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Before I bought this I tried a couple of ATI cards from the guy's who build my computer. Now I will state right now that I only used these cards on lockon Fc1.1 and F4AF. I had no luck getting them adjusted. That was under windows xp sp2. They ran very hot so we put in the cooler and larger case fans. I had to go back to a way earlier driver to get any satisfaction at all and still had bad shimmers and zaggies. I went back and ordered the card I have now and it has performed upto expectations. Kept the cooler and case fans as they are great in summer. I always had nvidia cards till I tried the 2 ATI's and I decided to stay with Nvidia. Now before I get blasted(lol), other people have had success with ATI cards. This is just my personal experience and everyone has their own flavor. I think if I had an ATI card that was not up to scratch, I would have a look around to see what other people have to say on ATI vs Nvidia and stand by for a lot of techie stuff that will scramble your mind.LOL. Cheers and hope you get your problem sorted out and enjoy your sims.

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LOL thanks for the input. I suspect probably hardwarewise theres nothing wrong with Radeons, but seems to be some kind of bad drivers chemistry with simulators i guess. My previous Ati, 9600 XT i think it was called and it was baaaack in the days that ALL my rig actvity was absolutely revolving around making LO as smooth as it was supposed to be (still with scenes high its not smooth flying over sevastopol in my current rig even if OCed to 3600) was my first card ever that allowed me decent framerates and to really run at last LO. (previous i think was an nVidia GF3 Ti 300 i think ?) Later Nvidias gave me even better results. A good thing with my current 5850 was that even under pressure (and can stand crazy overclocks i never seen before in any of my vgas) is not getting easily hot and in general is the quietest i ever had. Also i like the simplicity and make sense of the cats control panel. Something else i like was that auto fan speed does work unlike my previous nvidias (up to 8800 GTS 512 - a really great card) Also overdrive is implented in cats and does work too with 3D trigers, things that were not part of the standard nvidia drivers and even if i added that messed up nvidia application that supposedly was giving OC control that never worked properly nor had such trigers. With nvidia the only way to go with adjustments and settings is RivaTuner. Their control panels have been a FAIL. Dont know if things changed now.


To my surprise Shimmering was indeed HUGE with LO/FC1/FC2 when i first installed them .... After trying all sorts of combinations found that that only Supersampling AA was eliminating the shimmering with ED software. And this strange tearing-up that looks at first like a typical v-sync thing but chances are that its not, since the v-sync settings dont affect it at all in LO/FCx. 5850 So far is being quirky with ED stuff only ... will see .....

Edited by squid

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Oh wow, Dave has the exact same laptop I do, except I still have Vista SP2 on mine. It never even occurred to me to try and run LOMAC on it, though, mainly because I can't hook my HOTAS up to it where it is. :grin:


Anyway, I just upgraded to a 5850 this weekend and have yet to try FC2 with it, but I played DCS:BS and it was fine.

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My desktop is a Dell XPS/Dimension 630i

Windows 7 64 Bit

Processor, Q9400, 2.66, 6MB Yorkfield (Quad Core Power)

2X 500GB HD's

Nvidia GTX 285

Dual In-line Memory Module 1GB, 800, 128X64, 8, 240, 1RX8 (4 GB RAM)


Running FC2 maxed out with X16 FSAA and X16 AF. Doesnt even hiccup.

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I find it quite interesting to note the laptop specs. and the desktop. Correct me if I am wrong but it seems a desktop with much the same or better specs. does not run as good as the laptops seem too.You would think it should be the other way around. The reason I mention this is I just upgraded to windows 7 x64, on my desktop which is built to take what Lockon has to offer yet when I see somepeople running this sim. on a laptop, they seem to have an easier time of it and running smoother. Very strange! Have you noticed the same?

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I am not sure why that is either. I do prefer to run it on my desktop but dont always have time to go to the basement and fly sims.

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Got mine in bedroom, so I can hit the floor flying.lol

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got a little flickering on canopy and on horizon,is it normal?

2 more questions:

i can go easily with shadows full,dut the shadow in itself create saw tooth borders on the plane,is there a way to solve?

And about visibility range is it more close to RL max it out or set to medium like previous FC?


forgot to say that i use nvidia latest drivers for my gtx-280

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My desktop is a Dell XPS/Dimension 630i

Windows 7 64 Bit

Processor, Q9400, 2.66, 6MB Yorkfield (Quad Core Power)

2X 500GB HD's

Nvidia GTX 285

Dual In-line Memory Module 1GB, 800, 128X64, 8, 240, 1RX8 (4 GB RAM)


Running FC2 maxed out with X16 FSAA and X16 AF. Doesnt even hiccup.


i knew it i should had nailed a 270+ instead ... I will never listen to others input again. They werent simmers anyways *grrrr* Hiccup is the midle name for ED in my rig .....

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got a little flickering on canopy and on horizon,is it normal?

2 more questions:

i can go easily with shadows full,dut the shadow in itself create saw tooth borders on the plane,is there a way to solve?

And about visibility range is it more close to RL max it out or set to medium like previous FC?


forgot to say that i use nvidia latest drivers for my gtx-280


- Canopy flickering is inherited from LO engine. Cant be avoided yet ... maybe with newer code later. Everybody has the flickering

- horizon flickering you are lucky is little. In atis i guess like mine is huge. inherited from DCS (although others claim was in LO/FC too). By product of cloud shadow. Only way to get rid of it for now is to get rid of cloud shadows cast on ground. But in FC2 this happens only by a special tweak.

- Full shadows again inherited from the old DX8 engine of LO/FC, Its uggly like that and won't be changed untill new code / new engine. You can maybe get a couple of FPS gain by turning it off also.

- max visibility is of the good points of FC2 over previous versions. Max visibility corresponds to reality to my opinion just fine and works way better than before. Difference with medium is not big either now.

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thanks squid,about shadows,it's not to earning FPS's just for eye pleasure,maybe all planar is best setting!

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One reason the laptops may seem smoother is the resolution. What are you running your laptop at compared to desktops?

My laptop is 1440x900 (I could've upgraded it to an even higher res, but this was already an upgrade, I think 1200x800 was stock?), but my desktop is 1280x1024. Now in my case, we're talking about only a mere 15000 pixel difference, but some people have widescreen monitors running at 1680 x 1050 (which is 450,000 pixels more), 1920 x 1080 (700,000 more), or 1920 x 1200 (1,000,000 more).

Since ED's sims are very CPU-bound, higher res needs more CPU power. The only thing a bigger video card gives you is the ability to crank up the FSAA.

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whoaaa I've seen into F-15 missions a Baz mission where Israelis go bombing up Iranian nuke sites!!!!

can't wait to fly it!!!!!when i got a little more time!

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I'm running a dual core 2.4, 4 gigs of ram and a 8800GT


everything is maxed out except


Mirrors, which I have found to not help me out much, just eating fps


Heat blur, which I plan to turn on...just forgot to when I was setting everything up. It's not a big deal, just some nice eye candy


Scenes are set to whatever the server runs at



Mods installed

F-15 by gys

Su-27 by 3go

A-10 by Simmod



I get 25+ fps on the ground and anywhere from 40-120 in the air. I was thinking of building me a new computer this summer, but there is no need to as the game runs prefectly fine now. And it's the only game I play.

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i knew it i should had nailed a 270+ instead ... I will never listen to others input again. They werent simmers anyways *grrrr* Hiccup is the midle name for ED in my rig .....


I always build my rigs around simming. If you can run something maxed out with most sims then anything else runs great. That has been experience anyway.

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120's are working a lot better in 2.0, but they can still be defeated if you know how. I love flying the F-15, but my fav jet overall in lock on is the Su-33. Love the carrier ops and being able to do multirole.

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120's are working a lot better in 2.0, but they can still be defeated if you know how. I love flying the F-15, but my fav jet overall in lock on is the Su-33. Love the carrier ops and being able to do multirole.

So far the AIM-120B's are terrible for some reason. But the AIM-120C, is the 'Fetch em Fido" of legend. I have yet to miss with it. The "B" though, I miss 66% of the time. I would love to see what info they used for these things. I can almost bet its incorrect. Let me rephrase that, I can say for certain its incorrect.

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Fix something and break another. Sound familiar.hee hee. I think it must be something to do with software programming. That seems to be the pattern with software patches of any kind.

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thats good ol LO for you LOL there are always strange issues with radars and missiles on every release or patch or official addon lol I am not sure there has been a version that got it all right together in a single version :)

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Ha. Oh so true and I don't think we will live long enough to see a perfect patch. Each time you make a change you have to follow the tree structure to see what it effects. Most of the time that is done but dear old software programming always finds a way to screw up something you don't expect. Limb was too small to notice. LOL.

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Well, you know the 120C has smaller fins, so it has to be 10x better. :rolleyes:

They must be basing it on some "120C has far better ECCM vs 120B against Russian ECM and chaff" document somewhere and they pulled this performance out of thin air (since of course real numbers would be classified).

Personally, I don't like that there are like 5 different 120C models in service concurrent with the B because I can't remember them all! They should've just given them all new letters!

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Yes, I agree. It also looks as though the sim. leans one way a tad. I have read some specs. on the 120c and b but as you say varients are also out there. I guess the best approach would be to take the least affective one. Considering the 15 has all those other nice features.lol.

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So far the AIM-120B's are terrible for some reason. But the AIM-120C, is the 'Fetch em Fido" of legend. I have yet to miss with it. The "B" though, I miss 66% of the time. I would love to see what info they used for these things. I can almost bet its incorrect. Let me rephrase that, I can say for certain its incorrect.



I have had 120C's miss a lot, even from close range. I have no idea what the guy did but it worked. I have also dodged a few 120 from pretty close range. Are you doing single player or multi? I only do multiplayer.

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Don't want to hijack thread but just a quick question. Is anybody interested in the F-22. I also need some good cockpit shots if anyone has them.

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Don't want to hijack thread but just a quick question. Is anybody interested in the F-22. I also need some good cockpit shots if anyone has them.


I am very very interested in the F-22. I will see what I can do about cockpit shots.

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