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Anyone else here loose their F-4's?

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Salvete, Omnes,


Had a question here. Being that I fly the F-14, F-8 and A-4 more than anything else, I hadn't tried to fly the Phabulous Phantom in a while; indeed since the December patch came out! Well, recently, I figured I'd start a new mercenary campaign, but when I went to my arming screen, I was being assigned an IL-28. That's strange. Shouldn't I be in an F-4C or something? Well, I exited, came back, and was then randomly assigned a MiG-23 Flogger-B. That ain't right either! I tried to go to the pull-down menu to buy another jet, but couldn't.


So I go back to single mission to find all but three Phantoms are gone! I have Israeli, German and Brittish phantoms, but no American models. Going through my install, I found that there are no files being pointed to in any F-4(x).ini, only paint schemes (i.e. no LOD directives, not even the aircraft name/avionics/data pointers at the top of the file!) I figured I might be able to extract the LODs and other files to try to force the sim to see the planes as if they were third-party mods; ran each ObjectData cat file through Cat Extractor, and no LOD files were found. Apparently ObjectData005.cat is completely gone.


I'm running a combined install of SF2, SF2E, and SF2I (why I haven't gotten SF2V is beyond me, guess it just skipped my mind) patched to December standards. The thing is, I had the Phantoms prior to the December patch, and they dissapeared after being patched. Anyone else experience this/know of fixes, or am I looking at a re-install?


Thanks for responses!




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Have you tried the February 2010 patch?

Try also reinstalling. I think there's a bug in the December patch installer that makes you lose some Phantoms.

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I lost a heap of phantom cockpits prior to the Feb patch. Not sure when it happened though, as I hadn't flown those birds for some time.

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Dec patch dumped the Phantoms on merged installs. never did quite find oout why. i had gotten SF2V for Christmas so i was shocked to discover this. i solved my issue by doing seperate installs of SF2V and SF2E. after the problem with the december patch im waitin to see what all happens before goin with the new one.

Edited by daddyairplanes

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I lost most of my F-4's with the Dec 2009 patch also. That is SF2V/SF2E merged install.

TK said there was a problem with the Dec 2009 patch.

Do the merge,but don't patch with Dec 2009 patch.

Download Feb 2010 patch and run on merge.

I did it a couple days ago and it works great.

I have lots of F-4's and Migs now.

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Ok, Copy all, and thanks for the replies. Looks like I'm either gonna have to get a good chunk of time at the community center or have my brother download the Feb patch, burn it and send it to me.


Thanks again!




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