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What Do You All Think About the IPad?

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Ahh it seems that I think like Hitler - whatever next


Edited by MigBuster

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HAHA UnknownPilot good one. What is that old red sand box called anyway?



As an electronic portfolio or something like that may be useful for the business world, for product demonstrations, advertisements and graphic design work etc.

Not even that. I went through uni about 2000 using nothing but board and chalk. I REFUSED to use "grafics" and got away with it because I always made better presentations than anybody. Instead of putting people to sleep, I directly engaged them in talking about what I was chalking up on the board, always physically moving and chalking and talking. Helps to know what you are talking about too. Some do but most don't because they don't care.


Ever notice....


The more PhD economists, the more the economy sinks into debt bondage.

The more Business Degrees, the more business margins shrink.

The more "business" computers, the more paper work.


Funny thing: If home OS Linux developers were to give up trying to impress the dumb psycho business world (always failing), and do what early PC developers did and focus on making Linux a good current gaming operating system, Linux would wipe out Microsoft and the business world will follow tag along into Linux like it always does. Gaming is the big push behind home computing. Linux devs haven't figured it out yet. Maybe, someday.


*** I used to hear of a Pentagon PowerPoint Problem. They had to BAN PowerPoint presentations in the Pentagon so people could get work done. Or so I read anyways. True? False?



Just some fun contrarian stuff.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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HAHA UnknownPilot good one. What is that old red sand box called anyway?


The Etch-a-Sketch. :)




Funny thing: If home OS Linux developers were to give up trying to impress the dumb psycho business world (always failing), and do what early PC developers did and focus on making Linux a good current gaming operating system, Linux would wipe out Microsoft and the business world will follow tag along into Linux like it always does. Gaming is the big push behind home computing. Linux devs haven't figured it out yet. Maybe, someday.


Just some fun contrarian stuff.


Not another Microsoft is "evil"...... oy.



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Oy Microsoft is evil hehe :salute: well sloppy is more like it.


Well I had a bit more fun there than I should have. Its more like the Linux OS should focus on HOME computing for average folks. That's what the first PC developers did. I've read that businesses would not allow workers to bring the new fangled PC's to the office, so the people took work home with them and did it 10x faster. These people eventually moved into management and PCs became a business tool. Something like that.

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I was interested to see what they were going to come up with but to me it looks like they rushed it out the door and missed some key features like no multi-tasking, no flash support, no camera. I can understand their reluctance to allow Flash as it would allow users choice and not what they are given from the appstore. If you're looking for a tablet device then wait and see what the Android powered tablets feature or buy the HP Slate that runs Windows 7.

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