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Ubisofts DRM servers fail -

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Well, I'm afraid I have to admit that I'm a bit more sentimental with gaming than this. Played games on a shelf aren't just a collection to me. They bring me back in time somehow, I remember situations, discussions, feelings I had at that time. Those games are doors to my past to me. Exactly like my models. I still remember the problems I had at work how I thought about them while building, when I see the old wooden model ship decorating my living room.


If I'm going to play Crysis again? No. This time is over, now I play OFF and next week maybe AC2. And I'l always remember this forum and you guys when my eyes fall on BHaH box! Same with my Albatros D.III I'm currently building!



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We as PC gamers, and above all consumers, cannot allow this form of DRM to succeed. I am not purchasing titles that require such intrusive and objectionable DRM. If I have to be logged in to any server just to play in single player....... they won't get my money. We must unite and make our voices heard. Don't let this type of DRM take seed and grow uncontrolled like a weed. If these greedy companies see the money they are losing and the customers that are not purchasing their products, they will take a more reasonable approach to copy protection.


I agree wholeheartedly with this. It is the only reason I have not bought ROF. I will not buy any sim that requires online connection to play it.

And that includes OFF, if it goes that route.

I'm sure it won't, cos they know that their fans buy the sim. I'll bet there is less than ten users of OFF who have pirated it.

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.I'll bet there is less than ten users of OFF who have pirated it.

I don't think it's pirated at all.

OBD software uses the best protection scheme that exists... OFF was created and is evolving with love and care and great professionalism. Naturally people respect this.

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