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Online Gaming Connection Problems

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Ok folks,


I have been struggling with online gaming connections for months now, and STILL have not resolved my problem.


I am running a Speedstream 5660 DSL modem. I've gone so far as to take the modem to the Tech Support Division for my ISP, and they made sure the necessary ports are open on the modem for play (specifically for FS2004).


On occasion, I have no difficulty logging onto the various different servers to play online. Quite often, though, I am not able to, and FS2004 "locks" up on my system for a couple of minutes. I then get a message on the screen that says,"Connection failed! Not all players were able to connect."


Once my sim allows me to make choices again, I try another server, which sometimes works......but usually not.


There has got to be an answer to this intermittent acceptance of online game connection, but so far I am unable to figure it out.


I even tried a different modem, made by Netopia, but the problem persisted. I reverted back to my Speedstream, as it is a superior modem.


Does anyone out there have an answer. Surely there is a fix for this. I should be able to connect to any server that is online, I would think.


Frustrated, to say the least.


Navy Chief

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have you got any kind of firewall running?

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hmm. strange.. i have a speedstream 5100. So far it hasn't given me any problems but i haven't really used it that much for gaming yet.

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  navychief said:
No firewall running.  Made sure of that.

What about a virus-checker or scanner? I've seen them cause intermittent issues with some of the online games I've played in the past.


If you do have virus/spyware scanners that auto-load on startup, try disabling them exclusively for the purpose of testing FS2004 connections.

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I believe I have tried shutting them down in the past, with no change; but will look into it again. Also, I am planning on trying a different modem; a Cayman (Netopia) 3341. They are supposed to be better for gaming, as it is easier to configure the ports.



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