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Sound Tweak

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Sound Tweak

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Here a soundtweak for more realism if the devs don't mind


contents are new sounds for AI flown aircraft with original engines of the apropriate planes and doppler-effect. right now only a few AI engine sounds are standing for many different aircraft. now you are going to hear the right engine for the right type.

furthermore i tweaked the soundfile to have the effect that when an aicraft gets closer you'll hear it louder and vice versa. currently it's wether on or off.

also you'll hear now flak bursts the louder the nearer it is, and softer the further away it is.

additionally i tweaked the air explosion files (when an aicraft is burning and exloding). the explosion itself is the very same. now you'll have additionally some broken engine, overrides etc.



contents are:

Inline-scouts (albatros etc.)


Sopwith camel

Other Sopwith engines, besides the camel (pup, tripe, strutter etc.)


Various Nieuport versions



Fokker rotaries


sound-effect file drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields

wav-files drop into C:\Programme\CFSWW1 Over Flanders Fields\sounds


the engine files won't replace anything, the explosionfiles will replace it, so please back up first the original ones. same goes for the sound-effect file. please save the original before replacing.


all original contents belong to OBD software






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thank you for all the mods.


much better.




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