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Nick Tselepides

You Might Do This Sunday On A Whim

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You might do this Sunday on a whim.

The last good flight you had was months ago.

You check the usual places, get in, strap

and sign for chocks away. You pat your horses

release the brakes, and off you go. High

among the first clouds, you know you never heard

the blonde below who screamed at you

Take me with you, I am not a nun.

You only heard the call of metal and the smell

of oil, the calls of wings abducting you.

If shooting enemies with hate in wars before

Now you think you'll never shoot again at anything.

Early summer, no matter---you fly and fly

by eye, by instrument, by tooth and nail, by heartbeat,

flesh and bone. The horse that brought you high

runs on gold, and gold is mined for you alone.

Let down, the airstrip beckons you. Let down

and let the sky be blue. Think of the blonde

and whisper Love me Love me all the way home.

The last good kiss you had was years ago.




Firday, June 4th, 2004

Poem by Nick Tselepides

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Great poem, Nick.


Reminds me, however, that I definitely do NOT have your talent for writing!


I have yet to try my hand at short stories, though.


But I do know that prose is out of the question. Ha!


Thanks for the poem. I like it. Lots of visuals.



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I have wrote a couple of poems, but I dont know how well they are. If I sent one via PM could you take a look and give your opinion?

They aren't flight related, I wrote them for someone special to me though.

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Go ahead and send it through Pm.




Glad you liked it--more will be sent to you later.

BTW, did you send me the book?

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Hey Nick


Your email must be not working again. I tried emailing you twice, but am getting a message that they are not going through to you.


Anyway, the book was mailed to you this morning, shipmate.





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I got your email. and my email is working--as I also got emails from others...

Thanks for the book, shipmate. Email us a pic or two of little kittens for us...Tania asked me to ask you for her...

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