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I need help from a vista user with TS

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Any idea's why my TSO shows me as not connected when i'am on TS?




I use the quick connect option for TS is this right also ADMIN

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I just looked at mine, and it shows the same thing...


was only one on teamspeak at the time, but dont thing that should make a difference....


btw,,,cool arrow...

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At last i think i've cracked it.......



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  On 2/18/2010 at 6:36 AM, Red-Dog said:

At last i think i've cracked it.......


Mind sharing how?

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well..he had 2 problems there...


the "not connectect" is caused when, in tso options, display tab, you have the "show what channel i am in" checked off. In addition to showing the room your in,,it also throws that "not connected" in there too...


the other problem he had was that tso didnt show anyones names when they talked...he's 64 bit vista, so going to assume running tso in xp compatiblity mode fixed it.

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Hi chaps i got a bit ahead of myself, went on TS today and guess what, TSO not working again? Anyway i have given up on it for now and down loaded a program called PLAYCLAW that does the same thing + captures video to.It's only the trial version for now but if it works i'll buy it for $29

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  On 2/19/2010 at 6:43 PM, Red-Dog said:

Hi chaps i got a bit ahead of myself, went on TS today and guess what, TSO not working again? Anyway i have given up on it for now and down loaded a program called PLAYCLAW that does the same thing + captures video to.It's only the trial version for now but if it works i'll buy it for $29


Did you notice any conditions that may have changed (back) from when it worked and when it didn't?

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Gary, no mate. I've had tso for 5 weeks and could not get it to work then yesterday all of a sudden it's working, today it's gone again?

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the TSo version I have is still a beta version. Maybe they will fix it later.



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I couldn't get it to work on my system for a long time either. Then, on a whim, I tried changing a setting in the options menu in TSO. I the debug menu there are compatibility settings, I think with two check boxes. I checked the one for "alternate directx mode" (or something like that....) and now it works every time. You might try that, if you haven't already.

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