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Newbie problems/questions

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I have some minor problems/questions about OFF BHaH:


1. After a QC I often get "Error advancing time" message. If I want to fly a campaign mission after that the same error occurs. I have to shut down and restart the OFF Manager.


2. OFF Manager Workshop if the Campaign Mission frequency is set to low it disappears and I have to set it every time I start the OFF Manager.


3. I’ve been flying a Jasta 1 campaign in late 1915 early 1916 but there have not been any seasonal changes during that time and no sign of snow. Is that as it should?


4. In campaign the briefing says a flyer is wingman but when the mission starts the in game labels says flight leader.


5. Lone Wolf mission. The briefing give a short flying time about 15-20 minutes, but it’s not possible to follow the flight path on the mission map in such short time.


6. Is it possible to set the displayed units somewhere? I have to change it to metric in every mission.


7. Is it possible to get a rear view when using TrackIr2? The rear view is limited compared to the normal in game views when using TrackIr2.


8. Is it possible to enhance the graphic quality in OFF when using a Radeon video card?

I have an ATI Radeon HD 5770 and all settings are at 5 in CFS3 Config. The game looks a bit pixelated IMHO and the colors were rather washed out first, but has improved slightly with the Bloom&HDR dll.

I also get a shimmering in the terrain. I have AA 4x (Edge detect) and AF 8x. The shimmering goes away at higher altitude, about 3000m.





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When I encounter a mission I don't enjoy, such as the Lone Wolf, Scramble, airfield attack. I manually advance past it


Yes I know that but it was not that I didn’t like the lone wolf mission.

I thought it was confusing when the briefing and the flight plan was contradicting.



The only suggestion I can give, is set-up as per the FAQ http://www.overfland...ds.com/Tips.htm


I have tried, but I saw no difference in image quality.



How about:


3. I’ve been flying a Jasta 1 campaign in late 1915 early 1916 but there have not been any seasonal changes during that time and no sign of snow. Is that as it should?


Was there no snow in the winter 1915-1916?


Should I select the seasonal changes manually when flying campaigns?





Edited by vonOben

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My questions were not directed only to you. wink2.gif


I hoped someone here knew if the seasonal changes were loaded automatically when flying a campaign and I also thought the developers dropped in to answer questions.




Edited by vonOben

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Yes I know that but it was not that I didn’t like the lone wolf mission.

I thought it was confusing when the briefing and the flight plan was contradicting.





I have tried, but I saw no difference in image quality.



How about:


3. I’ve been flying a Jasta 1 campaign in late 1915 early 1916 but there have not been any seasonal changes during that time and no sign of snow. Is that as it should?


Was there no snow in the winter 1915-1916?


Should I select the seasonal changes manually when flying campaigns?






in the campaign in historical weather mode every day and period is as it was in real, based on real data of the time. so snow appears, and melts away sometimes, or keeps bitterly cold for months (winter 1916/17 for example). so what you see during the campaign is how it was in real.

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Weather mode was set to "AI Weather Generator", this happens when the Campaign Mission frequency is set to low. It’s not possible to have "Historical Weather mode" and a low campaign frequency setting.


I’m uncertain what the "AI Weather Generator" is and how to use it. The OFF Manager Workshop said to check the readme file, but I couldn’t find any information about the "AI Weather Generator" in the readme file nor in this forum. sad.gif


I changed to "Historical weather mode" and the flights for the next few days were cancelled because of snow. The first day after that when we were allowed to fly again the snow had apparently already melted away, because no visible snow.





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I've found the answer to this problem:


1. After a QC I often get "Error advancing time" message. If I want to fly a campaign mission after that the same error occurs. I have to shut down and restart the OFF Manager.


I found the answer here:



It was the regional & language Options in XP that needed to be changed from comma to point.






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