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Best Add-on planes

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Hey all,


Been member of this great community for a quite a while but this is my first post.


There is massive number of addon aircraft for SF2 series here, and that`s my dilemma :)


I love huge choice here, but which are best of the best MIG`S, and other Russian (or even Chinese) planes to get?


I have Mig-21 Complete Pack SF2 Europe 1.2 by ataribaby already, but if there are any other 21`s

worth having please link me :)


Looking for all other MIG`s that are must have

Cockpits and physics are most important to me, skins do not bother me that much as i only fly from

cockpits, in general cockpit is deal breaker for me, i can live with few handling issues.


I would appreciate if someone could link me to them.


If there are any NATO planes that are must have i will look at them too, but my priority are Russian birds


EDIT: I forgot to mention i have all SF2 editions merged


Thanks in advance


Edited by Vekiq

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Take a look at the Nato Fighters 4 Plus (NF4+) download. It adds all the best NATO aircraft but also a lot of the good Soviet planes as well. That will give you a good start.

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grab EVERYTHING! :good:


LOL, maybe i would but downloads for free members are so slow and limited here so i want to narrow down selection

as much as possible, and it just would not feel right to waste so much bandwidth for stuff that i may not like or use

as non paying member i would not like to abuse possibility to download stuff, someone at the end of the day has to foot the bill

foe all traffic on the server. If i was paying member then yeah, i would not have moral problem with downloading even stuff i don`t like

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Take a look at the Nato Fighters 4 Plus (NF4+) download. It adds all the best NATO aircraft but also a lot of the good Soviet planes as well. That will give you a good start.


Cheers m8, will give it a shot.

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Guest Raden

Cheers m8, will give it a shot.


Kindly ask Dave. I am a new member too, yet thanks to my increasing POSTS, I got a lot more quotas for both downloads and UpLoads. So, do more postings here, and u will get more quotas for DL.....Check it out with Dave the Founder and Admin...Good Luck dude. :salute:

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Kindly ask Dave. I am a new member too, yet thanks to my increasing POSTS, I got a lot more quotas for both downloads and UpLoads. So, do more postings here, and u will get more quotas for DL.....Check it out with Dave the Founder and Admin...Good Luck dude. :salute:


Thanks Raden

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As the said above Grab the NATO 4+ as it is outstanding... and maybe the Gold Version for the Wings over Vietnam for SF2 as well not so much an Aircraft addon as a fantastic mod for SF2 Vietnam...

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Nato4+ has an absolutely amazing amount of work included and made of ... its a definite must. The other good thing about it is that with SF2 you can easily isolate and make AI or delete what you possibly dont like. The Russian birds in it, especially the MiG-29 is, what can i say, a pure sin that is freeware ... scandalous ... actually the whole package is of payware level. Amazing work in that MiG-29. The Flanker is great too but the MiG-29 cockpit could lend some details to the Su27 pit, some elements that are common and are awesomely modeled in MiG29. Will check later my other two favorites, MiG23 and Su-17


(cudos ofcourse also to the Gulf war gigantic addon pack)

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He's also right on the kudos for the Desert Storm pack as thats damn fine too...

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He's also right on the kudos for the Desert Storm pack as thats damn fine too...



Yeah but not available for series 2 at the moment.

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The MF F-14A with the SF2 Update pack is superb.


If you're into new(er) stuff, the F-15A is excellent as well. (feels like what I'd expect an F-16 to feel like, not an Eagle (hyper roll and the dead stop almost feels like there is the Falcon's FBW computer in there.... but then I'm not really a modern jet guy, so...... ).


The SF2:V Expansion Pack Gold has many planes as part of it that are excellent. One of my favorites is the OV-10A Bronco. Great little fun, a total blast to fly.


The F-101s are excellent.


The F-104C-10 would be a must-have (for me).


The F-106 (I think it comes with the Exp. Pack Gold) rocks.


The B-58 Hustler (TMF I think? I'm at work right now, sorry) is another excellent addition, although it has a weird Elevon placement thing that I haven't figured out how to edit yet.


And the MF Kurnass pack, has 3, 1 of which I can't get working yet, the other 2 required heavy editing for SF2:V, but once done, they are simply awesome.


Also, the MiG-23S is another great one.


Oh! And I can't forget to mention the F9F-8 Cougar and F-11F-1 Tiger. (Grumman r0x0rz my b0x0rz grin.gifcool.gif )




Some of those are Gen 1, some are Gen 2, some of the Gen 1 require editing, some don't. But the bottom line is, editing or not, Gen 1 or not, they work, so I count them. :)


They all have excellent models and pits, and flight models, and are a blast to use. (come to think of it, I would even add the T-45 Goshawk to that list as well)

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cheers, you are right, i do not care much about modern jets, Lock on is where it is at for them.

early cold era is what i look for in SF2, F15 for example is not pilots plane any more, its modern weapons platform , i prefer planes where stick, rudder, your guns and old hit or mostly miss missiles are still a factor :)

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cheers, you are right, i do not care much about modern jets, Lock on is where it is at for them.

early cold era is what i look for in SF2, F15 for example is not pilots plane any more, its modern weapons platform , i prefer planes where stick, rudder, your guns and old hit or mostly miss missiles are still a factor :)



Depends on how you use them, but the Eagle and Tomcat both are great gun fighters with excellent handling and rudder authority (I LOVE planes with good rudder authority). (and of course, it is fun to pop a MiG at 50+ miles with a Phoenix. I love to imagine the thoughts of the other pilots in the flight when out of NOwhere one of their members just goes bang! grin.gif )




You'll love the OV-10A. I've seen it listed separately in the download section, but like I said, it's part of the 4 part expansion pack for Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam. I'd start with that pack before anything else, honestly.


But either way...


The Tiger and Cougar are both sweet flying planes, but you'll probably want to edit their begin and end use dates in order to get something to fly against in the instant missions. Speaking of which, I think I need to work on some carrier missions for my early Cats. I probably should get the MiG 15 for the Cougar, but it really does a nice job against the 17s too if you use it correctly. But it would be nice to be able to come back and trap after a successful mission. Too bad a campaign doesn't exist for either of this. :/


The T-45 really isn't a fighter, but it's fun to fly. For that matter, so is the Cessna that comes with the Expansion Pack.


The Phantom is a plane for the ages, it "belongs" in Vietnam, but yet also runs clear into the 2000s (modern era). I really like the B, but the J is just a great plane all around (IF you clean it up - drop your tanks and start using your missiles, oh, and keep your speed up), but both lack the handling of the Air Force's E - and of course, all of those are stock SF2:V planes. That's where the Kurnass comes in. The F-4E Kurnass - TMF and the F-4E Kurnass (Early) - TMF are late 60s/early 70s, so not exactly the modern era. They are downloaded planes, and they are based off of the F-4E (I am just quirky in that when flying under US colors, I prefer the USN F-4s because to my mind, the F-4 is a Navy plane, even though I know the F-4E is superior).


- the MF Kurnass's have vices and strenghts. They can lull you into a sense of security then bite you and snap into a flat spin. Yet they can also surprise you with what they can/will do as well. (and if the AI could "think", those MiG 17 pilots would be surprised as hell to see the IAF in their front yard. grin.gif hehe ) All in all, it really gives you a sense of being in a plane that is almost an entity of it's own. good.gif



I could probably ramble on for ages. But, yeah, if you're into older planes, and in specific Stick and Rudder planes, then grab the Cougar and Tiger, and if you don't go for the whole Expansion Pack, at least get the OV-10A Bronco. And maybe the Goshawk just for laughs. Oh, and look into and downloads for the Skyhawk and Skyraider. Personally I love the stock ones (um.... I think the A-1 is stock, might be part of the XPG), and they are really "stick and rudder" planes, but I'm certain the downloadable ones will be excellent as well. For just flying around, the Cessna 180 is great. OH... and the F4D(aka F-6) Skyray. Another Ed Heinemann Master Piece (same guy behind the A-1 and A-4). Wild to look at, phenomenal climb rate, excellent as a fighter, and a bit quirky (which is a good thing, hehe). There's recently been an SF2 update for it, so grab that and you're set. cool.gif

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Depends on how you use them, but the Eagle and Tomcat both are great gun fighters with excellent handling and rudder authority (I LOVE planes with good rudder authority). (and of course, it is fun to pop a MiG at 50+ miles with a Phoenix. I love to imagine the thoughts of the other pilots in the flight when out of NOwhere one of their members just goes bang! grin.gif )




You'll love the OV-10A. I've seen it listed separately in the download section, but like I said, it's part of the 4 part expansion pack for Strike Fighters 2: Vietnam. I'd start with that pack before anything else, honestly.


But either way...


The Tiger and Cougar are both sweet flying planes, but you'll probably want to edit their begin and end use dates in order to get something to fly against in the instant missions. Speaking of which, I think I need to work on some carrier missions for my early Cats. I probably should get the MiG 15 for the Cougar, but it really does a nice job against the 17s too if you use it correctly. But it would be nice to be able to come back and trap after a successful mission. Too bad a campaign doesn't exist for either of this. :/


The T-45 really isn't a fighter, but it's fun to fly. For that matter, so is the Cessna that comes with the Expansion Pack.


The Phantom is a plane for the ages, it "belongs" in Vietnam, but yet also runs clear into the 2000s (modern era). I really like the B, but the J is just a great plane all around (IF you clean it up - drop your tanks and start using your missiles, oh, and keep your speed up), but both lack the handling of the Air Force's E - and of course, all of those are stock SF2:V planes. That's where the Kurnass comes in. The F-4E Kurnass - TMF and the F-4E Kurnass (Early) - TMF are late 60s/early 70s, so not exactly the modern era. They are downloaded planes, and they are based off of the F-4E (I am just quirky in that when flying under US colors, I prefer the USN F-4s because to my mind, the F-4 is a Navy plane, even though I know the F-4E is superior).


- the MF Kurnass's have vices and strenghts. They can lull you into a sense of security then bite you and snap into a flat spin. Yet they can also surprise you with what they can/will do as well. (and if the AI could "think", those MiG 17 pilots would be surprised as hell to see the IAF in their front yard. grin.gif hehe ) All in all, it really gives you a sense of being in a plane that is almost an entity of it's own. good.gif



I could probably ramble on for ages. But, yeah, if you're into older planes, and in specific Stick and Rudder planes, then grab the Cougar and Tiger, and if you don't go for the whole Expansion Pack, at least get the OV-10A Bronco. And maybe the Goshawk just for laughs. Oh, and look into and downloads for the Skyhawk and Skyraider. Personally I love the stock ones (um.... I think the A-1 is stock, might be part of the XPG), and they are really "stick and rudder" planes, but I'm certain the downloadable ones will be excellent as well. For just flying around, the Cessna 180 is great. OH... and the F4D(aka F-6) Skyray. Another Ed Heinemann Master Piece (same guy behind the A-1 and A-4). Wild to look at, phenomenal climb rate, excellent as a fighter, and a bit quirky (which is a good thing, hehe). There's recently been an SF2 update for it, so grab that and you're set. cool.gif


Many thanks for advice m8, i better start downloading :type:

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