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Big Thanks

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Hey there. I just discovered this project and joined these forums just to say thanks to Steven Dobbs, Romano Magacho, Gustavo Wagner, Marcelo Silva, Ariel Cancio, Rafael Rodrigues, Edgardo Alessio, Dante De Patta, and to all the friends of the Jet Thunder project.


This sim will be a dream come true for many flight sim enthusiasts not just from from the UK and from Argentina, but also from anyone wanted to jump in the cockpit of one of the most difficult military aircraft to fly these days, the Harrier, and those who want to dicover the courage that takes to engage and bomb missile frigates flying A-4s and Mirages.


I can't wait for this sim. And i have so many questions... I know i still have to read all the posts and all the info, but: is there going to be air re-fueling operations? I ask because that was the only way for the argentineans to get there and make it back, and still having only a few minutes over the target area before having to disengage. Furthermore, the Argentinean Air Force only had 2 KC-130 tankers. Also, the Mirage III pilots could only use after-burner only for a few seconds to avoid risking getting short on fuel to return to their base.


Is the sim campaign going to be historically accurate or will it have what-if missions? I ask because the argentinean carrier 25 de Mayo was only dispatched to support the landing operations in the islands of April 2nd and was called back to port to preserve it in the event of an outbreak of war with Chile.


Will there be ASW operations with Nimrods, Sea Kings, S-2 Trackers, etc..? I do not mean to actually fly them, but present in the mission as potential targets.


So many questions...


Anyway, a BIG THANKS for this project.

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I agree. I have dreamed of a Falkland Sim since I play flightsims. Keep it up !

And I hope you soon have something new to show :)

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Thanks Mothman, and MBot, for the msgs and positive/encouragement comments :)


Yes Mothman, we'll have air-to-air refuellings. Here's our untextured, incomplete model of a C-130/KC-130:



But this model have been set to a lower priority, compared to other more important parts of the content creation (such as naval units). Also, the programming side of the engine have been more time-demanding than expected, now we have a good FM/sim module (Steve's) and a good landscape module (Romano's), if we manage to integrate seamlessly these two parts we will end with a good and complete flight sim framework for the task ahead - we didn't tested yet, but in theory, Romano's approach to 'load on demand' landscape blocks could made possible the inclusion of not only Argentina's mainland, but Ascension Island for Vulcan bomber flights, with a lot of air-to-air refuelling over the Atlantic made by Victors ;)


The campaign will start with the correct status of forces on May 1, 1982, but then, as it has a dynamic nature, the unfolding of events could lead to 'what if' situations. Trackers, Nimrods and Sea Kings are part of our Air Order of Battle and will be present in the campaign (A.I.), doing their missions.


Anyway, a BIG THANKS for this project.


Thank you very much :) it was a pleasure to answer (sorry for the delay in replying, been real busy this past week).

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Looks great, spent about six months working on these birds in New Orleans in the Navy Reserve.

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Thanks for the reply and the picture! Now i'm teased.


The argentinians nicknamed the C-130 "La Chancha". As chaingun said, the model looks great. I've seen the argentinian C-130 flying many times since i was a kid and i must say it is an awesome and silent airplane.


About the missions from Ascension: that would be a looooooooong mission. lol. Just make sure to include the brazilian coast in case the Vulcans need an emergency landing!

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About the missions from Ascension: that would be a looooooooong mission. lol. Just make sure to include the brazilian coast in case the Vulcans need an emergency landing!


Indeed, it will be really long. But not uneventful, as navigation must be accurate and there's up to 11 (eleven) air-refuellings with Victors in the mission.


I wonder, what was the longest (in terms of distance and time) mission in combat flight simming history?


The problem with Brazilian coast, is of contend creation - it's a huge coast, and at the moment is feasible to only include Ascension Island in the correct coordinates and then infinite Atlantic Ocean in all directions...then load the Falkland islands...then more infinite Atlantic ocean going west...then load Argentinian coast up to Commodoro Rivadavia or slightly northwards. But it is not impossible to make a maybe generic area around the main points for Vulcan emergency landings in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro?).

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Where Can I get this Game when its released? and when?

Im Interested now Ive lived on a harrier base all my life so im tempted now!

Edited by *BtS*$y$t£M=M=

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Where Can I get this Game when its released? and when?


Unfortunately, it'll take a while - we're still a small operation for such a project of this size, but we're trying hard to keep the public updated.


Here some pics of "La Chancha" :) being painted in argentinian colors:




Still a lot of details to add, like the cockpit interior painting and details, gear structures details, and much more.

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WOW! B) Simply amazing. What do you use for 3D modelling, texturing and animation? Maya?


About the brazilian coast: historically a Vulcan emergency landed in Rio de Janeiro. I think it would be a good idea to include it for the Vulcan missions if it is not much of an unnecessary burden. I know that some people in Thunder Works would love to see a Vulcan escorted by brazilian Mirage III ;)

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I live near (3 blocks) the 1° air brigade of argentina (and I work there), I'm also studing aeronautic ingeniery and all my life I've been waiting for a realistic game of the malvinas war. This is game that I was waiting thank you for make my dream real ;)

(please put more images of planes and ships of the game)


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