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Jasta 19 AI skins

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Just a couple of pics of "AI" Jasta 19 Fokker Dr1's. All the skins are done with decals just like the AlbD.III's. So you'll be able to get in a tangle with all the known Dr.1 aces of Jasta 19.



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They're all donegood.gif . Well almost. Still have some touch ups to do. But all the known Jasta 19 Dr.1 skin decals will be in this pack. 14 I think. All you'll have to do is drop this "FokkerDr1 J19" folder right into your First Eagles/ Objects/ aircraft folder as a new aircraft. Everytime you encounter Jasta 19 Dr.1's you'll see all the skins. This will be just a single ( Stock ) Dr.1 skin of Jasta 19 with lots of decals to create all the other skins. They will appear at random. You can even select the new "FokkerDr1 J19" in the aircraft menu. But you'll never know whose plane you'll be in. Makes it more interesting. There will be more in the readme file.






Jasta 11 Dr.1's will be next I think. Then maybe Jasta 12 Alb D.V's

Edited by quack74

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Damn, you're the Henry Ford of skinning! Takes me weeks to do one.

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Henry Ford had a job! I've been home the last several months taking care of my 19month old daughter. Daddy daycare if you will. FE has been my "at home hobby". Since my other hobbies have taken a back seat, FE has become my #1. It can be done from home and it doesnt cost anything. Needless to say money is a bit tight with just my wife working. But she had the better job with insurance. Some days I would rather be back into constructionblink.gif . But thats why I skin so much. I'm home most of the time. And I kind of get obsessed over it. I like doing the research and buying new WWI books. I try to get the skins as right as possible.


Hope you like them all. I enjoy doing them and I like to share my stuff with everyone. It's so hard to focus on one when there are sooo many to do. I'll be getting a job soon so I have to get as many done now as I cangrin.gif

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Sorry to learn you are without work. I've been down the daddy daycare myself for several years. Next year they'll both be in school until 3pm everyday and I can work during the day like a normal person, rather than into the wee hours of the morning.

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We just didnt want Daycare to raise our kid. I wanted her to know who her parents and family are. And I wanted to be able to see her grow and learn things. It's been interesting thats for sure. Being out of work does suck. But being with my daughter is priceless. Glad to know I'm not the only guy who had to stay home. I'll tell ya I hated it at first. Had some rough daysblink.gif . I had a construction job before so I was out side all year round. Had lots of fun things I "liked" to do. And I really had to give up almost everything. Kind of makes you feel pretty lousy for awhile. But now it's much easier to take care of my daughter. She's old enough to go outside and run around and play by herself. So it's not 100% hands on anymore. Now I can do stuff. I dont know how the hell single moms do itdntknw.gif . My hats off to themSalute.gif .

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Understand, man. Seems we've seen the same movie, only in different theatres.


BTW, love Maiden.

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BTW, love Maiden.


I try and see them when they hiy New York. Some of the best concerts I've ever seen.

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One of my favorite live gigs is from NYC during the NOB tour. At the Palladium. I haven't seen them since BNW in Chicago. Dave Murray played almost a single note solo during NOB--at the bend after the trills during the second F he held it and screamed it for the rest of the solo. It was wailing and bucking and feeding back but he held it all the way through to the break. It was so minimalistic during the frenzy that it worked in spades. That alone was worth the ticket price.


Anyway, back to Jasta 19.

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Ah, the old one note solo with screaming feedback...A speciality of mine, often utilised during my band years, circa '84-'88 :yes:


The other band members would often ask me if I could give it some variation now 'n again..."Any more notes would be overkill, man", I would reply.


Happy days.

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I'm a sucker for it. :drinks: Although your museum shows are quite stellar, too!

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