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OT Is EVE Online any good...

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Okay I know that this may not be the right place to ask this question...


I am looking for an Elite style trading game and I have played The X Series to death and back... and as I have an enforced period shortly of spending up to 2 months with my leg in cast again, damn knee's. I was wondering if EVE Online was the next step to go down... I am after an open ended space trading shooter game to play when I am at home with my leg encased from hip to toes in plaster or whatever they use nowadays...


Also as it would be my first foray into mmorg (is that right) any advice on where to start would be helpful, I have not tried the freedownload yet either.


Any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance...

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Well, I can't comment myself,as I have never played it..BUT I have two friends who swear it's the best game out there re:Space type thing...and it's been around a while...never heard anything bad from it's devotees

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I did the trial back in the fall and liked it alot, it was very addictive, I'm also a fan of the X series. I plan on eventually getting a subscription, I've held off because there are so many single player games I need to get through that actually have an ending before I get sucked into a game that will last forever.


The only thing is you don't directly pilot your ship as in X games, you essentially give it commands like if it was a space RTS game, or if you didn't have a joystick and flew with the autopilot always in X. I thought it would, but it didn't really bother me.

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Okay I know that this may not be the right place to ask this question...


I am looking for an Elite style trading game and I have played The X Series to death and back... and as I have an enforced period shortly of spending up to 2 months with my leg in cast again, damn knee's. I was wondering if EVE Online was the next step to go down... I am after an open ended space trading shooter game to play when I am at home with my leg encased from hip to toes in plaster or whatever they use nowadays...


Also as it would be my first foray into mmorg (is that right) any advice on where to start would be helpful, I have not tried the freedownload yet either.


Any advice would be appreciated thanks in advance...


Oolite (Here) is a freeware updating of Elite. Its not an MMORPG, but its open source nature has enabled a bunch of expansions and mods - called OXPs (Listing / Info) - to be released. Check it out, even if you wind up choosing to go the Eve Online route.

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Oolite (Here) is a freeware updating of Elite. Its not an MMORPG, but its open source nature has enabled a bunch of expansions and mods - called OXPs (Listing / Info) - to be released. Check it out, even if you wind up choosing to go the Eve Online route.


Already have oolite... and most of the addon's... and it does take me back a couple of decades well 3 actually to the time of BBC Micro's yup I started out that long ago...

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I'm waiting on Black Prophecy to come out, since Taikodom was seriously laggy...




And I'm more fan of something to fly around with a joystick than with the mouse - as all the action is commands given previously, so not twitch-based at all, taking out any attempt at making a simulator-feel to it. I appreciate the fact that the smallest flyable craft is a fighter more than a frigate since it reminisces more to me the feeling I had when flying through space in Freespace - yeah, I missed out the X-Wing series unfortunately, but oh well... Taikodom is nice as well but laggy and the main community of it is brazilian, and the servers are somewhat laggy for a twitch-based game... was nice to try it out though...

I opened a thread on the sci-fi simulator section on this forum, curiously there are no replies yet... Both are free to play, and Black Prophecy is still in open beta till end of the month... Hope the final version gets released soon! :good:

Edited by TX3RN0BILL

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EVE is definitely a good game, but oh man is it immersive. You'd better be ready to devote serious time to it :)



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