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V 4.1 Zzzspace Lomac Sound Effects

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zzzspace LOMAC Sound Effects version 4.1



GhostDog, could you please upload, or replace the version now online within the BioHaz’s LOMAC file downloads—I love you guys. :D



[ EDIT by GhostDog ]


Description: This version 4.1 update to the pack contains new high quality missile launch sounds from actual missile firings, incremental refinement to engines, as well as to many ground-war battle sounds and genuine tank and artillery gun firing sounds. The in-flight background radio chatter has been edited and also reduced a little in volume so as to be less distracting during missions. Helicopter sound now has the appropriate turbine engine sound included.


Other mirror sites are welcome to host this pack as well--enjoy.






P.S. Regarding sound levels; I have noted the occasional complaints voiced about cockpit volume levels. I’m a little tired of repeating this to the people who pay no attention; you can aim for one of three possible options when building a sound pack for Lock On:

1. Internal cockpit sound that is very similar to the real thing.

2. External sounds that are very similar to the real thing

3. A high quality compromise between those two irreconcilable and conflicting ideals.


This sound pack is designed along the lines of option 3. If you believe that your in-cockpit sound is too loud, then I ask you; ‘loud’ … WITH RESPECT TO WHAT EXACTLY???


I can only see two practical and reasonable issues that would make any sense to this nebulous complaining of cockpit sounds seeming “too loud”;


1. You might feel the avionics warnings are a bit hard to hear easily because other sounds are swamping them a little … in which case, turn up the ‘Warnings’ slider within Lock On’s audio options (indeed, that’s precisely why I designed this pack with the “Warnings” volume slider pegged at 50%!)


2. Or else, you might have some difficulty hearing voice comms clearly in multiplay … which any experienced m/p flier knows can be caused by a number of completely unrelated factors, such as the quality of the microphones being used, speaker quality, equalisation, transmitting environment, the compression codec being used, or even the particular voice program being utilised.


But those factors have absolutely nothing to do with the cockpit sound volume levels of the sound pack itself—do they? But let’s say for argument sake that none of these are the cause of the difficulty one is experiencing in hearing voice comms clearly; in which case, the available solutions are EXTREMELY SIMPLE.


You can either turn up your volume slider within your VOICE COMMS program, or else, you can turn down the LOCK ON MASTER VOLUME SLIDER, which is found at the top of LOMAC’s AUDIO OPTIONS screen—this is in fact why Lock On has a master volume slider … ok? You, and you alone have total control over the cockpit sound levels which you experience—it has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with the sound pack. So please, no more tedious pointless complaining about your personal cockpit volume levels, USE YOUR BRAIN, and spend half an hour or so to set up and test out sound levels, then note them down, and you will have no further problems with your cockpit sound level settings.


Too easy! ;) :D


The following settings are volume settings which I STRONGLY RECOMMEND for use with this sound pack. I suggest you FIRST try altering other volume sliders, as described above, BEFORE moving away from the recommended settings.


If you still aren’t a happy little chappy after this, … then tough luck Snoopy! :D


MASTER VOLUME = 100% (or whatever setting works best to balance with your voice comms)


MUSIC = 25%

RADIO = 35%

ENGINES = 100%


EFFECTS = 100%

WIND = 100%




Cheers peeps!

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consider it done B).. keep it comming Zzz

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OK its up... Get it here.


.. i'll will just move this topic to the right forum btw.

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zzzspace just for your information,


Moses_195th mentioned on HL not to use your sound mod for the upcoming patch. He said that it doesn't work properly.


Hopefully this is not true. We shall see when 1.02 comes out. Thanks again for the update

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If they have changed things to the extent that it would seriously affect this mod, then it probably means they have either reworked the sound engine structure, or added several new sounds.


We shall see.

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As i understand it you can choose to install individual soundfiles etc, instead of the whole thing, with LoMan 2.1. You might be able to use that as a work-around untill the soundpack and other stuff gets updated to 1.02 compatability.


Its going to be interesting to see how much needs to get updated.

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