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March 2010 patch

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AI pilots can only stare in anger as their planes dive into the ground. Dead engine goes silent now too.

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Getting better and better. The Aldis is nicer than before, and the spins are an improvement. TK is putting some time into this version.

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Peter were there any "setbacks" as far as FMs go?What I mean is were there any changes made that make your job more difficult or render your finished work obsolete?

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I'm having trouble extracting the FE2 file sets.


SFP1E does not operate.


The original archives are coded for Crypto Shell Extensior..


I've DL the CatPack utility but no joy.


Please advise.

Edited by sinbad

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Hello All


I just completed downloading and installing the March 2010 FE2 Patch from ThirdWire website. Now all the 'Canned' Campaigns lock up the game the moment I click on the Accept Button no matter which side I chose or which Squadron I try to fly. I must recover by using Task Manager. Wha' Happened? The Canned Campaigns were working fine before the patch. I am runnig FE2 in Windows XP Pro with 2GB of RAM.



Edited by OlPaint01

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I'm having trouble extracting the FE2 file sets.


SFP1E does not operate.


The original archives are coded for Crypto Shell Extensior..


I've DL the CatPack utility but no joy.


Please advise.



It works differently to the FE1 one. Create a desktop shortcut for "CatPack", open folder with .cat file, and drag (select with mouse-hold right button down then drag)the .cat file onto the "Catpack" icon, then select "open with". If it states something like cannot create index file and aborts, delete any index files in the .cat file directory, and do again.


Alternatively, maybe you have an older OS?

Edited by peter01

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Peter were there any "setbacks" as far as FMs go?What I mean is were there any changes made that make your job more difficult or render your finished work obsolete?


The only setback to me in terms of FMs is that the ones I did were not designed for FE2 whiteknight. They work fine, not obsolete at all, seem good, but IF I designed them for FE2 they would be better :grin:.


Already starting to improve them, which is the second point - it's easier doing FMs for FE2.


But TK made some minor changes to the AI in the FE2 patch - doesn't make anything obsolete, in fact it is an improvement, so good. Unfortunately, my AI are very finely tuned and about as capable as you want them I think, yet the change makes 'em tougher! Minor issue really, but it just reconfirms that every time TK puts out a patch or expansion pack, it usually necessitates some FM rework. Even minor rework when there are 100 planes or so is not a trivial task .

Edited by peter01

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Hi Peter01-


Got it now. I once was lost but now I see.


I was doing everything right EXCEPT hitting return key in the DOS Command screen.


As in so many things, now it is obvious, but only because you walked me through my previous confusion.


Thanks again.



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