloudy then more ran its like up/down. don't like it but i think mother nature is giving us a channel to watch the action and its quite amazing, plus with the up/down its sucks because as you can see i get dtv overair and due to weather signal is weak and choppy but watchable. well with all been said stay warm /safe. also right of this time of the post its 3pm here and just heard the rain kick at my windows ,it kick hard .

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The day after the day after tomorrow? Two days from tomorrow? Perhaps the Mayans were two years off on their calendar. One thing's for sure- 2010 is off to a "shaky" start all right.





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Guest Eject

No, not the movie, the real world... sort of... So, first we had earthquakes, now rain, lightning & thunder, and a tornado!  All in "sunny" Southern California.


Hi all.



Re Weather. Kindly Search:


1. Scalar Weapon


2. Chemtrails


3. Man-made Earthqueke.


Before anyone say this is all in la-la dreamland, the Scalar had been PATENTED.


Try as well:


4. Angels Don't Play HAARP (there a new book on it)


5. Lt. Colonel Tom Bearden (Byrden perhaps? His Homepage is WOW!)


6. There have been an official essay by a senior (Let.Col. then?) USAF officer, I do not recall its exact title. It runs like this: "USAF TO OWN THE WEATHER IN 2025" (targeted mostly vs. the Drugs Lords in South America, who, the USAF believes, will by then those drugs lords have possessed LARGE fleet of bombers/fighters, even perhaps carriers. So, the only weapons will be "bombing" them with lots of bad weather and rains!


Enjoy mates. 

Edited by Eject

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Hi all.



Re Weather. Kindly Search:


1. Scalar Weapon


2. Chemtrails


3. Man-made Earthqueke.


Before anyone say this is all in la-la dreamland, the Scalar had been PATENTED.


Try as well:


4. Angels Don't Play HAARP (there a new book on it)


5. Lt. Colonel Tom Bearden (Byrden perhaps? His Homepage is WOW!)


6. There have been an official essay by a senior (Let.Col. then?) USAF officer, I do not recall its exact title. It runs like this: "USAF TO OWN THE WEATHER IN 2025" (targeted mostly vs. the Drugs Lords in South America, who, the USAF believes, will by then those drugs lords have possessed LARGE fleet of bombers/fighters, even perhaps carriers. So, the only weapons will be "bombing" them with lots of bad weather and rains!


Enjoy mates. 



I don't wear tinfoil.

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You can patent anything. Almost literally. It proves nothing except "I thought of it first."

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