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SF2:V Escort mission problem

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HI Guys,


I Hope someone can help me with this. When playing WOV2 I usually take off, form up but then skip to the next action scene. I have a problem with WOV2 gold that I gign't have with WOV1 gold. When I arrive in the target area 50% of the time the flight i'm escorting arn't there, when I ask for vector to primary target it tells me the strike aircraft are over 50 miles away. Its not an aircraft based problem as it happens with all strike aircraft from A-1's to F-105's. It doesn't happen on every mission but happens on half of them. It still happens if I take off, find the flight I have to escort first then skip, I still arrive way ahead of them. Any ideas?


Cheers from Ross

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Probably something TW would need to change - assume this is SF2V Mar 2010. Not noticed it because on Esort missions I take off, x16 time accel towards the rendevous point (WP3 normally) - when Im close I ask where they are and they are usually near - so I Escort them in (keeping them in sight) and all the way back if I dont get caught up with a MiG.

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So I wasn't dreaming that there is something wrong with using Alt+N in the SF2 series. One explanation could be that using Alt+N transports you immediately to the objective, meaning no time passes for your flight, so I guess the problem could be that your flight arrives hours before all the other flights are meant to show up. That's just my theory, though. Not sure if that's really the case. It might be useful to raise this question at the TW forums....

Edited by Gocad

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Yeah it probably is something to do with the time skip, I did a few missions looking at the map first, it happened more when the airbases for escort and strike aircraft were at different distances from the target area.


Migbuster, does you WOV2 do x16 speed normally, mine only goes upto 8x?

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That might be the same issue I've been reporting about broken flight sync in FE2. Seems to be a warp-related bug.

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Migbuster, does you WOV2 do x16 speed normally, mine only goes upto 8x?


You can change a value in flightengine.ini which you would need to extract and put into the flight folder.


Only change this if your system can handle it.







MaxTimeCompression=16.0 <------


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