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Interested in skinning - No idea where to start.

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Hey folks,


I'm quite interested in skinning aircraft. I've had a look through the knowledge base, as well as had a couple of searches through the forums, and I haven't happened upon many posts that relate to starting out. I'm interested in playing around with some skins to stock SF2 aircraft to start off with, but I'm not sure where I should be looking for good templates, and I'm curious about which programs people are using. Any pointers for a noob?


Thanks :)

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Hey folks,


I'm quite interested in skinning aircraft. I've had a look through the knowledge base, as well as had a couple of searches through the forums, and I haven't happened upon many posts that relate to starting out. I'm interested in playing around with some skins to stock SF2 aircraft to start off with, but I'm not sure where I should be looking for good templates, and I'm curious about which programs people are using. Any pointers for a noob?


Thanks :)


I myself make my own templates in Photoshop. Photoshop cost alot though and if you dont wanna buy a very expensife piece of software you can try Gimp wich is free and almost as powerfull.

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You will one of the programs that have been mentioned above, patience and some time. There are quite a few templates available in the d/l section. Taking a look at them with help you with your own projects, because even if you want to skin something else they would give you an idea why layers are important for templates. :wink:

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Hey Biggus, yeah, Photoshop is pretty awesome, I use that personally. But Xclusiv8 said, the price can be a real sticking point. Gimp is a perfectly acceptable alternative. A buddy of mine uses one by Sony too, but I can't think of the name right now. Best way to get into it is to play around and see what you come up with. The bad news I'm afraid, is that there's no easy way to draw panel lines. :sad: Although, I'm sure there is an iPhone app for it... :tongue:

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lol at the iphone app.


Thanks guys, I'm off to d/l GIMP now to have a play.


Hope I'll be back with some decent skins for th Spey Phantom!

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One of the best skinners that I know uses MSPaint... so there's no limit about what you can use to paint.


I am a happy user of PaintShop Pro 7, but I'm not really a skinner...


Anyway, one thing that is really handy is the layers tool. It will save you a lot of headaches :-D

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