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TW Stock F-16 rivets & panels

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Is there maybe any photoshop layer or other file with the TW stock F-16 rivets & panels alone? :) (The TW skin templates have them merged with the painting in a single layer)

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Also note - the templates have been changed slightly in the SF2I model compared to the WOI model.

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Theres a set of Gerwin templates in the SF1 skin templates section. At least the base layers is a single colour there. (good job Gerwin with that)


What are the differences with WOI? how so?

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like (nearly) all the other skins from 1st to 2nd Gens, the mapping has been slightly changed; you'll probably have to extract the skin bmps and compare them side-by-side to get a feel for what got moved to where


also, the "panel finder" bmp ... should be in templates d/l section somewhere ... is a HUGE help



kevin stein

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close enough!



kevin stein

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i have to wait for another 24 hours to download and see what is it about exactly :P. Weren't you refering to this? what exactly is the "panel finder" bmp? (btw, i used to see some donation links around and i dont seem to be able to see any now?) :)

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up in the top right corner of the page, you should see your name. If you mouse over/click on it, it should open a drop down with link, including a "Pruchase Paid Subscription"


what the panel finder does, is become a new layer on the skin template. When saved as *whicheverskin.bmp, it'll show up in game AS the skin. The letter/number grid will show you what's where on map, and where it is on the LOD. (see screenie below)


the second shot, is the actual item, as a jpg. Just drop it (resize as needed)into the psd, and have at it



kevin stein

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aaah maping cordinates ... yeap thats a help i guess if i get to make panels and rivets from scratch .... thanks

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