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Now This Makes Me Happy!

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I was reading an interview with Doug Lombardi the Valve marketting director at Eurogamer.net about HL2 and this part made very happy...

Eurogamer: It's obviously very scalable. What's the absolute benchmark PC you'd need to run the game?


Doug Lombardi: Really the key there is GPU first, RAM second, CPU third. So, a Direct X 9 level video card - we're finding the best on the 9800XT, and is what we're showing the game on and what will be showing the game on at E3 - but any Direct X 9 level video card, so in ATi's world that's a 9600 or better. In terms of RAM, the min sys spec I believe is a 128 RAM, but once you get to 256 or so, you're gonna be good. Anything beyond that is just sort of gravy on top of that. And then on the processor side, the min sys spec is a 1GHz, but to really sort of have full functionality and all the bells and whistles and voodoo whatnot, probably a 1.4 or a 2.0.


Wow! That Source engine must be pretty powerfull.


You can read the whole interview here

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Oh to be a fly on the wall....at a Beta-Testers house....


That's good news, but I question it's truthfullness. Mainly because he never really stated (at least in your snippet) that the game was turned up full blast graphically.


It's always good to understand the datum point of any benchmark.



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