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OT Computer Scam

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Hi Everyone,

As you may or may not know, I fix Computers for my sins.

What happened last night was quite amazing, and not a little worrying!


Now, I know you are all computer savvy...but you may no some Elderly people or friends/family who are not so, therefore worth bearing in mind for their sake! (this was UK..but no reason for it not to happen elsewhere)


I was actually round an Elderly customers house last night, installing the computer that I had fixed for him...and completely by chance, he had a phone call.


It was an Indian Gentleman who said he was from 'Windows'


The customer handed the phone to me, and the guy said that an "irregularity had been found on my computer, and it was his job to assist me to rectify it on behalf of Windows"


Well, I thought "Let's see what this boffin can tell me".....He then went on to basically instruct me on to the cmd line, and to type in msconfig to bring up the huge list of processes running Illegally on the Computer (fascinating, as I had just reformatted it, so it only had Windows on it )


He then told me that for a mere £50, he could help me remove all traces of the Illegal software, to help prevent fraud and trouble with the Police.


At this point, I informed him that I was a Computer Engineer, and that what he was saying was total b******* to which he replied

"Oh...you're a computer Engineer?" I said "Yes"


I can only assume he didn't want to continue the conversation, because we were sadly Cut off!


Naturally I dialled 1471...because I really thought he could help me with my Illegal processes...but as it was a with held number, I wasn't able to.


So...Word of Caution!


If this guy (or any of his low life friends phone you...please ensure you DO NOT give him the time of day!!!)


Good luck out there

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Good warning Simon- and well done.


You could have told him "I'm just going to get my credit card"


Put the phone down and leave it there. Wonder how long he would have stayed there waiting for you!! :smile:

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Most probably Microsoft's HQ in India that phoned. Informal entrepreneurs........



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Good warning Simon- and well done.


You could have told him "I'm just going to get my credit card"


Put the phone down and leave it there. Wonder how long he would have stayed there waiting for you!! :smile:


Hahaha..yes..It was a shame actually, as I was in the company of one of my Customers, so sadly could not give him a lesson in Anglo Saxon Terminology!!


Will give you a call over the weekend m8...hope you got ya Puter sorted!!


chat soon

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Good warning Simon- and well done.


You could have told him "I'm just going to get my credit card"


Put the phone down and leave it there. Wonder how long he would have stayed there waiting for you!! :smile:


Oh man.... that's CLASSIC!!!! :rofl:

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That's seems to be a new scheme.

It might work with some people, specially elderly.

Thanks for the warning, in a month, I'm sure that this will be on in Portugal also.

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