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For anyone who likes Jasta 11 D.III's

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Ok. I'll try to explain what I've been working on here. This will be a new aircraft install called "AlbatrosD3 J11". Just drop into your /object/aircraft/ folder. This new folder will contain only one skin. The all red fuselage of Jasta 11 from April'17 to early-mid summer '17. The dates in the DATA.ini will make this plane appear on these dates only. I set this up for AI. So if you fly for RAF or France you'll end up coming across the all red Jasta 11 D.III's with the personal markings of all the known aces aircraft like:


Karl Schafer - All black tail

Lothar von Richthofen - Yellow nose, elevators, and rudder

Allmenroder- White nose, and elevators

Kurt Wolff - Green nose and elevator with light blue wheel discs

Hans Wolff - Orange fuselage band

Otto Brauneck - Blue nose and elevators

Georg Simon - Light green fuselage band


And last but not least Manfred von Richthofen - ALL red with NO Crosses on the Fuselage or Tail


I had to create some other personal markings just to fill in some blanks for now. But maybe I'll just make the extras have crosses on the the fuse and tail.

For now they all have crosses on the fuse and tail except for MvR. Otherwise his would look just like the blank ones. This is still a WIP.


Check out the pics. It's all decals. Now you can engage Jasta 11 and try to shoot down an ace!





I've removed the crosses on the "ace's" skins. They will still appear on the blank planes to distingush between MvR plane though.

Edited by quack74

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Thanks for all the work on these that you've done - it is truly appreciated. I've always had a personal love of German aircraft in WWI ever since The Blue Max...

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Ok I got this working. A whole lot of decal work. Anyone who knows about decals will appreciate this one. The hardest part was creating "99" decals. Too hard to explain, but I wanted to pull my hair out. But well worth the effort for sure. Now when I fly for the RAF or RFC I just might come across the deadly ALL red Jasta 11 wolf pack. I'll see all the known aces and a couple more I threw in there. But there will only be 1 with NO personal markings and washed out crosses on the fuselage and rudder. Guess who? It's very cool to be in the big furball and see Manfred von Richthofen's D.III in the mix. This works every time.


There will be two ways to install this so that the J11 DIII's will appear at random.


1. Install as a skin into your AlbatrosD3 folder and in the Config file make the J11 skin [TextureSet001]. This way everytime you use the D.III the default skin will be Jasta 11. And the default skin for AI will also be Jasta 11.


2. Copy the AlbatrosD3 aircraft folder and rename it "AlbatrosD3 J11". Rename the DATA file and Config file. And only have one skin inside (Jasta 11). I'll explain in the readme file when I post the download.


Personally I added this skin as a whole new aircraft. That way I'll always have a variety of D.III's flying around. Sometimes I'll see Jasta 11, sometimes Jasta 28, And sometimes Jasta 5. I created seperate aircraft folders for different skins. Better than seeing the same enemy all the time.


Let me go and right up a readme file so I can get this posted. LaterSalute.gif

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Ok I just posted this in the dowload section. Let me know how it works out for you. If it doesgrin.gif

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I really don't have much interest in Jasta 11 but I'll check it out.

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I really don't have much interest in Jasta 11 but I'll check it out.





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Brilliant idea, Quack. Too much effort for me currently (I like simple straight stock), but you just added a feature that the game by itself doesn't offer - seeing known Aces in flight.

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Just wondering if this is working out for everyone so far? Hope my instructions were ok. If you guys like this I'm working on doing all the Fokker Dr1 skins I have for a couple of Jastas. I'm doing Jasta 11 Dr.1's (I have about 14 ace skins to do decals for) and Jasta 19 Dr.1's ( I think I have about 10 ace skins). These will all work just like the Jasta 11 D.III's. This will take some time though. A lot of decal work. If you open the Decal.ini and the "D" folder for the D.III's you'll see what I meanblink.gif. But it's worth it in the long run. If only TK made an "enemy selection screen with skin options like IL-2!!!!!dntknw.gif Since FEG is a thing of the past I guess it aint goin to happenno.gif

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