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OT: Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Threatened!

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For those Brits on these fora who haven't found out from elsewhere... it would seem that there is a chance that funding for the Battle Of Britain Memorial Flight (BBMF) may be stopped in the next round of defence budget cuts.


I know it's 'outside our era' here but if any Brits would like to protest, there is a petition set upon the Prime Minister's website at Number 10.gov.uk: Link to 'Save the BBMF' Petition



Edited by Dej

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I can see BBMF from my upstairs window - if I see a 'For Sale' sign I'll let you know.


Actually this was muted a few weeks ago but was denied in the local press - we'll see.

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I cannot see it happening thankfully.

They are a very good recrutement vessel for the RAF...and the Public outcry would be astronomical


BUT...I will sign the petition, just in case :drinks:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I can see BBMF from my upstairs window - if I see a 'For Sale' sign I'll let you know.


Actually this was muted a few weeks ago but was denied in the local press - we'll see.


Thanks for the information SB. Alas, when a 'For Sale' sign goes up it'll be already too late. So, I've signed the petition too, like WM, just in case.

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It is only a national petition; I wasn't allowed to vote.

But if we come so far, that such memorials can't be afforded anymore,

it would be a real shame.

You British people have fought a battle there worth to remember in a hundred years.

A heroic defense of your home island.

And the first step in defeating Hitler and his lot.


Good reasons, that Europe should give you money from the big pott to save this memorial.

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Last time these politicians tried to axe the Red Arrows.....now it's the BBMF. I signed that petition and the missus and I have signed this one too. They get this country into hundreds of trillions of pounds of debt and then try to axe our heritage to pay back some of it.



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It is only a national petition; I wasn't allowed to vote.


You British people have fought a battle there worth to remember in a hundred years.




Well, thank you for trying Olham, and for your generous words. Echoing Churchill indeed.




"What General Weygand has called the Battle of France is over. I expect that the Battle of Britain is about to begin...

Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves, that if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"




My italics of course, but the last words of that speech are what the BBMF commemorates.

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Hopefully this is just one of those stories that pop up every now and again to try to get people angry at "The Man", there's usualy a "The Government is trying to get rid of the BoB Memorial/the Red Arrows/HMS Victory/Yorkshire*" headline every now and again.


Signed just to be on the safe side, of course. Salute.gif



















*Last option may not be 100% true.

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I can see BBMF from my upstairs window - if I see a 'For Sale' sign I'll let you know.


Actually this was muted a few weeks ago but was denied in the local press - we'll see.


You can see BBMF from your upstairs window???


- Let me know if you see a 'For Sale' sign on your house. lol.gif

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Well it took a few brave guys to save the country

Now an even fewer lot are trying to screw it up!

Morons! history must not be very important to them

Lest we forget Salute.gif

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Indeed Duce!


Of course as George Santayana once said

"Those who do not learn from History, are doomed to repeat it"

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Of course as George Santayana once said

"Those who do not learn from History, are doomed to repeat it"

How about we replace that with "Those who don't have a lick of common sense, are doomed to get voted outta office"?

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How about we replace that with "Those who don't have a lick of common sense, are doomed to get voted outta office"?


Sounds good to me!


If Brown gets elected again..I'm gonna move to Somalia!

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Sounds good to me!


If Brown gets elected again..I'm gonna move to Somalia!

Just make sure there's an internet connection there

We'd hate to lose your wit around here grin.gif

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If this government manages to survives... no they will be replaced by another daft lot... and expecting Governments to have common sense that aint gonna happen... They are out for one thing themselves...


Politicians are raised to screw up the common man and his heritage...


I better stop now before I get really miffed bit like the last time someone took the last of the tea...

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I don't know if it's because we're a small place, or just over-regulated, but I envy places like Australia, Canada and the US where recreational flying is a viable proposition. More flying, more pilots, more pilots more fun, more fun, more private owners, more money, more engineering backup, more money sloshing about, - in short, more of a flying industry. Only 'positive' from the current system seems to be the volunteer queue, which runs for miles already.


I'd love to get a pilot's license and fly stuff for real, but that's very unlikely to happen. And as for mounting twin machine guns....


I think I'm in Somalia already, or a third world country anyway. Good old BBC wants live debates prior to the next general election. Everybody's invited - apart from Scotlands democratically elected government. Don't want any democracy screwing up the election do we?


Sorry Admin. It's not the politics, but the biased broadcasting that gets up my nose. Its OT anyway, so scrub it out if you like.

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Many thanks for the heads up Dej,


I didn't know there was a petition until now,


How typical of our weak lot with their snouts in the trough to come up with this one, hope it doesn't happen


& I've just signed up up to it too.. Just in case they try!!!




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Thanks for bringing this up.




(I'm from Birkenhead)

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