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Guest Raden

To Wrench or Senor Aircraft Mod-Orator Types

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Guest Raden

 Sorry all, I made a slight error, hitting reply button instead. So, the post double.  I shall soon delete the first one.

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Guest Raden

Wrench, sorry about ur crashing machine.


Btw, here in Jakarta (www.bhineka.com) r many new laptops/notebooks (I hate stand-alone desktop as they consume lots of wattage.) with various choices of HDD capacities. Latest one being the ACER with DDR3, Core17 processor, 640 (?) GB HDD, and if I am correct with a max of 8GB Graphic Mem, with a standard of NVIDEA (?) not ATI of 1K GB (?). 


Why I touch on this first? 


Now I learn, if I next buy a new Notebook, I shall not buy one with beyond 500GB HDD.


Reason: currently there r only a max of 1TB external HDD available (not so expensive, check it out), which, to me a good one only if I ever use a laptop with LESS than 1TB HDD.


What if the laptop's hdd crashes in a 1TB HDD machine? I would used up all the space of the 1TB External HDD then, no more room for other essential files. Hence, I shall buy either the machines with a max of 320 or 500GB HDD.


Now, the main issue:


I have DL-ed some Mirrage, i.e., the Mirage200C (EAF and Taiwan), and the latest one being the South American nation's Mirage2000N. But I assigned it as an IAF Mirage, with its original skin (kindly see the attachment, also of the French and Tawanese Mirage200C.


I found that only the M-2000N sustains quick AirSpeed bleeding when it turned sharp in low speeds or below 400km/hour. Recovery was slow that twice I just crashed when flying a Single Intercept MSN, abd I was at very low alt below 300m AGL. So did my WingMan. Same thing happened with most of the IAF Kfir.


Which part the lines in the plane's data ini I can possibly tweak in order to correct the air-speed bleeding?


I suspect that its L/R front canards were responsible for the fast air-speed bleeding? Or maybe the jet's weight?


Thanks for ur reply Kevin and others. Awaiting ur reply.


Meanwhile, following r some screenies of the twoe diff Mirages.:))




That did noth happen with the EAF and Taiwanese M-2000C.












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Delta winged aircraft bleed speed in high speed turns according to all accounts I have read in books, magazines and on here. In a high angle of attack state, a delta wing is essentially a gigantic air break, hence why the mirages have always been high speed, mostly straight line, bombers or interceptors and never pure fighters.

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Could you at least try and spell my name right?


Also, I know diddly squat about FM (except for very basic data), so asking me about that is an echo in an empty room



kevin stein

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Guest Raden

Could you  at least try and spell my name right?


Also, I know diddly squat about FM (except for very basic data), so asking me about that is an echo in an empty room



kevin stein


My apology W-R-E-N-C-H for a slight mispell of ur name :grin:, and thaks for ur time no FM guru eh? hehehe...Also to GqynO, thanks for ur feedback. Yeah, I suspected so. Now I know the trick when flying the Delta wing Kfir and Mirage.



But, wonder why all my MiG-21s flew O.K. low- and hi-speed. Yet, the legendary MiG-17s being the most agile ones! Even when they were overloaded as Gephard nicely commented over my "Enhanced" MiG-17s -- two IRM/small AHMs or small LGRs were added on L/R front fuselage........



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Raden, if you don't get near filling 1Tb of stuff, don't worry.


Is possible to get low power desktop? Look up the silentPC forums.


~> http://www.silentpcreview.com/


The hobby is (1) quiet computers, as fanless as possible, and (2) low power computers. Low power and quiet go together.



CPU, I use Athalon II X2 at 65 watts, and that's a year old now. New 45 watt models are coming soon, I think.

Video, I have HD 4550 at what, 10 watts lol?

They have "green" hard drives that are a bit slow but...well..."green."

For desktop durability, use 2.5 inch "laptop" drives -- SATA only. I just got a half dozen 2.5" 40GB SATA drives for fairly cheap to use as multiple independent backups for my desktop stuff.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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