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one skin, multiple nations

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how can i assign more than one nations to the same skin ?


can i do somtething like that? :





Nation=WGermany, Netherlands




Edited by squid

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I don't think so, I mean how would you select between the two and how would the game engine cope with the decals?


Just copy the skin and edit the TEXTURESET and DECAL ini's plus the NUMBERS list and PATCH (optional).

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Yup, you need seperat skin folder for EACH nation involved. Just look at how the stock MiGs are set up.



kevin stein

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Yup, you need seperat skin folder for EACH nation involved. Just look at how the stock MiGs are set up.



kevin stein


TK has added nation-specific number decals for several WP states, that's why there are now more silver skins for the MiGs in SF2.


The nationname in the Texture.ini is actually not that important, since an aircraft's nationality is actually determined by the Nationname used in the aircraft_data.

See this stock SF2 F-4F? The nationname given in the Texture set is still WGermany, but I had changed the nationname in the data.ini to USAF.


It has now American insignia, but does also use the German decal numbers...which makes sense, since that's how the decal.ini set up.


What I'm trying to say is this, you can use the same skin for several nations, but it won't make any difference in a random single mission, since AFAIK an aircraft can't have more than one nationality (Unless NATIONNAME has the same flexibility as ATTACHMENTTYPE).

If you want two different nations flying the same aircraft, then you have to go a bit further and create nation-specific copies of that plane.

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If you want a specific nation's insignia to appear on the skin, the ONLY thing that controls that IS the textureset ini's nation callout.


Changing the NationName= in the data ini nationalizes that aircraft to ONLY that one specific nations (hence, the reason I've always reccomended creating nation-specific aircraft).


But, if you wanted an American F-4F, you can still leave the NationName= to WGermany. You'll have to change the Exported= to TRUE, add the export start/end dates, and create a copy skin folder (call it USAF), with edited textureses and decal inis. You may not need the bmps, as the game engine ™ will still be looking for the BLW skin.


It should be noted, however, that my recent experience with SF2, is showing that IF you create a nations specific aircraft; say ferinstance, a PLAAF IL-28, you'll STILL need to have the skin bmps extracted and placed in their own skin-subfolder of you new aircraft, otherwise you get the bare lod. (even with the userslist showing China, the skins didn't show with just the textureset and decals inis. It goes without saying, that a new userlist will need generating, and the data ini extracted and edited for PLAAF only useage. (note: what I didn't do was keep the same names, ie: SovietSilver with China as the nation. That might have worked without skin bmp extraction/moving to the new aircraft)


So, no you can't have more than one nation listed in the data ini. You can reuse the existing skins, if you create new skin subfolders, with nationailzed texturesets. As long as the end user nations are 'allied' (meaning, you can't have RAF Fishbed that's "Friendly", without recreating the entire aircraft/folder and it's associated ini edits)


and if THAT hasn't confused you, I haven't done my job right!!! :rofl:



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench
spell check

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LOL LOL LOL confused but got the idea :P Thanks guys :D

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