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New Updated Default SF2 Terrain not working

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I've just installed the Updated Default SF2 Terrain + Updated Stock Campaigns for Updated SF2 Desert Terrain by Piecemeal for SF2 but they're not working. Anybody have any idea why or having similar problems?

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Have you put it in the right folder?

under your mods folder into the terrain folder?

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Yep! Everything done following the instructions in the readme. Still nothing.

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Have you got a folder under the terrain folder called desert?


In the mods folder, not in the main installation folder I mean of course...

Edited by Soulfreak

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The terrain makes a new file called Desert3 (IIRC). Open your terrains (terrains with an s at the end, that was a change from the old series) folder and see if you have that. I think yo might just have some files in the wrong place. I have just started using the campaigns yesterday and it does work. We just need to figure out where your files were installed.

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I put the Desert3 terrain in the 'Terrain' folder. Should I rename it 'Terrains' or do I have to create another folder named 'Terrains'?

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Rename it to Terrains with an S.



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