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Lomac Tips And Tricks

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I will try to compile a list of the best confirmed tweaks that require editing of the LUA or CFG files etc..


If you got any good tips please respond to this thread and if your tip is good it will be added to the list.







Editing the view constraints:


This tweak makes it possible to look all the way back over your shoulders without "bumping" into the headrest etc. Greatly improves SA. REcommend for trackIr users and pratically does away with the need for the new F4 view.



Open the \config\view\cockpit.lua file in wordpad or any other simple editor.


HAngleMAX is horizontal angle of freedom.

VAngleMin is downward angle of freedom.

VAngleMax is upward angle of freedom.


Recommended Values:




HAngleMaxDefault = 180.0

VAngleMinDefault = -72.5

VAngleMaxDefault = 115.0


Extended 50 degree horizontally and 7 degree downward.

There is a big headrest prevent you from seeing engines and tail fins.

But you can see 6 o'clock high clearly now.

And you can check chaff and flare counters on the right console much easier.


MiG-29,Su-27 and Su-33:


HAngleMaxDefault = 145.0

VAngleMinDefault = -65.5

VAngleMaxDefault = 115.0


Extended 15 degree horizontally.

You can see your 5 and 7 o'clock better.





HAngleMaxSu25 = 139.0

VAngleMinSu25 = -69.0

VAngleMaxSu25 = 115.0


Extended 44 degree horizontally and 4 degree downward.

Not much improvement in situation awareness because of the ristrected view by window frames.





HAngleMaxF15 = 180.0

VAngleMinF15 = -65.5

VAngleMaxF15 = 115.0


Extended 45 degree horizontally.

Great improvement in situation awareness.

You can see your 6 o'clock very clearly.

Take off and look back! You see the runway you just departed from.


Thanks to TekaTeka from Japan

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V1.02 Msforce Feedback 2 Stick/Framerate Fix


Just saw this at the Ubi forum. Seems to be an issue with Microsoft's Force Feedback Sidewinder stick causing a substantial loss in framerate. Luckily, there is a workaround.


Installed 1.02 and have been disapointed with the results (don't lose interest just yet!), so I've been trying to do some benchmarking and I came to the conclusion that performance is, at best about the same as 1.01.


Now the important bit (feels like I've seen the light). I unplugged my MSFFB2 to copy the new readme to a USB flash disk to print off on the office laser and forgot to plug it back in. Restarted the game and got almost a doubling of FPS. For example, I was getting about 20-35 FPS on the F-15 quick flight mission. With no MSFFB2, I get 50-65 FPS.


It gets better: I exit the game, restart the PC (to make sure it's not a fluke) and plug in my Sidewider pro (non-FFeedback) and I still get almost twice the FPS.


I can't be on my own here. What is going on? I can live without FFeedback when the game works this well.


I'm off to get a glass of wine and replay all the training missions. Hallelulah, it works!!!!!!!


The fix is as follows:


Edit your Config/Producer.cfg file in our favorite editor. Always a good idea to make a backup first just in case.


You want to change the line:


ForceFeedbackEnabled = true;


Change to:


ForceFeedbackEnabled = false;


That's it. You lose force feedback (though not return to center tension), but you gain 10-20 FPS.


Original Ubi thread

Edited by GhostDog

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Jan "Escar" Hytry posted a great thread of all the 1.02 tweaks posted in the Ubi forums over the past few weeks. I am duplicating it here. You can find the original thread here


I take no credit for these, these are the sum of a lot of posts from a lot of people! ;)




List of what this thread contains:

PRE-1.02 summary of FPS improvement tricks (most still work)

Some extra info on fps improvement tricks I found























I wonder if it will fit in one post...



Here it goes, first the old tweaks, then new ones:






Hi there,


this is what I have heard so far:


1.) Bobocop's overcast low/med resolution clouds. They are included in the LOMAN program which you can get here: http://www.checksix-fr.com/bibliotheque/do...dC6.php?ID=1452


2.) Set water to low/medium. There is a good replacement low water texture in LOMAN also.


3.) Open the graphics cfg file with notepad, scroll down to LandLodDistances, and edit the LandDay values TO:


L01 = 8000;

L12 = 15000;


these are the same values as LandNight,

you can also try changing the MFD a bit further down in the same list. If you dislike the blurring you can also increase the L12 texture to 25000 which reduces blur considerably but still gives a good fps increase. See this thread for more details: http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=...0606&m=26410859


4.) Get rid of the shaders used on the flare trails. See this thread for more info: http://ubbxforums.ubi.com/6/ubb.x?a=tpc&s=...0606&m=16310579


5.) Turn off Anistro Filtering. There is a bug that makes canopy scratches look like spider webs with it on anyways.


6.) Obvious stuff: turn detail down if you are still getting stuttering, lower resolution, turn off FSAA.


7.) In BIOS make your graphic aperture 64 MB if you have 256 RAM, 128 for 512-768 RAM, and 256 for 1GB+.


8.) Close background programs with ENDITALL http://home.ptd.net/~don5408/toolbox/enditall/


9.) Go into your start menu and go to run, type dxdiag and go into sound properties and turn sound acceleration off.


10.) Set game to 16 bit color.


11.) There is a memory leak issue. Alt-tab out of the game in the menu before starting up a mission or between missions and alt-tab back. This seems to improve performance.


12.) The infamous DLL trick. Basically you replace the DLL graphics renderer file in the LOMAC directory with the one specific to your card. Personally I think it's just a BS placebo effect, but there are people who swear by their lives that it works. See this thread: http://www.lockonmodernaircombat.com/modul...f53ac98d13f1211

so here how it go's. I experimented with modifying graphics.cfg and came across a method to impove my graphics peformance. what i did was edited graphics.cfg in config directory and made the following changes under plugin section at the start.


Renderer = "nv4_disp.dll";

Plugin1 = "MitkaGraphics.dll";

Plugin2 = "ZweiBlau.dll";

Plugin3 = "AVIMaker.dll";

Plugin4 = "Weather.dll";

GrEffects = "Effects.dll";

Plugin5 = "RenderEffects.dll";

Plugin6 = "explosions.dll";


which was previously seen as


Renderer = "DXRenderer.dll";

Plugin1 = "MitkaGraphics.dll";

Plugin2 = "ZweiBlau.dll";

Plugin3 = "AVIMaker.dll";

Plugin4 = "Weather.dll";

GrEffects = "Effects.dll";

Plugin5 = "RenderEffects.dll";


next i made a copy of nv_disp.dll in main directory.(by the way i got that from system32 under windows)

The result for me was a much quicker fps >24 in almost fully loaded graphical configuration, and at higher res 1280x1024 .

13.) After reading this tread:


(disable pixel shaded flares) i did some experiment to try to improve the FPS during

explosions:to disable some FPS challenging pixel

shaded special effects,you can rename the following files in X:\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn\Bazar\Effects\RenderEffects\Shaders=

Smoke Particle.psh

Smoke Particle.vsh



This mod will improve the FPS a during the first phase of the explosions (you can now fly through smoke)



Hope this helps.





Following the spirit of this change, I renamed:


SmokeParticle.psh, and



It -seems- to have gotten rid of the frame drop I was getting when I'd strafe a vehicle in the A-10. I was getting a sharp drop, almost a hang for a second or so when I'd hit the target and the smoke/dust billows up.


Now that seems better, don't have any exact numbers as I'm to busy strafing to watch the fps counter, but it does feel better...


Another way to get a a lot more FPS:


14) Turn off 3D-sound by editing \Sounds\Sound.cfg

Change every

Mode3D = true;


Mode3D = false;

The fastest way is to use a find-and-replace function in your favourite text editior... like notepad.


NOTE: On my computer this will have a very clear effect on the sounds in Lock On. For me it's like after the change all sounds only have a on/off mode after you turn off 3D. Sounds will not fade (not like before anyway) with distance. They'll just pop up and then suddenly dissapear... However this is a huge gain in FPS for me so I think it's worth it.


Make "FFback=false" in producer,cfg for 3-5 fps increase.





Yes. Go into




there are 2 files, nscratch.bmp and nscratch_g.bmp.


Open them in paint/photoshop, grey out all of the blue and green squiggly lines and your canopy scratches will disappear.


I recommend backing up first.




For Nvidia GeForce users:


I remembered that I never had an issue with blue screens in the original demo. In fact, I was rather impressed with water explosions.


So this morning I went into the Lock On folder, then Bazar/Effects/WTREXPLOSION. In the folder entitled "FOAM" there is a folder called "OLD". Go in there, copy those files, and past them in FOAM folder.


I have water explosions again!!!!!!!!!! And haven't suffered any lock-ups or blue screens in maybe 6 hours of play!


The Goat




I set the agp aperture to 128 at 4x and now my radeon 9700 runs Lomac @ 1280 x 1024 aa2x,8x all graphics maxed...the game looks AMAZING,




Luckily I have a texfile with the most important tweaks.




for flares slowdown, do this:

in \bazar\effects\rendereffects\shaders

delete or rename these files:





ej: flare.old etc... or delete it




smoke slowdown:


to disable some FPS challenging pixel

shaded special effects,you can rename the following files in X:\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\LockOn\Bazar\Effects\RenderEffects\Shaders=

Smoke Particle.psh

Smoke Particle.vsh



This mod will improve the FPS a during the first phase of the explosions (you can now fly through smoke)




Remove these two files from your C:\....Lock on\sound\effects folder.








These are the two high pitched bullet richochet sounds and they really hurt frame rates when strafing Ground Targets. Just remove them from your c:\.....\sound\effects folder.Then go to your Sound.cfg file and find the que play line for each of these two files, and remove them.











I thinnk the 1.02 patch has fixed many issues and ED / UBI have supported the community very well - but the 1.02 patch introduced a negative effect - on mys system at least!!!!


The problem is pop-up. In 1.01 or 1.00 object would fade in (ie start off transparent and then gradually become solid). In 1.02 they just pop up. A solution of increasing the valued in grafics.cfg hits the FPS too much so I am not happy with this fix.


I was running Cats 4.5 so I thought it may be a driver issue. Changed back to 3.9 but still got the pop-up. (point to note that with all the same settings including AA I got 2 FPS more with 3.9 than 4.5)


I was sure this was not like this in 1.00 or 1.01 so I re-installed and sure enough the objects fade in really nicely. Upgraded to 1.02 and the pop-up was back


So I coppied the Dxrenderer.dll from 1.00 to over the 1.02 version and I get the nice fading in graphics again.


Can ED / Ubi or anyone tell us what has changed in this file in 1.02 to make pop-up a problem. Also are there any down sides with to using the 1.00 Dxrenderer.dll


I need to do a bit more testing but so far things look much better. I have not tested if the increased viewing distances of vehicles in 1.02 is still ok - but will tonight.


Try the older dll files and see the difference!!!




I've just spoken with ED, they say that this should be a placibo effect, but still can not 100% attest to that, since they MADE CHANGES in dxrenderer.dll file.


What you are talking about, the fade of the objects, is controlled by the following parameter in graphics.cfg:



You may try to change it to =1 to have fading effect in full.


Please check it vs dxrenderer.dll and report here.


The negative affect of that fade parameter is that military equipment and weapons also fade away earlier which is not acceptable for me personally.


BUT if dxrenderer.dll somehow deals only with the buildings and trees then it should be very useful.


So more research on our side is needed. The result may be interesting indeed.



yep, just applied the dxrenderer.dll from v1.01 and after running the MiG-29 Intercept mission replay i can see what u mean by not seeing things from far off (aircraft are only visible when close) BUT yes buildings and trees do look better fading in rather than popping up from outta nowhere.....think i'll stick with the v1.02 for now





I've been playing around with a few things in an effort to increase frame rates. Need other opinions tho for this one:


(back up any files before you change them!)


1. in C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Bazar\Effects\Clouds - open up globalProperty.cfg (you may need to right click on it first and uncheck the read only property)


2. change the values indicated below to read like this:








(actually just try the COEFFICIENT_TRANSPARENCY = 00; first because this may be all you need - transparent things put a lot of strain on some video cards))


3. save the file after the changes are made.


4. Now copy the file into the following 3 directories overwriting the files that are already there: (you did do a backup didn't you?)


C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Bazar\Effects\Clouds\High


C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Bazar\Effects\Clouds\Low


C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Bazar\Effects\Clouds\Medium



Now try to see what your FPS in the game is. I squeezed out a variable 5-10 FPS doing this with all my graphics settings on medium. dont worry, in case anyone wants to scream foul and cheat, - the clouds do not go away and are still displayed.


If your thinking that you can further edit the files in these directories to get rid of clouds all together - well yes you can - but if you do you will get a very large drop in frame rates.



What does this do to the graphics?? Does it effect anything?? I mean, do the clouds still look like clouds once you have applied this?



Yep, clouds still look like clouds and everything still works. The reason I posted it is because the change was good for me and I wanted others to evaluate it also. Seems to work ok tho and did give me a boost.






Its been a journey to remember but not without its victims along the way. Having gotten tired of not being able to enjoy the game in any manner after the 1.02 patch due to the frame rate drop with that patch, I finally decided to sacrifice something - sounds.


It doesn't work to turn sounds off thru the gui it turns out. You have to modify a file to do it.


heres how:


1. go to C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Sounds\Sound.cfg.


2. right click on the file and choose properties, then un check the 'read only' box, then hit 'Apply'.


3. now right click on the sound.cfg file and choose 'copy' and place a copy of the file somewhere else for safe keeping - this is your back up in case something goes wrong.


4. now go back to C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Sounds\Sound.cfg and right click the file and open the tile with notepad. Your going to see a bunch of lines similar to this:


PlaneAfterburner { Mode3D = true; Loop = true; Front = false; Inside = 90; Outside = 180; Volume = 1.0; Silence = 0.01; Size = 100; Radius = 5000; Group = "Engine"; }


The values we are interested in are the 'Inside =' 'Outside =' and 'Radius ='


Values with: Radius = 5000; (or Radius = 3000 - anything over 1000) Inside = 180; Outside = 180 - are the ones we are especially interested in. You can experiment with them if you wish, but as a quick test I did this:


5. In the notepad menu with the sound.cfg file open in notepad, choose 'Edit' then 'Replace'. In the 'Find What' line put 180, in the 'Replace with' line put 10 - now click on 'Replace all'


6. Next were going to do the same thing with the values of 3000 and 5000. In the notepad menu with the sound.cfg file open in notepad, choose 'Edit' then 'Replace'. In the 'Find What' line put 3000, in the 'Replace with' line put 1000 - now click on 'Replace all' - repeat the same thing but use 5000 in the 'Find what' line and keeping 1000 in the 'Replace with' line.


7. now save the file by choosing from the notepad menu 'File' then 'Save' - then close notepad.


What you will get is no more sounds in the cockpit from wind, engines, missile launches, explosions, etc. You will still get cockpit warnings but will not get the shoot cue tone for the Aim-9.


With all graphic settings on high, except for scenes set to medium, doing this bought my frame rates from mid to low teens to 90 FPS peak and on some maps to 120 FPS peaks! There were dips into the 40's at times, but the overall average seems to be around 70 to 80 FPS with and occaisional dip into the high 30's.


Play with the sounds some, with the values, and reach a happy medium you can live with.


If anyone wants them I have screen shots where I was experimenting with various configurations which show the frame rates.


BTW my video card is an ATI Radeon 9800 Pro using the 4.6 cat drivers, and the sound is Creative Audigy 2 ZS



2xAA and 2xAF






start_position = {-61, 1.2, -70};

start_position = {-180, 10.2, 630};

start_position = {-153.5, 0.1, 438};

start_position = {-60, 0.2, -60};

start_position = {0, 0.2, 0};



Renderer = "DXRenderer.dll";

Plugin1 = "MitkaGraphics.dll";

Plugin4 = "Weather.dll";

GrEffects = "Effects.dll";




resolution = {1024, 768};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.333333373;



resolution = {1024, 768};

bpp = 32;

fullscreen = 1;




resolution = {1280, 1024};

bpp = 16;

fullscreen = 1;

aspect = 1.333333373;





file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mfd.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\map.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\infrared.lma";



file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landGf2.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf2.lma";




file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landGf2.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf2.lma";




file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landGf3.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf3.lma";




file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\landE3Gf2.lma";

file = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\mirrorGf2.lma";





around_camera = 100000;

around_objects = 10000;

around_types = {"world", "point"};

preload_types = {"map"};




path = ".\\Bazar\\TempTextures\\";

path = ".\\Bazar\\Effects\\WaterNormals\\";

path = ".\\Bazar\\TestTextures\\";


ModelDescriptions = ".\\Bazar\\ModelLOD.txt";



path = ".\\Bazar\\World\\Shapes\\";

path = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Structures\\High\\";




current = "Low";



near_clip = 4;

far_clip = 40000;

structures = {30, 20000};

trees = {1, 1};

dynamic = {100, 40000};

objects = {1000, 40000};

mirage = {100, 10000};

surface = {1000, 40000};

lights = {50, 10000};

lod = 0.7;




near_clip = 0.2;

middle_clip = 4;

far_clip = 80000;

structures = {40, 5000};

trees = {10, 10};

dynamic = {300, 20000};

objects = {3000, 50000};

mirage = {3000, 15000};

surface = {14000, 80000};

lights = {100, 30000};

lod = 1.;




near_clip = 0.2;

middle_clip = 4;

far_clip = 80000;

structures = {200, 10000};

trees = {200000, 20000};

dynamic = {300, 20000};

objects = {5000, 80000};

mirage = {5000, 20000};

surface = {20000, 80000};

lights = {200, 80000};

lod = 1.5;



ShadowLevel = 0;

LightsLevel = 0;

MirrorsLevel = 0;

TextureLevel = 0;

WaterQuality = 0;

FogQuality = 0;

SceneFile = "High";



highFolder = ".\\Bazar\\TempTextures\\";

Collection1 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesBMP.cdds";

Collection1 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesTGA.cdds";

summer = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesSumBMP.cdds";

summer = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesSumTGA.cdds";

winter = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesWinBMP.cdds";

winter = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\LandTexturesWinTGA.cdds";

Collection2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\MapTexturesBMP.cdds";

Collection3 = ".\\Bazar\\Effects\\EffectTexturesTGA.cdds";

Collection4 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesTGA.cdds";

Collection5 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesBMP.cdds";

Collection11 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesBMP1.cdds";

Collection6 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\ShipTexturesBMP.cdds";

Collection7 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\ShipTexturesTGA.cdds";

Collection8 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\CockpitsTexturesBMP.cdds";

Collection9 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\CockpitsTexturesTGA.cdds";

Collection10 = ".\\Bazar\\Effects\\effects.cdds";

Collection12 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\Cockpit-SU39-TexturesBMP.cdds";

Collection13 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\Cockpit-SU39-TexturesTGA.cdds";

Collection14 = ".\\Bazar\\World\\WorldTexturesTGA1.cdds";


bSummer = 1;



Folder = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\";

Parser = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\RenderStateParser.cfg";

DefaultRsFile = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\default.rsbin";




GF3 = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\materials.lma";

GF3 = ".\\materials_TT.lma";

GF2 = ".\\Bazar\\Graphics\\Materials\\materialsE3GF2.lma";


landfile2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Surface\\High\\land.lsa2";

BinScene = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Scenes\\medium.scn";



road = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Roads\\roads.rn2";

road = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Roads\\rails.rn2";




file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_VPP.sup";

file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Coastline.sup";

file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Crim.sup";

file3 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Cauc_East.sup";

file3 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Cauc_North.sup";

file3 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Cauc_West.sup";

file2 = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Onlay\\High\\Onlay_Mount_Borders.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_buildings.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_lep.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_rivers.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\land_map_L0.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\land_map_L2.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_crim.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_cauc.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_crim_en.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_cauc_en.sup";




map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_crim_ru.sup";

map = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Map\\map_towns_names_cauc_ru.sup";






L01 = 8000;

L12 = 15000;




L01 = 8000;

L12 = 15000;




L01 = 8000;

L12 = 8000;

L23 = 8000;

L34 = 8000;

L45 = 8000;




L01 = 8000;

L12 = 8000;

L23 = 8000;

L34 = 8000;

L45 = 8000;




L01 = 8000;

L12 = 8000;

L23 = 8000;

L34 = 8000;

L45 = 8000;




L01 = 8000;

L12 = 8000;





lmf = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Structures\\model.lm";

lmf = ".\\Bazar\\Terrain\\Structures\\land_offside_model.lm";


LandTextureLighting = 0;

LandSunFactor = 0.1;



perSquare = 5;

perSquare2 = 150;

front = 1000;

back = 10000;

top = 2500;

map_high = 20000;

bottom = 2000;

noisemax = 0.6;

noisemin = 0.1;




min = 2095;

max = 2505;


ScreenshotQuality = 90;

ScreenshotExt = "jpg";

EffectOptions = 0;

Exhaust = 0;

ShadowDensity = 0.1;

PilotName = "No";

FogParam1 = 12;

FogParam2 = 1.1;

ObjectFogMultiplier = 0.1;

CivilianRoutes = ".\\Bazar\\Routes\\";

PilotNames = 0;






If you don't want to reduce the viewing distance and level of detail (LOD) to much there is not much to do to keep the FPS up to a resonable level over large cities if you have a medium computer system, BUT you can do this:


Let say you fly over a city like SEVASTOPOL you may experience a large FPS drop. To fix this you can "thin out" the city a bit by MOVING some of the "CMD" files in "BAZAR\TERRAIN\STRUCTURES\HIGH" directory to another directory to keep safe. Let say you make a directory called "BAZAR\TERRAIN\STRUCTURES\HIGHBAK" and put them there. It's just to pick and choose what you don't need of eyecandy. An easy tweak only problem is to find which filnames correspond to what you want to remove, but you won't get a CTD or something if you MOVE away anything from this directory. Helped me alot on my medium system.










Wow! Finally you got maximum freedom of head movement!


Edit this file.



Try these numbers.


HAngleMaxDefault = 180.0

VAngleMinDefault = -90.0

VAngleMaxDefault = 115.0

HAngleMaxSu25 = 180.0

VAngleMinSu25 = -90.0

VAngleMaxSu25 = 115.0

HAngleMaxF15 = 180.0

VAngleMinF15 = -90.0

VAngleMaxF15 = 115.0


HAngleMAX is horizontal angle of freedom.

VAngleMin is downward angle of freedom.

VAngleMax is upward angle of freedom.


You can check six without new F4 view.




I tweaked those parameters a little further.


Now you don't see "open belly" of the pilot nor broken headrest.


A-10,MiG-29,Su-27 and Su-33. They are using same parameters.

So you want to choose one of these two.


For A-10 pilot;


HAngleMaxDefault = 180.0

VAngleMinDefault = -72.5

VAngleMaxDefault = 115.0


Extended 50 degree horizontally and 7 degree downward.

There is a big headrest prevent you from seeing engines and tail fins.

But you can see 6 o'clock high clearly now.

And you can check chaff and flare counters on the right console much easier.



For MiG-29,Su-27 and Su-33 pilot;


HAngleMaxDefault = 145.0

VAngleMinDefault = -65.5

VAngleMaxDefault = 115.0


Extended 15 degree horizontally.

You can see your 5 and 7 o'clock better.





Su-25 has own parameters.


HAngleMaxSu25 = 139.0

VAngleMinSu25 = -69.0

VAngleMaxSu25 = 115.0


Extended 44 degree horizontally and 4 degree downward.

Not much improvement in situation awareness because of the ristrected view by window frames.



F-15 has own parameters, too.


HAngleMaxF15 = 180.0

VAngleMinF15 = -65.5

VAngleMaxF15 = 115.0


Extended 45 degree horizontally.

Great improvement in situation awareness.

You can see your 6 o'clock very clearly.

Take off and look back! You see the runway you just departed from.


You gotta try!



Try this - best possible views from every plane without missing textures/graphics


HAngleMaxDefault = 135.0

VAngleMinDefault = -65.0

VAngleMaxDefault = 105.0

HAngleMaxSu25 = 140.0

VAngleMinSu25 = -65.0

VAngleMaxSu25 = 105.0

HAngleMaxF15 = 160.0

VAngleMinF15 = -65.0

VAngleMaxF15 = 105.0




Open cockpit.lua file in C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Config\View


Change the following values:


HAngleMaxDefault = 180.0

VAngleMinDefault = -90.0

VAngleMaxDefault = 115.0

HAngleMaxSu25 = 180.0

VAngleMinSu25 = -90.0

VAngleMaxSu25 = 115.0

HAngleMaxF15 = 180.0

VAngleMinF15 = -90.0

VAngleMaxF15 = 115.0


HAngleMAX is horizontal angle of freedom.

VAngleMin is downward angle of freedom.

VAngleMax is upward angle of freedom."



You mean to do this?


Go to cockpit.lua (in config\view folder)and enter these values


HAngleMaxDefault = 135.0

VAngleMinDefault = -65.0

VAngleMaxDefault = 115.0

HAngleMaxSu25 = 140.0

VAngleMinSu25 = -65.0

VAngleMaxSu25 = 80.0

HAngleMaxF15 = 160.0

VAngleMinF15 = -65.0

VAngleMaxF15 = 115.0


These are not the 180 degree views, but they are the non buggy settings (ie no missing tecture and pilots with no belly)









fichier MEinit.xml


Ajouté pour Mi-26, UH-60A, CH-53E, CH-47D



<Category CLSID="{05708AED-329E-41c3-9C51-9CCE4AA09380}">Carrier</Category>



<Category CLSID="{05708AED-329E-41c3-9C51-9CCE4AA09380}">Carrier</Category>



Ajouté pour Ka-50, Ka-52, Mi-24W, Mi-8MT, SH-3W, AH-64, AH-64D, A-H1,



<Category CLSID="{05708AED-329E-41c3-9C51-9CCE4AA09380}">Carrier</Category>

<Category CLSID="{62BA70C0-33E4-4cdb-89D8-9AB1D30ABF5D}">HelicopterCarrier</Category>



<Category CLSID="{05708AED-329E-41c3-9C51-9CCE4AA09380}">Carrier</Category>

<Category CLSID="{62BA70C0-33E4-4cdb-89D8-9AB1D30ABF5D}">HelicopterCarrier</Category>






Since I started hosting Lockon, both before and after the 1.02 patch I have not been able to keep the hosted server running for more than a couple of hours at a time. It soon became pretty clear that whenever anyone with a ping above 400 would join the server, it would usually crash within 3 minutes!


Also, some modemers may have also noticed that their ping may be below 400 initially, but then climb as more people join the server, at which time that modemer becomes a server killer. You can always tell when a server killer has joined because everyones FPS will drop to single digits simultaneously - server crash imminent at that point.



Find the file in your Lockon install directory under config\network\config.lua. In this file you wee the following:


maxPacketSize = 500;


The value will be 500 though I think it changes to 1000 if you select LAN as your connect method, which you should never do, even if you are on a LAN! I initially changed this value to 1400 but got a few complaints of warping and right now I have it set to 1000 and so far, no high pinger has been able to bring the server down anymore.


Before the change, any +400 would crash the server, even if there were only 3 players. After the change, I watched as a 450 pinger, a 600+ and a 2000 ping modemboy brough everyone on the servers' FPS to single digits. They all left except a couple and the server stayed up!


By the way, I have nothing against modemers and welcome them to my server. They do need to realize the limitations of their hardware in certain conditions though and know that their ping will rise dramatically when they join larger servers, or servers where the ping is already at borderline acceptable.


The above may not be 100% since I have not found the optimum value of maxPacketSize that offers the lowest warp but the highest stability for my line, and your results may vary but this is certainly better than babysitting the server and resetting it all the time.


Good Luck!








You can get more detailed map (AWACS view) by simple text editing.


Here is a sample picture.




To do this, open \Config\graphics.cfg (You can use Windows' Notepad.)


Go to the section "LandLodDistances".


Change the values as follows. (My recommendation)




L01 = 50000;

L12 = 120000;

L23 = 200000;

L34 = 300000;

L45 = 400000;




L01 = 50000;

L12 = 120000;

L23 = 200000;

L34 = 300000;

L45 = 400000;




L01 = 50000;

L12 = 120000;

L23 = 200000;

L34 = 300000;

L45 = 400000;



That's it.

Open the mission editor or hit F10 in flight.

You'll see.


There is one side effect, though.

You expect more stuttering when you see the map because it handles much larger data now.



I explaine further for those who want to know more.


The map has several detail levels and changes from one to another by how far you are from the ground (= how much you zoom out).

The parameters shown above determine the distances where those changes happen.

"Map" is for the basic map information.

"MapAlt" is for the colored contours which can be seen when "ALTITUDE MAP" is on.

"MapTex" is for the fully textured "SATELLITE" map.

Here is the list of the changes each parameter make.




L01 = Small Towns + Buildings

L12 = Towns + Roads + Powerlines + Large Buildings

L23 = River Branches

L34 = Cities + Main Roads + Railways

L45 = No effect




L01 = No effect

L12 = Detail changes

L23 = No effect

L34 = No effect

L45 = No effect




L01 = Detail changes

L12 = Detail changes

L23 = No effect

L34 = No effect

L45 = No effect


(Based on my research. Not official.)


Smaller those values set, further you zoom in to see same details (less information).


That's all I know.


Best regards.


But in case anybody doesn't like this, I write down the original setteing.




L01 = 16000;

L12 = 50000;

L23 = 100000;

L34 = 200000;

L45 = 400000;




L01 = 16000;

L12 = 50000;

L23 = 100000;

L34 = 200000;

L45 = 400000;




L01 = 16000;

L12 = 50000;

L23 = 100000;

L34 = 200000;

L45 = 400000;










yes, you can change the label colors. Look in C:\Program Files\Ubisoft\Eagle Dynamics\Lock On\Config\View\labels.lua. Open the file with notepad and at the bottom of the file you will see this:


-- Colors in format {red, green, blue}, volume from 0 up to 255


ColorAliesSide = {200, 0, 0}

ColorEnemiesSide = {0, 0, 200}


You can get the color values you need by opening up paint in windows and choosing a custom color and on the bottom of the custom color screen in paint you will see the values for Red Green Blue. Just select th color you want and put the values in the labels.lua file.






I play on a flat panel monitor and can only reach 1280x768. So I am a weanie that tends to use labels particularly for A/G.


One of the problems is that the 3 lines of text tend to overlap multiple ground objects.


You can change this in the \config\view\labels lua by eliminating what you don't think you need:


Before = LabelFormat = "%N%n%D%n%p"


After = LabelFormat = "%N%n"


The difference here is that there is only 1 line of text identifying object.


That's the main problem with labels to begin with IMHO. The overlapping kind of makes it useless, especially in the ATG role.


My labels' setup is:

LabelFormat = "%^%n%N"


I use the "^" to clearly mark where the ground/air object is located. Then, I have the name placed next to it, so, if you see an armored column rolling down a road, a "^" will indicate where the vehicle is and the name will be slighly off to the right of the mark.


Hope the tip helps.




hey MaddogMcQ!


How do I modify the .lua so that only distances show...thx in advance...


BTW...I'm a McQ also...McQuaid



Hi Talley_Ho!


I'm at work right now so I'm not sure this is gonna be 100% accurate...


In the lomac directory, go thru the various sub-directories until you find the LUA files and in particular, the one called "Labels" (do a search).


Open the label file with NotePad and scroll down to the bottom where you'll find the Label Config string (its the one without any "--" characters before it.


Edit it so that it just has the "%D" and bingo! Makes everything much more fun (and more difficult).


Good luck!





















First of all respect to [moose]huBBa who originally posted this, I copied,edited and saved it for myself a few months ago, I'll post it edited some more as I didn't make myself clear enough in my last post.


To enable the use of your own custom snapviews you need to do a little cfg hacking. Go to the Config\View\view.cfg file and make sure the UseDefaultSnapViews equals 0. This means it will look for a file called LookJump.xml in the same dir to define what snapviews you will be using.

This might be why you have had no success so far.


The next thing you need to do is make sure the LookJump.xml (and of course view.cfg) is not write protected. As they are coming off the CD installation chances are good that they are when you install the program. So just right click, select properties, and click off the write protection. Otherwise it wont save anything.


Hack the LookJump.XML file (and it is actually not too hard) here is how it works. The LookJump.xml file is a normal textfile so open it up in wordpad or notepad. Lets look at what we see here.


The first part (Su-27,A10A, etc) is what unit this is defined for. Lo-Mac lets us have different snapviews for different units which really lets us fine-tune the handling of this.


Next is the key index. This is simply the numeric or KeyPad key that corresponds to the snapview. Numeric key 4 = index 4, numeric key 9 = index 9 and so on. Nothing fancy =). By numeric or KeyPad, I mean of course the block of keys on right hand side of your keyboard.


Next we have the hAngle which stands for horizontal angle. This is basically the heading. 0 is straight forward, 90 is straight to your right and -90 is straight to your left.


Then we have the vAngle which is the vertical angle or the tilt. Here 0 is totally level and -45 would be looking at the stick and 90 would be straight up. 2 is a good "straight on" view since it will be slightly elevated over the console.


Finally we have the hViewAngle which is the field of view (FOV) or zoom of that particular snapviews. Snapviews are not subject to zoom controls but they have a fixed zoom. This is basically how narrow your field of view is which is actually what the zoom controls affect. 120 is quite wide (maximum field of view in the standard cockpit) and 30 would be a closeup. 15 would be a Waynes World style EXTREME CLOSEUP!! which is what we want on the Maverick TV screen.


When we have declared our snapviews we come to the important part: How do we use them in the game?


To activate snapviews you use CTRL/KEYPAD 0. This will let you then press the corresponding KP key to lock to that snap view. To disable snapviews just press CTRL/KEYPAD 0 again and you are back to normal viewing with the KP keys.

Personally, I usually dont use the activate/deactivate method, since I also use the KP keys to move the (non-snap)viewpoint in the game. I can use snapviews when I want to by pressing KP0 together with the KP key (eg 6) I want.

The snapview is held for only as long as I hold the keys. This helps stop me keeping my head down inside the cockpit, I'd be looking at my snap view for too long and would crash/get shot down.


Hope this helps and you have success....







This is how I currently work to produce a movie, there might be some good here that

you like to pick up:


1) Record a trackfile, make sure you have

labels turned off, I don't think labels

are pretty in a movie. I also record

at LOW graphics so that the system have time

to fill the trackfile with data.


2) Look through the trackfile and decide on

camera angels. How you are going to tell the



3) Video edit the single recorded trackfile multiple times.


3a) For each take I use Ctrl+A to warp to just before the point where I want to record AVI.


3b) Hit Shft+A, to stop time acceleration.

3c) Hit F2 to go to external

3d) And 'S' for pause, then ***write down

the time***

3e) Hit 'S' and let 0.25 - 1 second pass then 'S' again

3f) Reset zoom levels, hit 'Ctrl+KP-Enter'

3g) Do 3e again.

3h) Hit 'F1' and 'KP-5' to make sure internal view is forward.

3i) Do 3e again.


Now you have made sure zoom levels are OK and that the cockpit view is forward. Each 3e u make is to make sure u don't enter too many edits but that they are spread out over time in the trackfile.


3j) Do whatever with the camera that you had planned for this take.

3k) let the trackfile run, and then hit escape when u have recorded enough.


4) You will now have a series of trackfiles and notes about starting time.


T001 0:33

T002 1:12

T003 2:16


etc etc


5) At this point I go to the videocard setup and turn all the goodies to max. Then into LockOn and turn everything to max.


6) Record each trackfile into:






etc etc. There will be no mistakes by the AVI

recording tool. Everything will be recorded

perfectly. If anything goes wrong, well, it was

just 10 minutes of rendering work that went

wrong, not a whole nights work.

Go back and fix the particular video edited trackfile.


I use 'huffyyuv' codec for AVI recording this.

And I record at 25FPS and 1280x960 which is 4:3 aspect ratio and is necessary to be able to produce

HDTV quality.


7) Now I hope you have the freeware tool 'VirtualDub' installed. Very powerful tool

and easy to use. For each AVI file recorded:


7a) Open the file.

7b) Cut away the beginning containing the LockOn camera "reset commands" you entered and enything else you don't like about the beginning

of that clip.

7c) Cut away anything about the end that you don't need.

7d) Save uncompressed AVI as raw RGB in another



7x) Optional. I want to turn my movies into

16:9 aspect ratio. 4:3 * 4 = 16:12 aspect ratio the movie clip is in now, so the height of the movie screen should be ( 9 / 12 ) * 960 = 720.

1280x720 is HDTV format. 960 - 720 = 240 / 2 = 120. So, 120 pixels need to be cropped off the top and bottom of the screen.


This is easy in VirtualDub. Go to "Video->Filter + Add", select the "nulltransform" filter towards the end of the list and click OK.

Then when that menu closes and you are back to the list of filters you have activated, look towards the lower right corner and push the button "Cropping". In the new popup enter the value "120" for Y1 and Y2 and then press OK.

That menu will dissapear, press OK again and we are back to VirtualDub. Now we save the file and

120 pixels will be cropped off the top and bottom of each frame.


8) Optional, if you want to manipulate the

audio you can do that now.


8a) Open your saved raw RGB files and in VirtualDub's file menu select "Save Wav".

You now have an audio file that spans the exact

length of that video clip. I use 'W' prefix for

the audio files.







You can now beef up the AB sound or add pilot breathing etc etc or any other boom boom effect or just the chirps of birds if that take is from the ground or the sound of tank or infantry battle. The sound in LockOn is still weak and just you wait and see what happens to your movie when the audio is beefed up. You are almost going to start belive what u see on screen.


I use Creatives Wav Studio that came with the card. That is sufficient for simple paste of some extra sound effects. And when saveing the

files I use 'E' suffix like:






8b) When u create the DivX file, under "Audio" in VirtualDub, select "Wav file" as source, instead of "Source Audio", and point out

your improved 'WxxxE.wav' audio file.




8c) The fun part, go and activate "audio compression" and select "MP3" at a sufficiently high bit rate or lower if you wish. You can shave of tenths of MB from the AVI file if you

make sure the audio channel inside the AVI is

MP3 encoded and not WAV encoded.



9) Generate DivX file. Select raw RGB file and open it.


9a) Set "Video->Compression" to "DivX". Observe that you can CONFIGURE the DivX codec in

VirtualDub, I have done so, and currently is running the DivX codec with maximum bit rate of

4 Mbps. So it look really razor sharp.


*** Though I am going to check how it looks at 2 Mbps or 1Mbps cause the question is if it is worth the price in megabytes. ***


9b) Set "Audio->Compression" to "MP3" and configure the MP3 encoder. Or why not use some

other audio encoder you like that Windows Media PLayer understands (( I think the requirement

is that Windows Media Player can play the AVI file ))


9c) Select "File->Save as AVI" and save the clip

once again, now in DivX format, this process is rather quick on my machine, 1 second takes two seconds to encode. I add an 'X' to the filename of each take to indicate it is now in DivX format, so I end up with:









Start a fresh VirtualDub,


10a) Select "Video->Direct Stream Copy"

10b) Select "Audio->Direct Stream Copy"

10c) Select "Audio->Source Audio"

10d) Open the first Video Clip.

10e) Repeatedly select "File->Append AVI Segement", and select next file and then the next and the next etc etc.

10f) Then Select "File->Save as AVI" and save the complete concatenated crystal clear super HDTV movie". When VirtualDub works this way it is not thinking at all just shuffling data so

producing the concatenated file is just as fast as copying any file.




12) Anything u didn't like?? Now look above,

you have tons of options kid!


You have







Is it audio you want to fix, or is it video. Or do you need to go back and remake a video edited trackfile, record AVI etc, i.e. the whole production process for a single clip.

What ever u want to do you can do.


You don't have to live with, "Oh, my movie didn't turn out that well".


Also, Everybody that uses the same FPS and Bitrate and DivX format can exchange DivX files

and concatenate them easily into a much larger

movie. If we are going to cooperate the biggest question mark for me is which DivX bit rate we should use as standard and which audio encoder to use.



This is how I do it at the moment and I find that when making a movie progress is steady and the setbacks when something goes wrong is not severe, and I am using mostly freeware.


* Huffyyuv codec (free)

* VirtualDub (free)

* DivX 5 codec (free)

* MP3 codec (probably supplied by windows

or get bladeEnc or something else

I have no advice here)

* WavStudio (came with my audio card)



The result is really high quality movies in DivX that is in external views hard to tell from actual gameplay, in cockpit is different,

In the F15 cockpit the lines on radar scope and HUD are too fine and will be hard for DivX to

reproduce correctly, they don't dissapear but

will glitter and or loose the green color and

turn into a grey line in one frame and the correct green in next frame and so on. But the

rest of the cockpit looks just perfect.


And also, when you make your videos, I think you

should zoom in close, keep the camera steady and

don't pan around except if in F3 or any other view where you are locked on an aircraft.

Otherwise use fixed steady cameras, I believe

this might help the DivX encoder to do it's job

and succeed in compressing even harder.


OK, I hope this will help anyone who have something they really like to record and save

for all time on a CD to have long after LockOn

CD is scratched or unplayable for some reason.





If you want more natural lighting and cleaner sharper shadow effects then edit these parameters within the Graphics.cfg file to these settings:


LandSunFactor = 0.8; (Standard is 0.7)


ShadowDensity = 0.75; (Standard is 0.6)



1. open the file /config/graphics.cfg in your lock on installation dir with notepad or wordpad or any other text editor.


2. search for the word LandSunFactor

You should find a line loke this:


LandSunFactor = 0.7;


Change the 7 to an 8 so it looks like this.


LandSunFactor = 0.8;


3. Now search for ShadowDensity and change the


ShadowDensity = 0.6;




ShadowDensity = 0.7;


4. save the file.



By the way people, one of the best ways to make sure your graphics do not become glitchy during changing lighting conditions (such as flying during lighting changes at dusk and dawn, or during thunder storms and explosion flashes etc.), is to make sure your Graphics.cfg file's "LandDay" amd "LandNight" distance values are identical to each other.


This is what I use and it looks good and gives much better frames than the standard setting;






L01 = 10000;

L12 = 20000;




L01 = 10000;

L12 = 20000;


(the above LOD values are just examples)




If you want more natural lighting and cleaner sharper shadow effects like this, then edit these parameters within your Lock On Graphics.cfg file:


LandSunFactor = 0.85; (Standard is 0.7)


ShadowDensity = 0.75; (Standard is 0.6)




These are the other Graphics.cfg settings used in making the images above;






near_clip = 0.25;

middle_clip = 5;

far_clip = 80000;

structures = {75, 5000};

trees = {100000, 5000};

dynamic = {300, 20000};

objects = {5000, 80000};

mirage = {5000, 20000};

surface = {20000, 80000};

lights = {200, 80000};

lod = 2.5;










L01 = 12500;

L12 = 30000;




L01 = 12500;

L12 = 30000;












HAZE = Advanced






COLOR = 16 Bit

RESOLUTION = 1260 x 1024 @ 6xAA & 4xAF in performance mode


Sapphire ATi Radeon 9800 XT 256MB

Catalyst 4.6 driver



"Performance" setting @ 1280*1024


These are all made with my routine settings and frames in the daytime images are about 30-32 fps and the overcast are in the 21-22 fps region.


finiteless - it's bigger than you think






Hi, Swiych.


There are other parameters in graphics.cfg.

L01s of LandDay and LandNight are the distances for drawing basic ground objects (roads, railways, piers etc.)

See below.




LandDay <--Daytime


L01 = 10000; <--Roads,Railways,Piers

L12 = 40000; <--Detailed Ground Surface


LandNight <--Nighttime


L01 = 8000; <--Roads,Railways,Piers

L12 = 15000; <--Detailed Ground Surface


I set L01 = 15000 and don't see road popups.

I also set L12 = 30000 for FPS increase.


Try and find your setting!



from Japan






Hi. This is my first post. I was a Read-Only person till now.

(And I am Japanese so that my English could be broken, sorry.)

Yes, I know the solution.

You want to edit "graphics.cfg" in sub-directory LockOn\Config\.

You can not use LoMan to edit it because you apply the value beyond the range limititation of LoMan.

You use text-editor like Memopad.


Open "graphics.cfg", and find the line "Camera".

Then go down to the line correspond to your VISIB RNG setting in in-game option.(Low, Medium, High or Custom)

And go down little further to the line "lod = #.#;" .

("lod" is "Level Of Detail", I guess.)

You want to change the value.

Higher the value is, more farther away the pop-ups happen.


Try 5 or higher, you barely see those pop-ups.

But be careful! It increase the detail to render drastically and slow down your FPS.


If you use very slow machine, try very small value like 0.1 .

The pop-ups happen so near, you do not notice.

And it increases your FPS!

But you will see some structures in very poor detail. I saw the house without side-walls but a roof.


Do not use zero. It messes up your graphics.


I do not know the highest value. It could be 10, I guess.


Because the value changes your FPS, you might want to change another parameter to compensate.


That is the line "structures = {####, ####}" .

The first value is "Near Fade-in Distance" and the second value is "Far Fade-in Distance".

The unit is meter.

The structures fade in between the first and the second value.

The structures in higher priority fade in around the second value and the ones in lesser priority (i.e. cars in airfields) fade in around the first value.

I recommend decreasing the second value, If you increase the lod value.


I am using a moderate machine and I personally use following values.


structures = {200, 3500};

lod = 2.5;

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Thanks to all the guys that tested/created this adjustements!!! this thread really helped me a lot, and that Loman is a great piece of software!! :D . I was about to archive Lock On on where CFS3 is...





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/JAZZMAN :cray:

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I have problem with 1.02 patch!!! Affter I instaled patch I find out some problems such as: When I cross 8000m my plane sometimes goes to uncontroled loop, number of flares/chaffs is redused, and what especialy pissing me of is MiG 29, Su 27 and Su 33 gunsight which is maneuvering only verticaly unlike in 1.01 ver. where gunsight is maneuvering precisly in all directions! PLEASE HELP ME! :bye:

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