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Surely this is the unluckiest family in the world?

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The Desarmes family from Haiti will never forget the earthquake that devastated Port-au-Prince in January.


And they will never forget the earthquake that hit Chile last Saturday.


Because they lived through both......



Yeah, I heard about that on the news. That family is cursed... and I heard that they almost went to Taiwan.


I just hope they don't come here in So Cal. We don't need those kind of earthquakes.

Edited by serverandenforcer

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Yes and no.


Yes, they've had the bad luck to be caught in 2 severe earthquake zones in a short amount of time.


But, from what I can tell, they are all still alive and physically well. Yes, they'll need time to mentally get over this...but at least they all have the option to do so...many people in Haiti and Chile will never have that.



Edited by FastCargo

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Hello Eraser. A few additions to your insane coincidences:


About the American Civil War, I 've read about another weird coincidence, taking place at Culp's hill (Gettysburg Battlefield), named after the Culp family's farm. A member of this Pennsylvanian family enlisted in a Virginian regiment, fought in many battles and survived, participated in the Confederate invasion of Pennsylvania, and finally fought and died at Culp's Hill, some dozens meters away from the place he had been born.


About the battle of Midway, I've read somewhere that it wasn't an affair of minutes before the Japanese wave takes off, but of more than half an hour, as the Japanese carriers hangars were not ventilated and most of the engines preparations had to take place on the open deck. If true, it would remove much suspense.


About July 4 in American history, the article has forgotten July 4, 1754: Colonel George Washington leaves Fort Necessity after his surrender to the French (the only US President ever to have signed a capitulation).


About the very unlucky Haitian family, I've heard of several Japanese families that had left Tokyo after surviving the heavy bombings of March 1945, to start a new (but unfortunately short) life in more quiet Southern Honshu: in Hiroshima!

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Yes and no.


Yes, they've had the bad luck to be caught in 2 severe earthquake zones in a short amount of time.


But, from what I can tell, they are all still alive and physically well. Yes, they'll need time to mentally get over this...but at least they all have the option to do so...many people in Haiti and Chile will never have that.





Good point. There normally are at least 2 ways to see almost every situtation, and there are positives to most things that people only see as negatives.

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