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Der Rote Baron (The Red Baron) DVD

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Thought I'd pass this info on to you guys here. The German film " Der Rote Baron" of 2008 is finally going to be available here in the USA on June 1, 2010. Initially, its' only available in Blu-Ray (my PS3 will come in handy once again.) It will sell for $25.29. Check if out here:



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If you're looking for an accurate account of the man's life or a complex psychological portrait of the man, I'd save your money.


Some entertining CGI stuff, but a horribly cliched representation of MvR as a tortured romantic soul. The Roger Corman film is (in my opinion) much more interesting, in the way it depicts MvR and Roy Brown.

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Well, we had that debate before, but I'll repeat myself once more:


If you watch the movie without even thinking it was about MvR (who was a totally different character),

you can see an interesting picture about some German Jasta, maybe.

Still though, these actors are more "Flyboys" than RL Prussian officers of those days.


I liked most of the flying and air combat scenes (except the impossible dives with the Albatros,

and some too fast tempo here and there).

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Still reckon OFF is a better look at the reality of WW1 Flying

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If you're looking for an accurate account of the man's life or a complex psychological portrait of the man, I'd save your money.


Some entertining CGI stuff, but a horribly cliched representation of MvR as a tortured romantic soul. The Roger Corman film is (in my opinion) much more interesting, in the way it depicts MvR and Roy Brown.



Are you talking about this one? The Red Baron (click)


I've been waiting for it to arrive at Netflix.

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I guess that means it'll never be released to the theaters

Too bad, why do they always flub up the WWI flicks

Where are you Peter Jackson??? this.gif


Huh? vat iz thiz?


Um, Olly, did you notice the nice poetry there?

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We keep knovking 'Flyboys' on these fora and until 'Red Baron' came along that was fair enough.... But I was discussing the two with a colleague at work yesterday and came to the personal conclusion that by comparison, 'Flyboys' ain't bad.


That pretty much says how bad I think 'Red Baron' is.

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       Well, you can expect that this movie is bad, Til Schweiger is maybe the worst german actor at the moment. His only success is through his manlike face that´s rather loved among female fans, although the man IMHO is a gay. But you know, women love even that. Otherwise he is at Arnold Schwarzenegger level. Even a 10 y/o boy at school theater acts better!!








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Wow.. sounds worse then I thought, but I still want to see it, if only for the flight scenes; they looked pretty good in the previews.

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Wow.. sounds worse then I thought, but I still want to see it, if only for the flight scenes; they looked pretty good in the previews.



that's maybe the main problem about this movie. the flightscenes in the previews are 80% what you'll see in the movie. with more scenes one at least look little bit over the cheesy plot.

flyboys sucked, but at least had many flightscenes though the longer the movie went, the more ridiculous it became. most ridiculous was the part when this wannabe lufberry steered back and flew backwards to rip off the upper wings of the enemy with his landing gear heat.gif

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good.gif If it has 2 wings in it then I will buy it. I saw Flyboys in a theater and I liked it. My Grandson thought it was great. I should mention that there were only 15 people in the theater. I guess they dont pull in the money as much as 3D or Sex and mayhem.grin.gif

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