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Winston DoRight

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If you're looking for an older game, here's a download company that offers low prices, NO DRM, and NO online requirement for play. Please support them if you are looking for older titles.



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Think i may treat myself to the Tex Murphy games. Under a Killing Moon was good fun...didn't realise there were sequels!

Thanks for the headsup Winston :drinks:

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I'll just have to get the Duke nukem, castles & battlechess games...


They were such firm favourites of mine on my first PC which was a 486SX25 with a whole 100Mb hard disk!!!


could have been used as a file server!!! grin.gif




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I'm going for IL-2 1946. The US version had no DRM, but it's now hard to find, the import version has securerom. I guess I'll try GOG's 4GB download version.

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I can also recommend gog.com - they have excellent customer support and the whole process of buying and downloading games is very painless and simple. And they are constantly adding new games to their catalogue, many of them old (and not so old actually) classics that are very hard to find elsewhere or make to work on modern PCs.

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Just wish I could find the Old Origin Game Strike Commander somewhere

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Just wish I could find the Old Origin Game Strike Commander somewhere


A great game and works well in Dosbox. I have the original, including the box and all the goodies that came with it. Not to brag or anything... :grin:

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:good: I'll add a third to Hasse & Winston's results with GOG.

An interesting site to visit and buy from. :salute:

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